Quit Claim Deed to WCI 60 ft Parcel Prosperity Farms to NP Waterwayi . _ TN}s Inalrnment Prepared By: Elcmmr\V.Tait, Lsq. RecorJ and Return to: l//// Hobert N. UeForJ AJJress: WCI Communifics, Inc 3300 Universily Urive Coral Springs, FloriJa 33065 Property Control Number 68 43 42 08 00 0U01020 Sep-24-1999 1^c:14pm 99-3862E.0 OCtR 113G4 Fg .L 1,=.~ Con 10.00 Doc 0.70 Tl7.iS Quit-CIa>Zm. Deed Mademrdexecutedthis 12th dayoJ' AUGUST , I9996y VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, a local unit ojspecial goverrnnent and public corporafiorr oflhe State ojFlorida, having its principal place ojbusoress at SO/ U. S. Niglnvay One, Nortl: Paler Beach, Florida 33908, hereinaJler called fire grantor, to lVCI COA171fUNITIES, INC, a Delaware corporation, successor by merger of {VCf Conuuurrities Limited Partnership into Florida Design Conmmnities, Inc., a Delaware corporation, having a place ojbrrsiness at 3300 Universily Drive, Coral Sprbrgs, Florida 33065, hereinafter called the grantee. (IS7r¢rever used herein the teens "grantor"and "grantee"include at! t/re parties 1o thfs inslrunrem and the heirs, fegatrepresentafives and assigns ojurdividuais, and the succ¢ssors arcd assigns of corporarionsJ Wl6feSSeflf: That the grantor, for and in consideration ojthe sum oj$10.00 mrd other valuable corutderatioru, receipt whereof is hereby achrow/edged, by these presents does hereby remise, release and quit-claim mrto the grantee, all t/xe right, title, interest, claim and demand which the grantor has in and to all that certabr land legally described on Exhibit "A" (consisting oj2 pages) anaclred hereto and incorporated Irere6: by this reference, siurate in [he Pillage of North Palm Beaclr, Palm Beaclr Cowrly Florida. To Have alfd to Ilold, the same together with all and singular the appurtenances tlrereunm belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, rig(vt, title, interest, lien, equity and clairn lvhatsoever of [he grantor, either br Imv or equity, to the only proper use, benefit ani~ behoof aft{:e grantee ja•ever. ..' :t` .. Signed, sealed arrd c~elitiered ii: the presence of Nanre: ~1~0~~ /~.-~ Name: STATL• OF FLORIDA ) )ss: COUNTYOFPALMBEACH) L I IfEREBY CERTIFI' that on this d°~' before me, m: officer duly auelrarized hr [he State and Cowrty aforesaid to lake ackrrawledgnrwrts, personally appeared Fi~'!~/,d/C~/ ~• ,E/ S t~Z/ a+rd ~~.~'~/!E~/I/ ~ /f~~lf~ Mayor arrd Village Clerk, respectively, of the Ylllage ofNorJh Paler Beach, ach of lvhom is personally kr:own to me. WITNESS n:y hand arrd official seal in [he County curd State last aforesaid lhrs ~drry oj_~~ sf 1999. -- dlyComnrissionExpires:/6[///~/~Z04/ Nanre: / ,E/~1J,f ~/ • T.l / - - - - Nofary Public Commission No. CrC' GSy93 ~ , N-• MELISSA A. TEAL F ' :~x ' 1 ~ ,~ ~ MY COMMI3510N / CC 654939 .~; tX~IflE3: Jury 13, 2001 !Notary Seal) ,~':a=r „" 9oMe4 mm Nowt' wnuc unMivmtrn i Lr WiUfess Wkereofrhe grantor lras caused drew presents to be ezecuted in its rrante, and its cot poste seal to Ge /rer•ewrto aJjrxed, by its proper officers !hereunto duly authorised, the day and yearfirst above written. _ _ VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH y MM: -...-...r-+... ..- ....n .. Ir .. ... ... ... .. ... DR>f ii~~•~ F's iis~' DOROTHY H. WILKEN, CLERY, PB C0l1NTY- FI LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A strip of land 60.00 feel in widlli, situate in SecEion 8, Township 42 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beacfl County, Florida, being a portion of the 60.00 foot posted and viewed right-of-way, Commissioners' Minutes Book 3, page 522, September 6, 1916, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, the centerline of said strip being more particularly described as follows Commencing of the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of said Section 8: thence orlong the South Tine of said northeasi quarter of Section 8 South 88° 16'2)" East for 105.00 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line of Prosperity Farms Road as shown on Road Plai Book 2, pages 136 and 137, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, sold point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING: thence continue along said South Line South 88° 16'21" East for 1404.51 feet to a point on the Wesl right-of-woy line of the North Palrn Beach Waterway as shown on the Plai of Golf Course Addition No. 2 Village of North Palm Beach os recorded in Plat Book 28, popge 67, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida and as described in Official Record Book 222 pa e 348, Public Records of Pofm Beach County, Florida, said point also being the POINT OF TERMINUS- _, z w u~ h$.,- WaW Li ti S 1 ~~~;- LLVO~UyW I OW mK 1_#7ia z ~ ~ ~~ POINT OP DEGINNING ~ Ja~~w~ i / inG nn~ ' U I °, ~a g~ I LLW I ~a u " 1 am to a I p¢ I °- ~ __ _ S86°°16'21"~ _-------y-- SUVTN llliE l~-iNE H0H THE A51 OV WTER of SCCIIOeI 8-~_-- n° T ABBREVIATIONS. P.O.B. - POINT OF BE GItJNING P.U.C. - POINT OF COMhIENCEMENT 100 50 0 fOJ O.R.p. -OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK _ R.P.B. -ROAD PLAT' BOOK SURVEYOR'S NOTES GRAPHJC ScaLE IN FEET I. THIS DRAWING IS NOT A SURVEY. - OF 2. NO SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS HAS BEEN MADE BY THIS OFFICE. 3 THE DESCRIPTION SKETCH AND THE DESCRIPTIOW TEXT COMPRISE THE COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID UNLESS BOTIi ACCOMPANY EACH OTHER. 4. THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER EMPLOYED BY LIDBERG LAND SURVEYING, ItJC. 5. DATE OF' LEGAL ^E~CRIPTION~ MARCH 3, 1998 LICBtatG LAND SURVEYING, INC. DESCRIPTION & SKETCI{ FOR ~.'~I ~ ~ '_::-;" '~; r -~ ~-~ - WCI COt,{A1UNITIES, [NC. -~~`"' '' •'~L•=-- (ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION RICHARD d. WILKIE OF A 60.00 FOOT POSTED & VIENED PROFESSIONAL SUPVEYOR AtJD MAPPER .RIGHT-OF-IYAY, C.D{.B. 3. PAGE 522) FLORIDA CERTIFICr`.TE NO. 5327 FLD. JOB FB. PG. LIDBERG LAND 96-594130301 _ _ ~~ SURVEYING INC. OFF. DATE DWG L L34 4 31 RJV. 03/123/98 A96-594L Gi5 Nest fndionfiow•n Read. CKP. REF. SHEET OF SUITE 'C10. Jupiter. FJOridv 33458 7EL. 561-746-8~i54 D.C1. 96594303Afmcl l I.xhibit "~1" .ROUTING & TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE TO: I 1. Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Mayor ~ 2. Joseph A. Tringal', Vice ayor 3 G - ail H. V re Pro Tem 4. David B. Norris, Councilman 5. Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman ACTION Fn c AS REQUESTEC CIRCULATE COMMENT COORDINATION REMARKS: CORRECTION YOUR INFORMATION _S DATE O 1 ,~~/ ()C/- ~; ~~ /. ~~ /iy & RETURN ONVERSATION ARE REPLY ME FROM: ~~ CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS 10500 N. MILITARY TRAIL PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA 334764698 January 20, 2000 Dennis W. Kelly Village Manager Village of North Palm Beach 501 U.S. I3ighway 1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408-4906 Dear Mr. Kelly: Enclosed please find an executed copy of Ordinance 54, 1999, providing for abandonment of the City's interest in a viewed and posted road right-of--way located east of Prosperity Farms Road and south of Burns Road within the Village of North Palm Beach. The City Council unanimously adopted Ordinance 54, 1999, after a duly advertised public hearing on January 6, 2000. Si icerely, /~/~ ~~ Z ' Linda V. Kosier, CMC City Clerk Ordinance 54, 1999 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF THE CITY'S INTEREST IN A VIEWED AND POSTED ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY LOCATED EAST OF PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD AND SOUTH OF BURNS ROAD WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, on orabout September 16, 1916, the Board of County Commissioners established a viewed and posted road right-of-way, extending from Alternate A-1-A to the Intracoastal Watervvay;and WHEREAS, on or about October 31, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners conveyed its entire interest in the viewed and posted road right-of-way described in OfFcial Record Book 6261, page 826 of the public record of Palm Beach County to the City, including that portion within the incorporated limits ofthe Village of North Palm Beach; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to abandon any and all interest it holds in that portion ofthe viewed and posted road right-of-way located within the Village of North Palm Beach, which encumbers platted lots within a proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted a duly advertised public hearing and determined that the portion of the posted and viewed road right-of--way located east of Prosperity Farms Road within the Village of North Palm Beach is not needed by the City and the abandonment of same is ih the interest of the general welfare. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BYTHE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified as true and confirmed and are incorporated herein. Section 2. The City Council of the City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, hereby abandons any and all right, title, interest or claim it may have in that portion of the posted and viewed right-of--way described in Official Record Book 6261, page 826 of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida located within the Village of North Palm Beach and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 3. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance is for any reason held by a court of competentjurisdiction to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder of the Ordinance. Ordinance 54, 1999 Page 2 Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, which are in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS /la DAY OF ~E~r~f „ /ppl' PLACED ON SECOND READING THIS G ~ DAY OFG~~~??'~ 2000. - PASSED AND A/DJOPTED THIS G ~ DAY OFG~~~%??~'~~, 2000. SIGNED: ~// ~ // ~ R. RUSSO CE MAYOR LAUREN FURTADO COU It_MA~ SABATELLO COU IC COUNCILMAN DAVID CLARK ATTESTED BY: ~°~~ ~~~- CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEG L SUFFICIENCY: C ATTORNEY VOTE: - AYE NAY ABSENT MAYOR RUSSO ~- -- VICE MAYOR FURTADO ~ -_ COUNCILMAN SABATELLO L- COUNCILMAN JABLIN _~ .~ COUNCILMAN CLARK ~! - P;\CP Win\HISTORY\991119A\43F.OFlstm(1501.000) LEGAL DESCRIPTION+ A strip of land 66.00 feet in width, situate in Section 8, Township 42 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, being a portion of the 66.00 foot right-of-way as described in Official Record Book 6267, page 826, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, the centerline of said strip being more particularly described as follows Commencing at the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of said Section 8: thence along the South line of said northeast quarter of Section 8 South 88' 76'21" East for 105.00 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line of Prosperity Farms Road as shown on Road Plat Book 2, pages 736 and 137, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING: thence continue along said South Line South 88°16'21" East for 1404.51 feet to a point on the West right-ot-way line of the North Palm Beach Waterway as shown on the Plat of Golf Course Addition No. 2 Village of North Palm Beach as recorded in Plat Book 28, page 67, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida and as described in Official Record Book 222, po e 348, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said point also being the POINT OF TERMINUS. ~~ s~ c~'$o« z W}u pgwgyg! ~ UTi~ow i $Wy°~ POINT OF BEGINNING -~.___ POIN7 OF caao ,c~o„,n TERMINUS r $OVLM Lk.{-01' T~ NTIR IHEAST OUMfEk pi' }EC1gN 9 ~~ - 3` 3e p 6^ ~e ~ _ _____________ Q- _ ~J-~ ~Oh ° r 3~ m ° ~~ 3 m x y ~c~QO't3c. ~m i 44~m ^i k ; 4~C~ ~ ~ 6~ ~~ ~Q ~ia~oy { p° Q~V 00 ON ~~ 7 ~~'%~ ~°o iy 20 ABBREVIATIONS P.O.B. - POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. ~ POINT OF COMMENCEMENT O.R.B. - OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK R.P.B. -ROAD PLAT BOOK - - SURVEYOR'S NOTES 100 50 0 700 GRAPHIC SCALE 1N FEE7 1. THIS DRAWING IS NOT A SURVEY. 2. NO SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS HAS BEEN MADE BY THIS OFFICE. 3 COMPLETERLEGPL DESCRIPT ON. THE LEGAL IDEISCRIPT ON C5 NOT VALID UNLESS BOTH ACCOMPPNY EACH OTHER. 4 ORIGINAL RNSED CSEAL OOFIA FOR DAI~ICENSEDU SURVEYOR AAND MAPPER HE EMPLOYED BY LIDBERG LAND SURVEYING, INC. 5. DATE OF LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS MARCH 3, 1998 LIDB~R~` LAND SUR'JEY!NG, INC. DESCRIPTION & SKETCH FOR ~~-~~~ ~ ~~ v -- WCI COMMUNITIES, INC. (ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION RICHARD J. WILKIE OF A 66.00 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY, PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER - Q.R.B. 6261, PAGE 8261 - FLORIDA, CERTIFICATE N0. 5327 - _ 6 SUl TE LIDBERG LAND SURVEYING lNC. LB4431 West Indiantown Road. - 0. Jupr ter. Florida 33458 L- 561-746-8454 FLD. JOB FB. PG. _ 96-594(303OJ OFF. DATE DWG. R1N. 03/03/98 A%-594M CKD. REF. - SHEET OF D.CL 96594303,4fmsJ