AUGUST 17, 2005
Present: Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Mayor
David B. Norris, Vice Mayor
Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman
Robert F. Rennebaum, President Pro Tem
Donald G. Noel, Councilman
Mark Bates, Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk
Mayor Eissey called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. All members of Council were present.
All members of staffwere present, except the Village Attorney.
Discussion took place concerning the pay range for the position of Country Club Director.
Consensus of Council was to approve the Village Manager's recommendation for pay grade 28.
Discussion was held concerning a 3-tier rate system and the level of resident discount. Council
consensus was fora 15% resident discount. Discussion ensued on membership cards backed by
a credit card. Discussion took place regarding the point of sale system. Mr. Bates advised that
funds in the current budget will be used to procure hardware for the point of sale system, and
funds to install the software and provide training will come from the 2005-2006 budget.
Discussion took place regarding transfer of the pool operation from the Country Club Enterprise
Fund to the General Fund. The pool manager position will no longer be a contractor position.
Council consensus was to move the pool operation to the General Fund budget.
Brief discussion ensued on budgeted improvements to the Country Club parking lot.
The meeting recessed at 8:50 p.m. and reconvened at 9:00 p.m.
Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith reviewed the Village's pay plan. Mr. Smith discussed a
comparison of the mid/control point of pay plan benchmark jobs with regard to the Village's
previous pay study and the market average. Discussion was held concerning the cost of living
adjustment (COLA) and the consumer price index (CPI). Mr. Smith reported on the April 2005
CPI for certain indexes used in the past to determine COLA. Council consensus was to use the
All Urban Consumers index and approve a COLA of 3.5%. Brief discussion ensued on the range
for merit pay increases and consensus of Council was to approve a range of 0 - 4 %.
Brief discussion took place concerning budgeting a $100,000 addition to the designated
unappropriated fund balance. Council consensus was to delete this from the proposed budget.
Discussion was held on the increase in insurance costs through the Southeast Risk Management
Association (SERMA). Discussion ensued on the valuation of Village facilities. Mr. Bates
reported that further talks with SERMA will be held.
Mr. Bates briefly discussed seeking grants for capital improvements to the pool, FRDAP grants,
and the impact to the proposed budget.
Discussion took place regarding an increase in Council compensation. Council consensus was to
keep compensation at the present rate.
Mr. Bates recommended the creation of an HR Manager position at pay grade 27, as an
alternative to hiring a new Assistant Village Manager. Mr. Bates estimated that this change
would save $20,000. Brief discussion took place on the position of HR Specialist, and it was
clarified that the proposed salary listed includes the cost of benefits. Discussion ensued on the
practice of budgeting at the mid-point of the salary range for vacant positions. Mr. Bates
discussed the need to have two people working together to perform the HR function, and noted
that the money saved by replacing the Assistant Manager position would be used to help offset
the cost of the HR Specialist position. The Council approved replacing the position of Assistant
Village Manager with an HR Manager and HR Specialist.
The Council agreed to downsize a 3/4 ton truck for Public Services to a 1 /2 ton truck.
Discussion was held on the IT position. Mr. Bates recommended changing the contract position
for IT back to a staffposition. Council consensus was in favor of an in-house IT person.
Discussion took place concerning tying employee evaluations to the anniversary of the hire date.
Mr. Bates requested that his evaluation be done on his anniversary date. Mr. Smith described a
phase-in method for the first year as follows: upon evaluation, an employee would receive a
merit increase from that date forward through the rest of the year, and would receive a lump sum
payment of the evaluation increase which would cover the period from October 1st to the
evaluation date. Mr. Smith recommended that this be effective only for employees who had
been with the Village at least one year as of September 30th. By consensus, the Council
approved evaluating all employees on the anniversary date, using the first-year phase-in method.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
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Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk