JUNE 13, 2006
David B. Norris, Mayor
Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Vice Mayor
William Manuel, President Pro Tem
Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman
Manny Grinn, Councilman
Mark Bates, Village Manager
Melissa Teal, Village Clerk
Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present. All
members of staff were present, except the Village Attorney.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Council suggestions for the proposed budget.
By consensus, the Council approved the following:
• Marine Industries Boat Parade Sponsorship in the amount of $2,500
• Project Graduation donations, $500 each to Palm Beach Gardens High School, Dwyer High
School, Suncoast High School, and Jupiter High School, upon request from the school
• $1,500 to host the Palm Beach County League of Cities general membership meeting
• accelerate the street resurfacing program if funds are available
• budget for a code enforcement officer on the weekend
• budget amount recommended by the Northlake Boulevard Task Force for our participation
• accelerate and expand the sidewalk program
• improve the landscaping of U.S. Highway 1 medians
• develop a beautification plan for Lighthouse Drive
• install new street signs
Discussion took place on updating the 5-10-15 year capital equipment plan. Mr. Bates advised that the
budget reflects capital equipment over a three year span: previous year, current year, and upcoming year.
Discussion ensued on funding asphalt overlay on Monet Road in an estimated amount of $25,000.
Consensus of Council was that Monet Road needs to be included on the list of roads to be resurfaced, in
addition to the planned phases for resurfacing of residential streets, and staff needs to come back with the
list and Council will determine whether to accelerate the road program, as prioritized by staff.
Discussion took place on the employee suggestion program. Mr. Bates has asked HR to develop a
different kind of program in the coming year, as the current program is not functional.
Discussion was held on improving street lighting on Prosperity Farms Road from Pelican Way West to
Monet Road.
The Council discussed adding additional trees on Prosperity Farms Road. Mr. Bates noted that the
Village is to receive a donation to be used for additional landscaping. Council consensus was to discuss
this after the current litigation is resolved, and to address funding after determining the amount of
landscaping that can be done with the donated monies.
Brief discussion took place concerning the Village's participation in the Northlake Boulevard Task Force,
for which last year's contribution was $10,000. The contribution for the coming year has not yet been
Discussion was held on increasing occupational license fees by 5%, which would require an Equity Study
Committee. Discussion ensued on increasing permit fees. Mr. Bates will bring back comparatives in July.
Discussion took place on the Capital Improvements Coordinating Committee.
The Council discussed the index used to determine the cost of living allowance. It was requested that
staff research whether there are federal or state guidelines regarding which index is appropriate.
Brief discussion took place on a new tennis facility, and its addition to the list of possible capital
The Council discussed charging the Country Club for administrative services provided by Finance, Public
"'" Services, the Village Manager, and HR. In determining what would be the appropriate cost allocation, a
suggestion was made to fmd out what an outside firm would charge to provide those services.
Discussion took place on required contributions to the General Employees Pension Board.
Discussion took place on broadcasting Council meetings by cable television and Internet streaming or
videotaping the meetings. Staffwill investigate and report on the cost and feasibility of this project.
Discussion was held concerning a plan for replacement of trees and vegetation lost due to storms.
Discussion took place regarding the use of surplus funds to accelerate programs by using contractors.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
~/ ~~~~
Melissa eal, CMC, Village Clerk