Ordinance 1979-015 No Fair Share FeesORDINANCE N0, 15-79 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEAC}{, FLORIDA, DF.1'ERMINING THAT NO "FAIR SHARE FEES" SHALL BE IMPOSED ON NEW CONSTRUCTION IN T}SE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH TO OFFSET COSTS FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS CAUSED SOLELY AY NEW DEVELOPMENT, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}{ PALM BEACH, FI,ORI DA : Section 1. That the Village of North Palm Beach Code is hereby amended by adding a new Section to be numbered 6-18 which said Section reads as follows: "Sec. 6-18 - It has been determined by the Village Council that a person seeking a building permit for any new construction shall not be required to pay a fair share fee to the Village or to the County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, as set forth in an ordinance, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County on June 19, 1979. Section 2. An emergency exists which requires the passage of the ordinance at once in that an Ordinance (copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A) of Palm Beach County adopted on June 19, 1979, taking effect July 1, 1979, and insufficient time remains to pass this ordinance on two readings. Section 3. It is the intent of this Ordinance to exempt property .within the Village of North Palm Beach from the effect oi' the Ordinance attached as Exhibit A hereto, to the extent permitted by Article VIII (1)(f) of the 1968 Florida Constitution. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 28TH DAY OF JUNE, 1979. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED T}{IS 28TH DAY OF JL]NE, ' 1979. /s/ W. }{. Brown MAYOR ATI'F,ST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Villa ge Clerk ` •' '~-~~i0 EXHIBIT A ~~, ~ ~ ,ail ORDINANCE N0. 79-_ 1'ILLA~F f'.Gfi. OFF. ~ ;' <<\% tdorli~ Palm Eeach -' AN ORDINANCE TO BE KNOWN AS 'THE "FAIR SHARE CONTRIBUTION < ., c; . ~, -, "~~~~i~i,),~,_ FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS ORDINANCE"; PROVIDING FOR SHORT 5 TITLE, AUTHORITY, APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INTENT AND 6 PURPOSE; PROVIDING FOR RULES OF CONSTRUCTION; PROVIDING 7 FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR FAIR SHARE FEE TO BE 8 ItdPOSED ON NEW CONSTRUCTION; REVIEW; PROVIDING FOR TIME 9 OF PAYt•1ENT; PROVIDING FOR USE OF FUNDS COLLECTED; PRO- 10 VIDING FOR TRUST FUNDS ESTABLISHMENT; PROVIDING FOR EX- 11 EMPTIONS AND CREDITS; PROVIDING FOR LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION, 12 SEVERABILITY AND PENALTY PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR IN- 13 CLUSION IN THE CODE; AND, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 14 15 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COt4MISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH 16 COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 17 SECTION I. Short Title, Authority and Applicabilit . 18 A. This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Fair Share ' 19 Contribution for Road Improvements Ordinance." 20 B. The Board of County Commissioners has authority to adopt this 21ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the 1968 Florida Constitution, and 22 Chapters 125 and 163, Florida Statutes. 23 C. This ordinance shall apply to the unincorporated area of Palm 2.4 :Beach County, and to the incorporated areas within Palm Beach County to the 25 extent permitted by Article VIII, Section 1(f) of the 1968 Florida Constitution. 26 SECTION II. Intent and Purpose. 27 A. The Board of County Commissioners has determined that the phenomenal 2g growth rate which the County is experiencing will necessitate extensive road 29 .'network improvements, costing approximately 2 1/2 billion dollars by the year 30 ; 2000, exclusive of right of way costs, in order to maintain the existing level 31 of service and quality of life found in Palm Beach County. In order to finance 32 :the necessary new capital improvements, several combined methods of financing 33 ,will be necessary; one of which will require new developments to pay a "fair 34 share fee." 35 B. It is the purpose of this ordinance to establish a Countywide system 36 to assist in raising the funds necessary to improve the major road network system, so as to accommodate the increased demand which new development will have on the -1- 1 road system. The new users will only be required to pay the cost of road im- 2 provements to the extent that their presence necessitates such improvements. 3 C. All land development is deemed to create a traffic impact and there- 4 fore create a demand for increased road capacity. As a result of this new 5 building construction the existing major road network system is being seriously 6 impacted to a point beyond which government can finance improvements to these 7 roads. 8 D. Increasing th.e capacity of roads in order to make them safe and more 9 efficient is the recognized responsibility of government and is in the best 10 interest of the public's health, safety and welfare. 11 E. It is in the interest of the public's health, safety, welfare and con- 12 venience for the County to regulate land development by requiring the payment 13 of road impact fees as a condition precedent to the issuance of a building 14 permit for new construction for the exclusive purpose of improving the major 15 road network system impacted within a predefined zone in which the develop- 16 ment is located. 17 F. It is the purpose of this ordinance to continue to allow growth in 18 Palm Beach County but to do so in a manner which requires the new development, 19 causing the road impact problems, to share the financial burden of growth 20 by requiring the new development to pay their pro rata share for the cost of 21 road improvements to the extent that their presence necessitates such improve- 22 ments. Thus the existing residents of Palm Beach County will be afforded 23 some relief from the costs of providing road improvements solely necessary 24 ", to meet the needs of the new development. 25 G. It is not the purpose of this ordinance to collect any money from 26 new development in excess of the actual amount necessary to offset the impact 27 I on the major road network system caused by new development. It is specifical- 28 ly acknowledged that this ordinance has approached the problem of determining 29 the "fair share fee" in a conservative and reasonable manner. This ordinance 30 j' will only partially recoup the governmental expenditures associated with 31 growth. The established residents will still be required to supplement the 32 contributions of the new development. 33 H. The Technical Data, Findings and Conclusions herein are based in 34 part on the following studies and reports: 35 Report on the proposed Palm Beach County Fair Share Contribution for 36 Road Improvements Ordinance - August 10, 1978, revised September 8, 1978 by Palm Beach County Engineering, Planning and Legal Staffs. Economic Aspects -p- 1 of the proposed Palm Beach County Road Impact Fee Ordinance - Jan. 2, 1979 by 2 Joint Center for Environmental and Urban Problems Fla. International University 3 and Florida Atlantic University; West Palm Beach Urban Area Transportation Study 4 Plan Reevaluation. (Year 2000 Study) - May 17, 1979 - by Peat, Marwick & Mitchell 5 Company; Update Study of Vehicular Traffic Generation Characteristics in Palm 6 Beach County - Jan. 1975 - by Kimley-Horn & Associates; Trip Generation & 7 Informational Report - 1976 - by Institute of Transportation Engineers; Trip 8 Ends Generation Research 1979 by State of Fla. D.O.T., Division of Transporta- 9 tion Planning. 10 SECTION III. Rules of Construction. 11 For the purposes of administration and enforcement of this ordinance, un- 12 less otherwise stated in this ordinance, the following rules of construction 13 shall apply to the text of this ordinance. 14 (1) In case of any difference of meaning or implication between the 15 text of this ordinance and any caption, illustration, summary table, or 16 illustrative table, the text shall control. 17 (2) The word "shall" is always mandatory and not discretionary; 18 the word "may" is permissive. 19 (3) Words used in the present tense shall include the future; and 20 words used in the singular number shall include the plural, and the plural 21 the singular, unless the context clearly indicates the contrary. 22 (4) The phrase "used for" includes "arrange for", "designed for", 23 "maintained fo r" or "occupied for". 24 (5) The word "person" includes an individual, a corporation, a 25 partnership, a n incorporated association, or any other similar entity. 26 (6) Unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, where a regu- 27 lation involve s two (2) or more items, conditions, provisions, or events con- 28 netted by the conjunction "and", "or" or "either...or", the conjunction shall 29 be interpreted as follows: 30 ~I (a) "And" indicates that all the connected terms, conditions, 31 provisions or events shall apply. 32 (b) "0 r" indicates that the connected items, conditions, pro- 33 visions, or ev ents may apply singly or in any combination. 34 (c) "Either...or" indicates that the connected items, con- 35 ditions, provi sions or events shall apply singly but not in combination. 36 (7) The word "includes" shall limit a term to the Specified example, -3- 1 but is intended to extend its meaning to all other instances or circumstances 2 of like kind or character. 3 SECTION IV. Definitions. 4 A. Accessory Building or Structure: A detached, subordinate building, 5 the use of which is clearly incidental and related to that of the principal 6 building or use of the land, and which is located on the same lot as that 7 of the principal building or use. 8 B. Arterial Road: A road which is a main traffic artery carrying rela- 9 tively high traffic volumes for relatively long distances. This classification 10 includes all roads which function above the level of a collector road. 11 C. Building: Any structure, either temporary or permanent, having a roof 12 and used or built for the enclosure or shelter of persons, animals, vehicles, 13 goods, merchandise, equipment, materials or property of any kind. This term 14 .shall include tents, trailers, mobile homes, or any vehicles serving in any 15 ~~way the function of a building. 16 D. Building Permit: An official document or certificate issued by the 17 'authority having jurisdiction, authorizing the construction of any building. 18 The term shall also include tie-down permits for those structures or buildings 19 that do not require a building permit, such as a mobile home, in order to be 20 occupied. 21 E. Capacity: The maximum number of vehicles for a given time period 22 which a road can safely and efficiently carry; usually expressed in terms of 23 vehicles per day. For the purposes of this ordinance the capacity of a road 24 ,shall be 6000 vehicles per day per through lane. 25 F. Collector Road: A road which carries traffic from local roads to 26 arterial roads. Collector roads have more continuity, carry higher traffic 27 volumes, and may provide le ss access than local roads. 28 G. Collecting Agency: That governmental authori ty having jursidicition 29 to autho rize the constructi on of any building. 30 H. Dwelling Unit: A single family house, single family apartment or 31 mobile h ome used for human habitation. 32 I. External trip: Any trip which either has its origin from or its 33 destination to the development site and which impacts the major road network 34 system. 35 36 -4- 1 J. fair Share Fee; Road Impact Fee; or Fee: The fee required to be paid 2 in accordance with this ordinance. 3 K. Internal Trip: A trip which has both its origin and destination 4 within the development site. 5 L. Local Road: A road designed and maintained primarily to provide 6 access to abutting property. A local road is of limited continuity and is 7 not for through traffic. 8 M. Major Road Network System: All arterial and collector roads within 9 Palm Beach County, including new arterial and collector roads necessitated by 10 land development. 11 N. Planned Development: Aland area under unified control designed and 12 planned to be developed in a single operation or by a series of prescheduled 13 development phases according to an officially approved final Master Land Use 14 Plan, including Planned Unit Developments, Planned Commercial Developments and 15 similar planned developments. 16 0. Site Related Improvements: Road construction or road improvements at 17 or near the development site which are necessary to interface the development's 18 external trips with the major road network system or which are necessary to in- 19 terface the development's internal trips with the major road network system 20 where a portion of the major road network system is included within the develop- 21 ment. 22 P. Traffic Impact Analysis: A study prepared by a oualified professional 23 engineer, licensed to practice within the State of Florida, to determine the 24 vehicular impact of the development upon the major road network system. This 25 study includes, but is not limited to: determination of trip generation; trip 26 distribution; traffic assignment; capacity analyses; and, improvements to the 27 roadway system necessitated by the development, such as required new roads, 28 additional laneage and signalization. 29 Q. Trip: A one-way movement of vehicular travel from an origin (one 30 trip end) to a destination (the other trip end). For the purposes of this 31 ordinance trip shall have the meaning which it has in commonly accepted traffic 32 engineering practice and which is substantially the same as that definition in 33 the previous sentence. 34 35 36 -5- 1 R. Trip Generation: The attraction or production of trips caused by a 2 given type of land development. 3 S. Zone: Those geographical areas as identified on the attached Exhibit 4 .. A.. 5 SECTION V. Fair Share Fee to be Imaosed on New Construction• Review. 6 A. It has been determined by the Board of County Commissioners that new 7 development in the County should be charged a reasonable "Fair Share Fee" to g help offset the costs for road improvements caused solely by new development. 9 B. As a condition to the issuance of a building permit applied for ~~ 70 after the effective date of this ordinance for ,any new construction, the 11 applicant shall pay a Fair Share Fee in the amount and manner required by this 12 ordinance which shall be used exclusively within the zone in which the develop- 13 ment is located and for the exclusive purposes set forth in this ordinance. 14 C. The Fair Share Fee shall be determined by using the following methods: 15 1. Independent Calculation. Any person may determine his Fair Share 16 Fee by providing traffic and economic documentation that his actual economic 17 impact on the major road network system is less than the Fair Share Fee as lg determined under subparagraphs C. 2, 3, and 4 below. The documentation sub- 19 mitted shall show the basis upon which the Fair Share Fee has been calculated, 20 including but not limited to, generation rates, geographic zones of impact, 21 cost of replacing the capacity of roadways used by the development's traffic 22 Wand allowable credits which may be paid by future occupants. This documentation 23 shall be prepared and presented by qualified professionals in the respective 24 .fields. The mathematical assumptions, formulas and generation rates used in 25 .this orginance shall not be used as a basis without independent documentation. 26 2. Fair Share Formula(s). 27 a. The following Fair Share Formula(s) may be used for those 28 planned developments for which a traffic impact analysis has been prepared for Zq the purposes of determining the external trips imposed by the development on 30 Ithe major road network system. The Official Daily Trip Generation Rate as 31 shown in subparagraph C.3.a. and b. shall be used as the basis for calculating 32 'the total external trips fora planned development. The County Engineer shall 33 review the traffic impact analysis and determine the Fair Share Fee to be paid 34 35 36 -6- 1 in accordance with the formula(s) established in C. 2. b. Any applicant may 2 challenge the County Engineer's determination of the fee by filing a petition 3 with the Board of County Commissioners to determine the appropriate Fair Share 4 Fee within sixty (60) days of the determination by the County Engineer. 5 b. The cost to construct one (1) lane of roadway for one (1) 6 mile shall be Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) and the cost 7 to construct one (1) lane of roadway for one-half (z) mile shall be One Hundred g Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00). 9 Residential: 10 External trips : ?* X Cost to construct 1 lane for 1 mile = Fair Share fee Capacity of 1 lane 11 * Given a 50/50 directional split. 12 Non-Residential: 13 External trips t 2* X Cost to construct 1 lane for :mile = Fair Share Fee 14 Capacity of 1 lane 15 * Given a 50/50 directional split. 16 3. Fee Schedule. The following fee schedule is presented for those 17 developments for which a traffic impact analysis has not been prepared. The 1g following fees have been calculated using the formula(s) presented in paragraph 19 C.2.b. using accepted trip generation rates for each land use as observed in 2p Palm Beach County or trip generation rates based upon acceptable state and 21 national averages. For the convenience of the public the fees which are based 22 on trip generation have been converted to a dollar amount based on dwelling 23 unit, building square footage, bed, parking space, or room depending upon the 24 particular land use. 25 a. Residential: 26 Type of Development Official Daily Trip Generation Rate Fee 27 Single Family House 12 per dwelling unit $300 per unit 28 Multi-family/townhouse dwelling 8 per dwelling unit $200 per unit 29 Mobile Home 7 per dwelling unit $175 per unit 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 -7- 1 b. Non-Residential: 2 icia Dai y Trip 3 Type of Development Generation Rate Fee 4 General Office Building 20 per 1000 square feet $ 250 per 1000 sq. ft. 5 Office Building, Medical 75 per 1000 square feet 937 per 1000 sq. ft. 6 Hospital 15 per bed 187 per bed 7 Nursing Home 3 per bed 37 per bed 8 General Commercial 100 per 1000 square feet 1,250 per 1000 sq. ft. 9 Warehouse 5 per 1000 square feet 62 per 1000 sq. ft. 10 Motel 15 per room 187 per room 11 General Recreational 3 per parking space 37 per parking space 12 Shopping Centers: 13 150,000 or less square feet 100 per 1000 square feet 1,250 per 1000 sq. ft. 14 150,000 to 499,999 square feet 60 per 1000 square feet 750 per 1000 sq. ft. 15 500,000 to 999,999 square feet 35 per 1000 square feet 437 per 1000 sq. ft. 16 1,000,000 square feet and over 30 per 1000 square feet 375 per 1000 sq. ft. 17 General Industrial 6 per 1000 square feet 75 per 1000 sq. ft. 18 19 4. Other Developments. For developments not electing to proceed 20 under subparagraph C.1. above, and where the County Engineer has determined 21 that the development is not covered by subparagraph C.2. and 3. above, the 22 appropriate traffic generation rate and thus the fee to be paid in accordance 23 with this ordinance shall be determined by the County Engineer. The applicant 24 may challenge the County Engineer's determination provided he su bmits to the 25 County Engineer's Office a traffic generation statem ent prepared by a qualified 26 Professional Engineer who is licensed to practice in the State o f Florida. If 27 the County Engineer's Office rejects this proposed g eneration ra te, then the 28 applicant may petition the Board of County Commissio ners to dete rmine the appro- 29 priate Fair Share Fee within sixty (60) days of the rejection of the proposed 30 generation rate by the County Engineer. 31 32 33 -8- 34 35 36 1 D. Review. The amount of the Fair Share Fee shall first be reviewed by 2 the Board of County Commissioners in January 1981; and thereafter the amount of 3 the Fair Share Fee shall be reviewed annually during the month of January by 4 the Board of County Commissioners. The review shall consider trip generation 5 rates and actual construction costs for work contracted for by the County and 6 the Florida Department of Transportation within Palm Beach County. The purpose 7 of this review is to analyze the effects of inflation on the actual costs of 8 roadway construction and to insure that the fees charged the newcomer will not 9 exceed their pro rata share for the cost of road improvements necessitated 10 solely by their presence. 11 SECTION VI. Time of Payment. 12 A. The Fair Share Fee for new construction shall be due and payable at 13 the time of issuance of a building permit. All funds collected shall be prop- 14 erly identified by zone and promptly transferred to the Palm Beach County 15 Comptroller's Office for deposit in the appropriate trust fund to be held in 16 separate accounts as determined in Section VIII of this ordinance and used 17 solely for the purpose as established by this ordinance. 16 B. The Collecting Agency shall be entitled to retain two percent (Z%) 19 of the total funds collected to offset the costs associated with collection 20 of these funds. 21 SECTION VII. Use of Funds Collected. 22 A. The funds collected by reason of the establishment of a road impact 23 fee in accord ance with this ordinance shall be used solely for the purpose of 24 construction or improving roads, streets, highways, and bridges on the major 25 road network system, including but not limited to: 26 1. design and construction plan preparation,' 27 2. right of way acquisition, 26 3. construction of new through lanes, 29 4. construction of new turn lanes, 30 5. construction of new bridges, 31 6. construction of new drainage facilities in conjunction 32 with new roadway construction 33 34 35 -9- 36 1 7. purchase and installation of traffic signalization, 2 8. construction of new curbs, medians and shoulders, and 3 9. relocating utilities td accommodate new roadway construction. 4 All funds shall be used exclusively within the zones from which they were 5 collected. Said funds shall not be used to maintain the existing major 6 road network system. 7 SECTION VIII. Trust Funds Established. $ A. There are hereby established forty (40) separate trust funds, one 9 for each zone as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated 10 herein by reference. 11 B. Funds may be withdrawn from these accounts for use solely in accord- 12 ante with the provisions of Section VII of this ordinance; provided, that the 13 disbursal of such funds shall require the approval of the Board of County 14 Commissioners, after recommendation of the County Engineer. 15 C. Any funds on deposit not immediately necessary for expenditure shall 16 be invested in interest bearing sources. All income derived shall be 17 deposited in the applicable trust account. 18 D. The fees collected pursuant to this ordinance may be returned to 19 the then present owner if the fees have not been spent (encumbered) by the 20 end of the calendar quarter immediately following six (6) years from the 21 date the fees were paid. Refunds shall be made in accordance with the 22 ,following procedure: 23 1. The present owner must petition the Board of County Commis- 24 sinners for the refund within one (1) year following the end of the sixth (6th) 25 year from the date on which the fee was paid. 26 2. The petition must be submitted to the County Engineer and must 27 contain: 28 a. a notarized sworn statement that the petitioner is the 29 current owner of the property; 30 b. a copy of the dated receipt issued for payment of the fee; 31 c. a certified copy of the latest recorded deed; and, 32 d. a copy of the most recent ad valorem tax bill. 33 3. Within three (3) months from the date of receipt of a 34 petition for refund the County Engineer will advise the petitioner and the 35 36 -10- 1 Board of County Commissioners of the status of the fee requested for refund. 2 For the purpose of this section, fees collected shall be deemed to be spent 3 (encumbered) on the basis of the first fee in shall be the first fee out. 4 In other words, the first money placed in a trust fund account shall be the 5 first money taken out of that account when withdrawals have been made in 6 accordance with subparagraph B. above. ~ 4. When the money requested is still in the trust fund account 8 and has not been spent (encumbered) by the end of the calendar quarter 9 immediately following six (6) years from the date the fees were paid, the 10 money shall be returned with interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per 11 annum. 12 E. The fees collected pursuant to this ordinance may be returned to 13 the present owner if the building permit is cancelled due to noncommencement 14 of construction. Refunds may be made in accordance with Section VIII, D, 2, 15 and VIII, D, 3, provided the then present owner petitions the Board of County 16 Commissioners for the refund within three (3) months from the cancellation 17 date of the building permit. 18 SECTION IX. Exemption and Credits. 19 A. The following shall be exempted from payment of the Fair Share Fee: 20 1. Alterations of expansion of an existing dwelling unit where no 21 additional units are created. 22 2. The construction of accessory buildings or structures which will 23 not increase the traffic counts associated with the principal building or of 24 the land. 25 3. The replacement of a destroyed or partially destroyed building 26 or structure with a new building or structure of the same size and use. 27 4. The construction of publicly-owned governmental buildings. 28 B. Credits: 29 1. In lieu of paying the Fair Share Fee, the developer may elect 30 to construct part of a major road network system which is in addition to 31 his site related improvements. The developer shall submit the proposed 32 construction which he intends to do along with a certified cost estimate to 33 the County Engineer. The County Engineer shall determine if the proposed 34 construction is an appropriate substitute for the road impact fee and the 35 amount of credit to be given and the timetable for completion. 36 -11- 1 2. Where a proposed major network road runs through a development 2 and where the developer is only required to construct two (2) lanes of the 3 roadway, the developer may elect, upon submission of a certified cost esti- 4 mate and approval of the County Engineer, to construct more than two (2) lanes 5 and receive credit to the extent of the additional lanes constructed. 6 3. The developer may challenge any determination made by the County ~ Engineer pursuant to subparagraphs B.1. and .2 above by filing a petition with 8 the Board of County Commissioners. 9 SECTION X. "Sunset" Provision. 10 A. This ordinance shall "sunset" or cease to exist four (4) years from 11 its effective date, unless renewed by an affirmative vote of the Board of 12 County Commissioners. 13 B. In the event that this ordinance is allowed to "sunset" by the 14 Board, any and all funds collected during the life of the ordinance shall 15 continue to be disposed of in the manner set forth in Sections VII and VIII, 16 as if this ordinance were still in effect. 1~ SECTION XI. Liberal Construction, Severability and Penalty Provisions. 18 A. The provisions of this ordinance shall be liberally construed to 19 effectively carry out its purposes in the interest of public health, safety, 20 welfare and convenience. 21 B. If any section, phrase, sentence or portion of this ordinance is for 22 any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent juris- 23 diction, s uch portion shall be deemed a sepa rate, distinct, and independent 24 provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining 25 portions t hereof. 26 C. Any building permit used for new construction as covered by this 27 ,ordinance but without payment of the fee as required by this ordinance shall 28 be void. 29 D. A violation of this ordinance shall be a misdemeanor punishable 30 'according to law; however, in addition to or in lieu of any criminal prosecu- 31 tion Palm Beach County or any individual paying the Fair Share Fee shall have 32 the power to sue in civil court to enforce the provisions of this ordinance. 33 SECTION XII. Inclu sions in the Code. 34 The provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the 35 Code of Laws and Ordinances of Palm Beach County, Florida. The sections of 36 this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such; and _lp_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or another appropriate word. SECTION XIII. Effective Date.' The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective on July 1, 1979. APPROVED APJD ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, on the day of 1979. PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By Acknowledged by the Department of State, State of Florida, on the day of 1979. Acknowledgement from the Department of State received on 1979, at .m. rman APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY ~~ ~~ `-~ Nl ATT VE -13- __ _ , .. N 11 1 11 ~1 ~1 111 ~ \ TEVi'IES ~ DR. - ~-•IJ'11111tlllllll 11 11111 IIIII111111111111II II IIIILI Ittl ~jll I ~~ I INDIANTOWN RD. ,,I, . ~~I 111 II111111_11 , . , ~ c 4 , J. W. 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