MAY 26, 2005
Present: Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Mayor
David B. Noms, Vice Mayor
Robert F. Rennebaum, President Pro Tem
Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman
Donald G. Noel, Councilman
Mark Bates, Village Manager
George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk
Mayor Eissey called the meeting to order at 9:42 p.m. All members of Council were present.
All members of staff were present.
Discussion took place concerning a proposed ordinance creating a Planned Unit Development
known as the "Domani Project" located on the east side of U.S. Highway 1, south of PGA
Boulevard and adjacent to the Passionist Monastery. The following changes were made to the
proposed ordinance:
• Caption, delete the phrase "and temporary sales or rental center" after "providing for
approval of signage"
• Section 2.B, replace the word "encroach" with "extend"
• Section 2, delete subsections E., F. and H.
• Section 3, ¶l, delete the phrase "unless extended one (1) year as set forth in this
• Section 3, ¶2, correction, "the Petitioner"
• Section 3, ¶2, and Section 10, third sentence, delete the phrase "and underlying zoning of
R-3, Apartment Dwelling District
• Section 4, add "bulkheads" after waterways
• Section 7, next to last sentence, change "shall" to "may" and add the phrase
"as determined by the Village Engineer" at end of sentence
• Section 10, first sentence, correction "within" and add period after "public hearing"
• Section 11, delete the phrase "and any temporary sales or rental center site"
• Section 19, correction, "Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources
Mana eg ment"
Minutes of Workshop Session
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Discussion ensued concerning plans and specifications to be referenced in Exhibit "B", which
will cite the specific drawings, including number of pages, after approval of final site plan.
The revised P.U.D. ordinance, with modifications shown by underline and strikethrough, along
with any revisions requested by the developer, will be brought back to the next regular meeting.
Discussion took place concerning the south road that runs east to the bulkhead.
Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith reviewed current and proposed Village and employee
contributions toward health and dental premiums for single and family coverage. Discussion
took place concerning various cost sharing percentage options, and comparisons to surrounding
governmental agencies. Discussion was held on the difference in cost between the two types of
health and dental plans being offered to employees and a proposed increase in the employee
contribution, if the higher cost plan is selected, with the increase to be the incremental difference
on single and family coverage. This item will be brought forward to the next regular session.
Mayor Eissey called on Public Safety Director Jimmy Knight to report on sexual offenders and
predators living in the area and to review Public Safety policies and procedures with regard to
public notification. Chief Knight advised that the North Palm Beach Department of Public
Safety website has an interactive map which shows location and information on offenders and/or
predators in and around North Palm Beach. Chief Knight discussed recent legislation concerning
notification requirements and distance restrictions imposed by the Department of Corrections.
The Council discussed the possibility of developing an ordinance imposing specific distance
restrictions within the Village. Chief Knight will confer with the Village Attorney on this issue.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:54 p.m.
~~aQ /~~~~i~~~
Melissa Teal, CMC ~
Village Clerk