Quit Claim Deed to WCI Abandoning 20 ft. of Garden Lanepit` •~ . ~r This Itrsirmhent Prepared II}': Eleanor \Y.TaR, Esq. Record end Rkturn to: Robed N. DeFard Address: \YCI Communities, Inc 3300 Unircrsily Urive Coral Springs, Plurida 33065 Property Cmrtrol Number 68 43 42 US OO 000 1020 Sep-24-1999 12:15p1o 99-386267 ORR 1 ~.3~E,.4 Fg 1 1.~4 Con 10.00 Doc 0.70 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilillililillllllllllilllilllllllllllllll tors Tf7.'IS Qu~i't-Claim Deed Made mrd executed this 12th day of AUGUST , 1999 by VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, a local unit ojspecial government and public corporatiar ojthe Slate ojFlorida, having its principal place ojb:ainess at 501 U. S. Highway One, North Pabn Beach, Florida 33408, herehrafter called the grantor, to iVCI COMMUNITIES, INC., a Delaxs2re corporatiar, successor by merger of GVCI Communities Livriled Parorership into Fla•ida Design Cannnunities, hrc., a DelaM~are corporation, having a place ojbusirress at 3300 University Drive, Coral Springs, Florida 33065, hereinafter called the grantee. (117rerever used herein dre terms "grantor"and "grantee"irmhrde alf [he par(ies ro (bts inslnrment and (Ge lreirs, legal representatives and assigns oJindivlduals, arrd (Ire successors and assfgrrs ojcorpora(ionsl III/tCSSCtIt: That the grantor, for arrd irr consfderalion of the sum of 310.00 and oilier valuable coruidere[ioru, receipt rvJrereojis hereby aclvrowledged, by these presents does hereby remise, release and quit-claim unto the grantee, all the right, title, interesf, claim m:d demand which the grantor has in and to al! that certain lard legally described orr Exhibit 'A" (coruisth:g oj2 pages) a[tuched hereto and incorporated herein by this rejererrce, situate in the Village ojNor[!r Palm Beach, Palm Beach County Florida. To Ilirve arrd to Hold, the saute tageUrer tvitl~ all arrd singular flue appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, arrd all the esta[e, right, title, interest, lien, equity and clairu whatsoever ojthe grantor, either u: law or equity, to the only proper use, Genefil and belroojojtlr~ grantee forever. y. /(~~ ,. ''tt>~ :: t `,r ~.~ 11^t1', L: 6f'itness yY/tereofure grantor has caused these presents !a be executed in its name, and its corporate seal to be hereunto aJjrxerl, by its proper officers therewua duly authorized, the day and yearJirst above wriue». Signed, sealed and delivered is The presence oJi ,r '•,n,~nH. s. Nar~ir\////~'// ~~ Name STATE OF FLORIDA J )ss: COUNTYOFPALMBEACH J VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH By: / ~ ~~~ ayor At est: L1//{T~ Village Clerk r I HEREBY CERTIFY drat on this day, before rrr art o~(cer duly authorized in the Slate arrd County q(oresatd to take acknowledgments, personally appeared E/~/,1,60,/[/~~ ,~'/,SSE?/ aiul ~tG ~,E~it/ ~ ~,E~lf/ Mayor mrd Village Cler/G respectively, ojlhe Village of North Pabn Beach,'each ojwhom is personally brown to »re. {VTTNESS my hmrd and official seal irr the County and State last ajorrsaid this/~l~day oj~~~~,l,,g~ 1999. ~~~~. Q. My Comnrissiorr Expires: rT y /~ X00/ Name: /~,~~~~ ~, T,d Notary Public Convuission No. (j~ //,r~9.~~ .,~~'t"8:~< MELISSA A. TEAL ' MY COMMISSION Y CC 659939 ;ti+ '~: EXPIRES: Juty 13, 2901 '<?,,.'tag'.=~ Bandeu Tarn N~bry Kolb UatlanMtert [Notary Seal) _ DREs 113~G tc Pg"I1B~ ~' ~ DOkBTHY H. WILKEN~ CLEkY, RD COUNTY FL LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcelof land situate in Section 8, Township 42 South Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, being a onion of a parcelof land described in Official Record Book 7239, page 1336, Public records of Palm Beach County, Florida more particularly described as follows Be inning at the southeast corner of the Plat of SANCTUARY COVE as recorded in Plat Book 75, pages 150 and 151, Public Records of Palm Beach County Florida: thence along the East line of said Plat of SANCTUARY COVE North 02° 17'56" East for 20.00 feet to a point on tlTe South line of the North half of the northeast quarter of said Section 8 and a point on the North line of said parcelof land described in Official Record Book 7239, page 1336: thence along the South line of said North Half of the northeast quarter of Section 8 and the North Tine of said parcelof land South 88°25'28" East for 844.26 feet io the northeast corner of said parcelof land: thence along the East line of said parcel South O1° 34'32" West for 20.00 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel: thence along the South line of said parcelof land North 88°25'28" West (or 844.51 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING Containing in x1116,888 square feet more or less. w `~ 00 V u) ~ N u SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH HALF a - ~ OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER °' ~ OF SECTIOIJ 8, TOWNSHIP 42 z ^ SOUTH, RANGE A3 EAS7 ¢ v i 4 'N02° 17'S~"E 20.00' -.-------------- S88° 25'28''E 844.2G' PARCEL OF-LAND ' -------- rO.R.(3. 7239. PAGE 1336) N88° 25'28"jY 844.51' POItJT OF BEGIrJNIFiG SOUTI4EA5T CORNER ~ ~ ~~~ of SANCTUARY cOvE SO1° 34'32"SY 20.00'- PBBRE VIATION_: P.O.B. POINT OF BEGIhJtJING 60 3V O FO F.O.C. - POIIJT OF COMMENCEb1ENT _ -- O.R,B. -OFFICIAL RECORD BV01< GRAPHIC SCALE !N FEET SURVEYOR'S NOTES - -- 1. TF11S DRAWING IS NOT A SVR VEY. -- - - 2. NO SEARCH OF ThIE PUBLIC RECORDS HAS BEEN MADE BY THIS OFFICE. 3 THE DESCRIPTION SKETCH AND THE DESCRIPTION TEX7 COMPRISE THE COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS N07 VALID UNLESS BOTH ACCOMPANY EACH OTHER. 4. THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINPL RAJSED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND, MAPPER EMPLOYED 131' LIDBERG LAND SURVEYING, INC. 5. DATE OF LEGAL i/~5CRIPTION= MARCH 2, 1998 LI?)l3ERG LANn SL:RVF1'!NG, ING. RICHFRD .l. WIL.haE PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR A1JD MAPPER FLORIDA CEP.TIFiCATE NO. 5327 LIDBERG LAND ~ J SURVEYfNG INC. LD4431 G75 IVest Indiantawn Rcad, SUITE 200. Jupiter. Flvrrda 33458 TEL . 56 I -746-E1.l54 DESCRIPTION & SItETCH FOR WCI COMMUNIT[>S, INC. IABANDONh1ENT OF A PORTION OF GARDEN LANE( FLD. JOB F8. PG. _ 96-594(30301 _ _ OFF. DATE DWG. R.tf'. 03/02/98 A.°6-594X CKD. REF. SHEET OFD D,C1. 96594303A(msJ / / Exhibit "A" -' ,,.w:,-;~.. Qqt M BEACH ~~~ " BTA'iF CF FLORIDA -~ ~ ~~.'~` 1 herehy ceNfy that the fore9oin9 is a ;~, ~, m mY office. (` ~~ `j true coPY of the recorcl ~~` `•,m,,F l"~ Thi~ paROTHY . W ILKEP119~- DO Clerl of Circuitt Conr~ D C: _