_ JUNE 9, 2005
Present: David B. Norris, Vice Mayor
Robert F. Rennebaum, President Pro Tem
Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman
Donald G. Noel, Councilman
Mark Bates, Village Manager
George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk
Absent: Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Mayor
Vice Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 9:12 p.m. All members of Council were
present, except Mayor Eissey, who was out of town. All members of staff were present.
Public Safety Director Jimmy Knight distributed copies of the Hurricane Plan for 2005-2006.
Chief Knight gave a brief presentation on the operational plan for hurricane preparedness.
Discussion took place concerning post-storm supply distribution, public information press
releases and notifications, and generator use. Information on the safe use of generators will be
published in the Village Newsletter. Chief Knight advised that the complete, hour-long
hurricane preparedness training presentation has already been viewed by the department heads,
and four more training sessions will be held so all employees know what is expected of them.
Brief discussion took place concerning Section 8-5, Declaration of a State of Emergency, of the
Code of Ordinances.
Agenda item 2.d was moved forward at this time. Stan Brown of Ambit Marketing was present
to discuss the contract. Village Attorney George Baldwin reviewed his proposed changes to the
contract. Mr. Bates provided clarification on Exhibit B, Budget Estimate and Invoicing.
Mr. Brown agreed to the changes set forth in Mr. Baldwin's letter dated 6/9/05. Discussion took
place concerning Exhibit A, Scope of Services, with regard to review of legal, regulatory,
statutory and administrative issues. Discussion ensued on legal issues with regard to the Hidden
Key and Lost Tree Village area. Discussion was held on Exhibit C, Timeline, concerning the
election date. On page 13, next to last paragraph, it was noted that "Commissioners" should be
"Councilmen." This item will be placed on the next Regular Session agenda.
Minutes of Workshop Session
Thursday, June 9, 2005
- Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith reviewed compensation and benefits plans for Village
employees. Mr. Smith discussed the Administration's recommendation for cost of living and
merit pay adjustments. Discussion took place on competitive pay and salary compression as
addressed by the last salary survey. Brief discussion ensued on software to update salary ranges,
which was a component of the last study. Discussion was held concerning the cost of living
adjustment (COLA). Council consensus was that in prior years it was decided that the COLA
would be determined by the CPI. Mr. Bates discussed a recommended policy change for the
timing of merit pay adjustments. Mr. Smith reported on the budgetary impact of increases in the
pension plans. Mr. Smith gave a brief overview of benefits including life insurance, short term
disability, and long term disability, as well as optional benefit plans, for which employees pay
the premiums. Mr. Smith highlighted recommended changes to compensation and benefit
policies in the Personnel Rules and Regulations. Mr. Smith advised that a comprehensive
document including pay and benefit programs, position changes, and salary ranges will be
brought back for Council consideration at the next Workshop Session. Past practice on COLA
and pay for performance calculations was discussed. Mr. Smith will obtain data on the number
of employees using long term disability and supplemental benefits.
This item was tabled to the next Workshop Session.
Mr. Bates reported that the Domani P.U.D. ordinance will be placed on first reading 6/23/05,
with second reading of the P.U.D. and zoning ordinances planned for 7/14/05.
Brief discussion took place concerning impact fees. Mr. Bates advised that the Village Attorney
and Village Planning Consultant are collaborating on a proposed code change in that regard.
Mr. Bates reported on the budget preparation schedule. Capital items will be discussed at the
next Workshop Session on 6/23/05.
Mr. Bates gave an update on the Public Services Director.
Brief discussion took place on the golf course renovation project.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 p. m.
Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk