Ordinance 1979-016 Regulations for Private Theraputic Swimming PoolsORDINANCE N0. 16-79 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIr1 BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 25 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CODE, BY PRO- VIDING REGULATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PRIVATE THERAPEUTIC SWIMMING POOLS AND AMENDING CERTAIN EXISTING REGULATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SWIMMING POOLS IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIM BEACH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 25-1 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 25-1. Definitions. "As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings indicated: "Private swimming pool. "Private swimming pool" is defined as any receptacle for water having a depth at any point greater than two (2) feet, used or intended to be used for swimming or bathing, and constructed, installed or main- tained in or above the ground as an accessory structure to a single-family or multiple-family residence building, including hotels, motels, apartment houses, condominiums, cooperatives, duplexes and single-family residences, all of which are for the ' exclusive use of the occupants of such residential buildings and their guests. "Public swimming pool. "Public swimming pool" is defined as any pool subject to the regulations of Chapter 170C-3, Florida Administrative Code. "Private therapeutic spa pool. "Private therapeutic spa pool" is defined as any receptacle for water having a depth at any point greater than two feet, used or intended to be used for bathing, and constructed, installed or maintained in or above the ground as an accessory structure to a single-family or multiple-family residence buildings, including hotels, motels, apartment houses, condominiums, cooperatives, duplexes and single-family residences; all of which are for the exclusive use of the occupants of said residential buildings and their guests. A spa/pool shall have a surface area of less than 60 square feet." Section 2. Section 25-4 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 25-4. Water cireulation• vacuum cleaner. ' Every pool shall be either a flow-through type with a water turnover rate not exceeding twenty hours, or a re- circulating type equipped with either a pressure and filter system or an approved equal of sufficient capacity to provide a water turnover rate not exceeding twenty hours. An approved type vacuum cleaner with suction hose shall be provided together with a proper inlet fitting or fittings to attach the hose on the suction side of the filtration equipment for swimming pools only. In pools up to and including thirty-six feet in length, at least one vacuum outlet in the mid-section of the pool shall be provided. Two outlets shall be provided for pools longer than thirty-six feet." Section 3. Section 25-6 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended to read as follows: ' "Sec. 25-6. Scum-gutters. "There shall be an accepted type of scum-gutter at least across the deep end of a rectangularly shaped pool or along the edge of a minimum of twenty-five per cent of the perimeter of an irregularly shaped swimming pool." Section 4. Section 25-7 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 25-7. Cross-connection of filtration equipment and water supply. "No cross connections between the filtration equipment and the public water supply lines will be allowed. The inlet pipe or valve for filling the pool shall be a minimum of three inches above the rim of the pool." Section 5. Section 25-9 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended to read as follows: ' "Sec. 25-9. Requirements for recirculating piping and fittings. "The recirculating piping and fittings for pools shall meet the following requirements: "(1) The vacuum fitting(s) shall be located in an accessible position(s) below the water line. Vacuum or suction piping shall be schedule eighty (80) PVC, copper Type "L", brass or an approved equal. All other piping shall be equal to schedule forty (40) PVC. "(2) Amain drain outlet shall be placed at the deepest point in every pool for recirculating and emptying the pool. Minimum size shall be 2 inch I.D. for swimming pools and 1z inch I.D. for spa pools. "(3) Pool recirculing piping, passing through the pool structure, shall be copper tubing with a minimum wall thickness of Type "L", schedule eighty (80) PVC, brass or an approved equal. Metal pipe shall be bituminously coated. "(4) Where pool heaters are installed, recirculating piping within four feet of the heater must be either copper Type "L", schedule eighty (80) CPVC, or brass pipe." ' Section 6. Section 25-11 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 25-11. Grade. (1) The top of the rim of any swimming pool shall not be in excess of two feet above the average grade of the land surrounding the pool. - 2- (2) The top of the rim of any spa pool shall not be in excess of two feet above the average grade of the land surrounding the pool or a permanent platform constructed completely around the rim of the spa pool. The maximum height of a spa pool above average grade of the land surrounding the pool shall be (4) feet." Section 7. Section 25-23 of the Village of North Palm Beach ' Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 25-23. Required; application; fees. "No person or firm shall construct, cause to be constructed, or maintain a public or private pool. without first obtaining a permit therefor. Application for the permit shall be made to the Village building official and shall be accompanied by payment of a fee based on valuation as per Section 107.4 of the Standard Building Code, and by plans and specifications and other data prepared by a competent engineer registered in the State of Florida sufficiently detailed for the purposes of this Chapter. The permit fee is in addition to other construction permits for which fees have been established." Section 8. Article III of Chapter 25 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "ARTICLE III. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE POOLS "Sec. 25-36. Construction. "Private and public swimming pools shall be constructed of reinforced concrete, conrete block reinforced and poured after laying up, or of reinforced gunite construction, or of such equal alternate materials as approved by the building official. "Sec. 25-37. Fencing--Requirements. "(a) A fence or screen enclosure, designed to prevent children from inadvertently wandering into the pool, shall completely surround any pool; provided, haaever, that where a pool is located on a lot which backs onto a public waterway, the fence or screen enclosure may be omitted across the back of the lot where the sides of the lot are protected by a fence which extends to the end of the lot where it meets the waterway in such a way that access to the pool from adjacent lots on either side cannot be made. "(b) The fence shall be a minimum of four feet high, and of such design, type and location as approved by the building official. The screen enclosure shall completely enclose the pool. "(c) All gates or doors opening through the fence or screen enclosure shall be equipped with a self-closing and self-latching device designed and capable of keeping such door or gate securely ' closed at all times when not in actual use, and prevent any child from opening such door or gate. The door of any dwelling forming part of the enclosure hereinabove required need not be so equipped. "(d) The building official is directed to conduct an inspection of all pools to determine compliance with this section not less than one time per year and to enforce the provisions of this Section. -3- "Sec. 25-38 "(a) The Village Council may make modification in individual eases, upon written petition making a showing of good cause with respect to the height, nature or location of the fence, wall, gates or latches, or the necessity therefor, or may permit other protective devices or structures in lieu ' thereof. "(b) In making said modifications or special exceptions, the Village Council shall be governed by the following standards: The purpose of the fencing requirement herein is to prevent small children from inadvertenkly wandering into pools. The Council realizes that there are locations within the Village where an unfenced pool would not create an obvious hazard. In these areas where, due to the nonexistence of a substantial number of small children, no obvious hazard exists, the Village Council may grant modifications or special exceptions and may even dispense with the requirement for fencing. "(c) All such decisions shall be conditional and subject to revocation in the event circumstances or conditions change in the particular location." Section 9. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage. PIIICED ON FIRST READING THIS 28th DAY OF JUNE, 1979. PIACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 12th DAY OF JULY, 1979. 1 /s/ W. H. Brown MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk 1