07-28-2004 VC B WS-MVILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 2004 MINUTES Present: Mayor and Village Council Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Duke Johnson, Director of Public Safety George Warren, Captain Public Safety J.D. Armstrong, Chief Fire Department Jack Watrous, Lt. EMS Department Gordon Wiborg, Captain Public Safety Scott White, IT Coordinator Greg Moore, IS Manager Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m. Council made the changes to the budget per attachment. Village Wide: The following issues were discussed and Staff was directed to follow through with: • Village Manager to provide the list of employees with cell phones and pagers. • IT Staff to produce the report of existing inventory of computers by department including the date of purchase. • Telephone Budget to be reviewed by Greg Moore and Doug Smith, Acting Village Manager and adjust the budget if any. General Services Village Hall Building: • Install a water fountain in the Council Chamber's lobby, using the K account. Public Safety • George Warren to update the organizational chart (page 62). Also to comply with the letter Law Enforcement: from Duke Johnson dated 12/19/2003 regarding the rotation assignment. Council will review the revised organizational chart. • Update the 2004 Anticipated Columns for adjustments to Salary and Performance Raises for all departments. • Discussed the SRT Program. Public Safety Staff to check vacant position and the Kelly Day position salary for 2003-2004 and 2004- Fire Department: 2005. • Department to provide special pay break down by each employee. • Fire Chief Vehicle in the amount of $30,000 to be purchased and financed over 5 years. Public Safety • Department to provide special pay break down by each employee. EMS Department: • EMS Staff to look into gas expenses. Village Council: • Donations budgeted for $1,500 for Project Graduation and $1,500 for Boat Parade. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. -- mac: all Staff present & Assistant Village Manager Minutes by: Shaukat Khan, Director of Finance Attachment Council Budget Workshop Date: 07/28/2004 Budget Changes Department Acct# Title From To Comment General Services Safety Building:A5510 34310 Electric 34,846 43,000 Estimates revised R&M Furniture & Office 34630 Equipment 1,500 2,500 Push button doors 35215 Furniture & Fixtures 1,500 2,740 Law Enforce.: A5711 11400 Overtime 65,000 78,000 11410 Holiday Overtime 40,000 63,695 11530 Holiday Gift 2,625 2,800 34420 Rental-Equipment 6,000 8,000 R&M Machinery & 34650 Equipment 24,000 27,040 34660 R&M P.A. & Comm Sys 9,000 17,000 34992 Appreciation Banq. 0 2,500 34940 License & Fees 17,573 15,073 35296 Ammo & Gun Paris 10,000 13,000 35242 Safety Supplies 10,445 11,045 66490 Machinery & Equip 8,000 21,400 Audio, Visual & Comm 66440 System 0 12,000 Computer Hardware & 66415 Software 2,800 7,000 66410 Automotive 56,000 164,200 Fire Depart: A5812 33421 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 4,800 7,200 66490 Machinery & Equip 1,500 0 66410 Automotive 56,500 86,500 To be financed over 5 EMS Depart: A6416 11510 33421 35111 Special Pay Laundry & Dry Cleaning Computer Supplies 3,480 7,500 3,074 5,400 9,360 1,724 Village Counci1;A4801 33210 Accounting & Audit 29,000 39,000 $10,000for EMI audit of claims ?? Special Events 0 1,500 For hosting FLC luncheon 34010 Travel 6,100 2,350 Budgeted for (2) Councilmen 35430 Conference & Seminars 5,600 1,440 Budgeted for (2) Councilmen 35440 Training & Education 500 0