07-24-2006 VC B WS-MMINUTES OF THE BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 24, 2006 Present: ROLL CALL David B. Norris, Mayor Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Vice Mayor William Manuel, President Pro Tem Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman Judy M. Pierman, Councilman Mark Bates, Village Manager Melissa Teal, Village Clerk Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present, except the Village Attorney. CONSENSUS ITEMS Discussion was held on the proposed General Fund Budget for fiscal year 2006-2007, and specific agreement was reached on the following items: • Public Safety Crime Scene Officer • Charge cost of surveillance equipment at Country Club to the Country Club Budget • Change Public Services Dept. to Community Development Dept. and Public Works Dept. • Investigate solid waste assessment fee • Keep title -Assistant Director of Public Works • Overtime pay in Sanitation and Facilities Maintenance budgets to remain at zero • Delete $200,000 in matching funds for FRDAP grant for pool • Allow quarterly payments of Country Club memberships if secured with credit card and charge authorization PUBLIC SAFETY Chief Knight distributed a handout with highlights of the Public Safety proposed budget and a handout with graphs comparing revenue and expenses from 2005-2006 to 2006-2007. Chief Knight reviewed the projected increase in revenue, due in part to fire inspection fees and an EMS grant. Chief Knight discussed operating expenses, and noted increases in utilities, gas and oil, and medical supplies. Chief Knight reported saving approximately $270,000 for vehicles that aren't needed or don't need replacement at this time. Discussion ensued on the updated 5/10/15 year capital equipment plan, which Mr. Bates can provide to the Council. After discussing a suggestion to change the title of Assistant Director of Public Safety to Deputy Director of Public Safety it was determined to keep the title as Assistant. Discussion was held on the addition of positions for a fire inspector and a crime scene officer. The Council was in favor of establishing a position for crime scene officer, who will also serve as evidence custodian. Discussion took place on the capital plan, including the new Child ID Card System. Discussion was held on the purchase of additional surveillance cameras. Council consensus was to charge the Country Club budget for the cost of equipment used at the Country Club. MINUTES OF BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION HELD JULY 24, 2006 PUBLIC WORKS Mr. Bates reviewed highlights of the Public Works capital plan, including the increase in funding for ` street overlays, which will be prioritized by need, and storm water improvements. Mr. Bates advised that the storm water improvements in the Firetree area are not included in the budget, but will probably be brought back as a capital project next year. Mr. Bates discussed increased funding for the sidewalk repair program. Discussion ensued on street lights, with regard to repair of existing lights and installation of additional lights. Mr. Bates and Acting Public Works Manager Wiley Livingston reviewed the concept of a street lighting program in which more decorative poles, mast arms and fixtures would be used. Discussion took place on funds for roadway beautification, which would be used to replace landscaping in the medians, and trees in other areas. Brief discussion ensued on street signs, maintenance of alley fences, and maintenance of walls adjacent to ship's wheel monuments. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mr. Bates recommended separating the Public Works and Building Divisions of the Public Services Department and operating them as two separate areas. Mr. Bates explained that the proposed Community Development Department would handle building, planning, zoning, and redevelopment, while the Public Works Department would handle infrastructure repair and maintenance, and sanitation. Mr. Bates recommended hiring a planner for the Community Development Department. By consensus, the Council agreed to divide the Public Services Department. SANITATION Discussion took place on sanitation costs. Mr. Bates reviewed the option of having all residents pay the same amount for sanitation through the use of a non-ad valorem assessment, which would allow for a lower millage rate. A consensus was reached to investigate this option. It was noted that because the Solid Waste Authority has increased its commercial fees, the Village will need to pass an ordinance raising its rates to cover the cost charged by the SWA. Discussion was held on the proposed experimental "roll-out" program. Mr. Bates explained that the Village will provide the garbage can, Village employees will take the can from beside the homeowner's door and roll it to the truck, which will lift and empty the can, after which the employee will roll the can back to resident's door. Brief discussion was held on the "wash rack" referred to on page 53. Mr. Livingston explained the use of this item, which is not included in the capital equipment plan. Brief discussion took place on repair of Lighthouse Bridge, funding for which is included in the current year's budget. Discussion took place on changing the position title "Assistant Director of Public Works" to "Deputy" Director. Council consensus was to leave it as "Assistant." 2 MINUTES OF BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION HELD JULY 24, 2006 Discussion was held concerning budgeting an amount for overtime pay in Sanitation and Facilities Maintenance. Mr. Bates advised that if overtime is incurred, funds will be available in the salaries line __ item due to position vacancies, as the amount of overtime in a year is not significant. Discussion ensued on budgeting less than the full cost of salaries for all positions in regular pay, and budgeting an amount for overtime pay. Council consensus was to leave the overtime budget at zero. Brief discussion took place on the projected purchase of Sl0 pickup trucks in 2007-2008 and considering the purchase of rebuilt, reconditioned trucks at that time. RECREATION Mr. Bates recommended the creation of a position titled "Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation" which position is currently held by Nancy Hensler as "Recreation Programs Coordinator." Mr. Bates noted that this is changing one position for the other, although "Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation" is at a different, slightly higher pay grade. Mr. Bates noted the addition of "Pool Instructor" position (6 part-time) to the organizational chart for Parks and Recreation, and advised that the positions are not new, but have not previously been listed on the organizational chart. Mr. Bates discussed the appropriation of $200,000 for construction and renovation to complement $200,000 being provided through the Florida Legislature for demolition of the sewer plant at Anchorage Park. Mr. Bates advised that there are two existing FRDAP grants for Anchorage Park, for $200,000 each, which have been matched with Village funds. POOL Mr. Bates reviewed the Pool Capital Budget, which includes a $200,000 appropriation to match a FRDAP grant which will be applied for, along with $30,000 for furniture and fixtures at the pool, and $50,000 to replace the pool heaters. Council consensus was to delete the $200,000 match for the FRDAP grant. MARINA Discussion was held on the proposed rates for Anchorage Marina. Mr. Bates reviewed recent improvements to the marina. Mr. Bates clarified that marina fees may not be paid on a monthly basis, and that the monthly column shown in the budget is simply to show the breakdown of the cost per month. Mr. Bates will delete this column in the final copy of the budget COUNTRY CLUB Discussion took place concerning the recommendation to no longer accept quarterly payments for memberships. Council consensus was to allow quarterly payments, if secured with a credit card with authority to charge. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk 3