04-08-2004 VC WS-M_ MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 2004 Present: Donald G. Noel, Mayor Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Vice Mayor Charles R. O'Meilia, President Pro Tem David B. Norris, Councilman Robert F. Rennebaum, Councilman Dennis D. Redmond, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Noel called the meeting to order at 9:12 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Judy Capone of Lighthouse Drive asked if the Village could assist her in placing a mirror at her driveway to enhance visibility of traffic coming over the bridge. Public Safety was directed to advise Mrs. Judy Capone on what measures are available to increase safety when pulling out of her driveway, which is at the bottom of the Lighthouse Drive bridge. COUNCIL COMMENTS Staff was directed to put establishing a Waterway Advisory Board on the next workshop agenda. Brief discussion was held regarding the status of the voluntary annexation on Alternate Al A. It has been reported that the U-Haul property is interested in joining the annexation area, but no further paperwork has been received regarding this matter at this time. POLICE AND FIRE PENSION PLAN AMENDMENT Discussion was held concerning a proposed ordinance amending the Police and Fire Pension Plan by changing normal retirement date form 55 to 52 for 25 years of service; changing the multiplier from 2.5% with 60% maximum to 3% with 80% maximum; adding supplemental benefit of $10 per month per year of service; and raising member contribution rate from 2% to 8%. It was clarified by Finance Director Shaukat Khan that if the amendments are approved during this fiscal year, funding will be necessary during the upcoming fiscal year. The raised contribution rate of 8% would be effective on October 1, 2004, and the Village's funding would not start until October 1, 2005. Bonni Jensen, attorney for the Police and Fire Pension Plan, told the Council that if they want to "phase in" any of the amendments, she will have to take it back to the Board for their direction. The Council also requested ~ .S, Minutes of Reg~ar Session Held Thursday, April 8, 2004 that the actuary for the plan be consulted regarding changing the 2.5 multiplier to an 80% maximum, - and then changing the 2.5 multiplier to a 3% multiplier with an 80% maximum at a later time. It was also clarified that the proposed supplemental benefit of $10 per month per month of service would apply to current retirees as well as all future retirees. These amendments will be brought back for further discussion in the near future. COMPREHENSNE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT - RACHLIN COHEN & HOLTZ Chuck Haas of Rachlin, Cohen & Holtz was present to review the financial highlights for the Year Ended September 30, 2003. Correction was requested on Page IV under the paragraph titled Prosperity Farms Road Task Force, which incorrectly stated the anticipated cost of the construction and design phase to be $500,000 instead of $1,000,000. On the same page under Canal Dredging, it was pointed out that North Palm Beach waterways should say North Palm Beach Waterway. Mr. Haas was asked to make the same audit report to the Country Club Advisory Board. A revised report will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of April 22, 2004. CODE AMENDMENT -SKATEBOARDING Discussion was held concerning amending the Village Code to prohibit skateboarding on Village property. This issue was placed on hold temporarily since Dr. Eissey reported that he will be making a presentation in the near future concerning a skateboard park. The Council by consensus did approve staff moving forward with plans to erect signs on Village property prohibiting skateboarding, since damage to the wall on the front of Village Hall has resulted from skateboarding. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Hal Beard of Public Services gave a report to the Village Council on the Safety Committee meeting. Items 4.d., 4.e., and 4.f. will be addressed at the next Workshop meeting of April 22, 2004, as follows: Bus Shelters Grant Application Volunteer Corps for Disadvantaged Residents Auditing of Insurance Claims ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. ~~ 1 athleen F. Kelly, CMC Village Clerk 2