Ordinance 1979-023 Creates Planned Unit DevelopmentORDINANCE N0. 23-79 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLARIIlP,, AMENDING CHAPTER 45 OF THE VILIAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CODE, IT BEING THE ZONING CODE OF THE VILLAGE, BY CREATING PI.ANDTm UNIT DEVEIAPMENT ZONING REGULATIONS, SETTING FORTH A DEFINITION OF PIANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, THE PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF PIANNED UNIT DEVEIAPMENT, THE FACTgRS AAID STADIDARDS TO BE EVAI.UATID IN ' CREATING A PIANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, THE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF PIANNID UNIT DEVELOPMENTS; SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE. BE IT ORIlAINID BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIDA: Section 1. Chapter 45 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby an~ended by adding thereto anew section to be numbered Section 45-35.1, which said section shall read as follows: "Sec. 45-35.1. PIANNID UNIT DEVECAFMENT---A. Definition. A planned unit deve opment s e e e as a p atte evelopmen~three (3) acres or rmre of land under unified control by the petitioner for residential and accessory commercial purposed to be developed in a single operation or by a series of pre-scheduled development phases according to a platted Development Plan approved by the Village Council. B. Purpose and Scope. The purpose of this section is to allow flexibility in the planne use o parcels of land without increasing the existing gross ' density restrictions. P.ecognizing the innovative possibilities of planned unit development, this section does not prescribe the specifics and details pertinent to development but rather the generalities that mist be considered by the developer in his planning, and by the Village Planning Commission and the Village Council when examining and reviewing the Development Plan. Projects developed pursuant to this section may depart from the strict interpretation of other portions of this chapter and certain regulations within the chapter if after review by the Planning Commission it is found that developmants are in compliance with the comprehensive plan of North Palm Beach and the development plan will not adversely affect the public interest, health, safety, morals and general welfare of the residents of North Palm Beach. The Village Council may then, by ordinance, authorize in any zoning district the location and development of a Planned Unit Development. C. Factors and Standards to be Evaluated. 1. Ingress and egress to and throughout the property and the proposed structures thereon, including such considerations as vehicular and pedestrian safety, convenience and control. 2. Off-street parking, refuse service, and loading areas, where ' required, including consideration of relevant factors in (1) preceding and the effects of noise, glare or odor on nearby properties. 3. Utilities and drainage. 4. Screening and buffering including type, dimensions and character between the proposed Planned Unit Development and the uses and structures of nearby properties. 5. Landscaping. 6. Signs. 7. Lighting. 8. Yards, open spaces and recreation facilities. 9. Height of structure as related to uses and structures an nearby properties. 10. Density, lot size, and building site coverage. 11. General compatibility and harmony of the use and structures under the proposed Planned Unit Development with the uses and structures on nearby properties. 12. Location and restrictions on commercial use. D. General Requirements and Special Regulations. The following general requirements specia~lations s~ial~p-Iy to a71 planned Lmit developments. 1. All application procedures shall be as required by the Subdivision Grdinance. 2. Land area covered by the Development Plan shall be platted con- currently with final approval of the Development Plan. 3. The fee for filing a Planned Unit Development shall be twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per acre for each acre contained within the boundary of the Development Plan. 4. The final approved Development Plan shall include the plat drawings and necessary submittals demonstrating acceptability of all factors and standards evaluated in Subsection C above. 5. All dwelling unit sizes, parking criteria, and building site ' coverage must meet the requirements of the requirements of the zoning code for each type of proposed use. Maximum building height to be three (3) stories or 35 feet. 6. All land included for the purpose of development within a Planned Unit Development shall be owned or tinder Lmified control of the petitioner for such zoning designation, whether that petitioner be an individual, partnership, corporation, or group of individuals, partnerships or corporations. The petitioner shall present satisfactory evidence of the unified control of the entire area within the proposed Planned Unit Development and shall state agreement that, if he proceeds with the proposed development, he will: (a) Do so in accordance with the officially approved Development Plan and such other conditions or modifications as may be attached to the conditional use. (b) Provide agreements, covenants, contracts, deed restrictions or sureties acceptable to the Village Council for ccmg~letian of the undertaking in accordance with the adopted Development Plan, as well as the continuing operation and maintenance of such areas, functions and facilities as are not provided, operated or maintained at general public expense. (c) Bind his development successors in title to any cocmiitments made under (a) and (b) preceding. ' 7. Any tract of land for which a Planned Unit Development is made shall contain sufficient width, depth and frontage on a public dedicated arterial or major street or appropriate access which will accommodate the proposed use and design. 8. In the event any residential twit built Linder this section is destroyed or removed by or for any cause, said twit, if replaced, shall be replaced with a twit of at least similar size and type; however, not exceeding -2- the dimensions of the previous twit. The developer shall include the appropriate deed restrictions and/or covenants so as to require replacement as outlined above." Section 2. If any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or subsection of this Ordinance shall be declared tmconstitutianal by a court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, sections or subsections ' of this Ordinance. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect imrediately upon passage. PLACID ON FIRST READING THIS 27TH DAY OF SEPTIIVIBIIt, 1979. PLACID ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 25TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1979. PLACID ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSID THIS 25TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1979. (VILLAGE SEAL) 1 [~ ATTEST: /s/ W. H. BROWN MAYOR /s/ DOLORES R. WALKER VTT S AI,F. CLERK -3-