JUNE 18, 2007
Present: Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Mayor
William Manuel, Vice Mayor
David B. Norris, President Pro Tem
Darryl Aubrey, Councilman
T.R. Hernacki, Councilman
Jimmy Knight, Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk
Mayor Eissey called the Budget Workshop Session to order at 5:35 p.m All members of Council
were present. All members ofstaffwere present, except the Village Attorney.
Village Manager Jimmy Knight gave a presentation on the fiscal yeaz 2008 Country Club budget.
• Mr. Knight noted the Country Club is a business and more attention is needed to details such as
pricing, mazketing, operational controls, and capitalized improvements.
Mr. Knight reviewed the various divisions of the Country Club and categories of expenses. Mr.
Knight discussed recommended changes regarding administration, personnel, outsourcing,
capital improvements, and membership and rate schedule. Mr. Knight advocated moving Tennis
to Parks and Recreation, to allow for better oversight of maintenance and operations, and the
ability to access grant funding. Mr. Knight recommended moving Clubhouse Grounds to the
Facility Maintenance Division in the Public Works Department. Mr. Knight reviewed projected
personnel, operating, and capital expenses, as well as the annual $515,901 debt service cost, for a
combined expenses total of $3,611,214 for fiscal year 2008.
Mr. Knight reviewed Country Club revenues, including driving range, memberships, greens fees,
cart rentals, pro shop, and food and beverage. Mr. Knight wmpazed the number of member and
non-member rounds of golf. Mr. Knight recommended reducing through attrition the current
500 golf memberships to 375, in order to provide increased opportunity for additional walk-on
play. Mr. Knight noted that all current members would be invited to return, but any vacancies
that result from non-renewal of membership would not be filled. Mr. Knight also recommended
three categories of greens fees; that residents receive a 15% discount during shoulder and high
seasons only; and additional modifications to driving range fees, cart fees, and walking fees.
Mr. Knight noted that the budget includes $75,000 for administrative services provided by the
General Fund. Mr. Knight projected total revenue of $3,688,616 for fiscal year 2008, which
• leaves an overage or contingency of $77,402.
Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held June 18, 2007 Page 2 of 2
• Discussion ensued on the "desired" golf experience; the number of memberships available;
raising the cost of non-resident memberships; grant funds available for tennis; and whether to
consider offsetting the chazge for administrative services with Country Club fees for use of the
facilities for July 4th and Heritage Day events.
Discussion took place wncerning debt service and an additional loan for the construction of
more cart paths.
Discussion ensued on getting information out eazly to residents and members on the 2008 rates.
By consensus, the Council directed the Village Manager to proceed with relocating the tennis
department and clubhouse maintenance, and to explore opportunities to outsource maintenance
of the golf course.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m
• Melissa Teal, CMC, Village lerk