2003-038 Contract for Sale & Purchase w/ Monastery for SubstationC~ • RESOLUTION 38-2003 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE WITH PASSIONIST MONASTERY OF OUR LADY OF FLORIDA, INC., ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH CONTRACT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE VILLAGE PURCHASING 1.18 ACRES OF LAND ON U.S. HIGHWAY NO. ONE WITHIN THE VILLAGE FOR USAGE AS A PUBLIC SAFETY SUBSTATION; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the Contract for Sale and Purchase with Passionist Monastery of Our Lady of Florida, inc., attached as Exhibit "A", which contract is for the purpose of the Village purchasing 1.18 acres of land on U.S. Highway No. One within the Village for usage as a Public Safety Substation. Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Contract for Sale and Purchase with Passionist Monastery of Our Lady of Florida, Inc., set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 14th DAY OF AUGUST, 2003. „.IlUlpq,~ "~~\EJ i t 1 ~i J °~~~, . ;~ '' (Vi~llag~e Se l~ -' ~~ ,~J,~~t .~ ,,. ~a A C~ VILLAGE OF NORTH PAL1~1 BEACH CE DATE INVOICE NUiNBEF INVOICE 14/03 DEP. SUB.STAT 5712-66200 I 0001 "~ ~~ NET INVOICE A,\~OUNT PO NO i ~ 50,000.00 I !E VILLAGE OF lorth Palm Beach $ HiGh`h'AY I i:'il PAL!.I LIE>OI, r'. i3:dN SautnTrust Bank.~° G3 9 r7:G71 'iGID Imp C.;rS fflCht DATE *****50,000 DOLLARS AND NO CENTS v I,!F GEORGE BALDWIN TRUST ACCOUNT ::rl ~1, 330 FEDERAL HIGHWAY LAKE PARK FL 33403 ~HEC~ ~LO.03408 9 34089 ~ ' 034089 50090 )) ) ~M F ) 3324 08/15/2003 P 550,000.00 ~. _ hl' __•_.~ ~ITI~ .NI Q' ..~nei,...; ., , n~ ~ , 11'03408911' ~:06 3 1094 30~: 70 648 09911' r 1 LJ 7HI5 FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS (r) AND THE FLORIDA BAR. Contract for Sale and Purchase FLORIDA ASSOC. OF REALTORS AND 7FIE FL 8AR 'f PARTIES: Paasionial MOnaslerv of Our Lady of Florida Inc ('Seller, 2 of 1700 U.S. Ibgbway One, North Patm Beach Florda 77406 (Phone) (581) 626-1]00 • J and Village OI NOrlh Pelm Beach. a mumaDal Wrporalion (-Buyer 1. 4 0/ 501 U, S. Highway One, North Palm Beach, Florida 77400 (Phone) (561) Bdl-JJ51 5 hereby agreg Thal Seller shall sell antl Buyer shall buy the Igllgwing described real property and personal property (collectively 6 -Property') pmsuanl Ip the Icons and wndiliona al Ibis Conlracl for Sale antl Purchase and any ritlers and atltlentla (-Contract'): I. DESCRIPTION '6 (a) Legal desoiplion Of the Real Property located in Palm Beach County, Florida 9 Sec Addendum No. I 10 ' I I (b) Slreel atltlress, city, zip, OI Ine Property is: U.S. Highway One, North Palm Beach Florida JJdOB ' 12 (c) Personal Property None. Unimproved real pmpertY I7 id IS II. PURCHASE PRICE: A800.000.00 16 PAYMENT: •I7 (a) Deposit held in psuow George W. Baldwin Trust A<caunt (ESUOw) 90 Agentj In tho amount of _;50.000.00 •19 (b) Additional escrow tlepoail to b! made to Escrow Agem _ Gaya a0er Effective pale (sea 'ZO ParagraVh IIH in the amnunl of '21 (c) Subletl Ig AND avumption OI axbling mortgage in good standing in favor ' 22 having an appro+Imale present prlndpal balance Of '21 (tl) New mortgage financing with a Lender (see Paragraph IV) In the amount of '2a (e) Purchase money mortgage and nose to Seller (see rider tar terms) In the amount of '25 (OOther: 26 (g) Balanra to dgae by U.S. wsh or LOCALLY DRAWN caaMer'f or ol6cial bank check(s). aubjecl '27 to adjustments or proratiana 550 .00 Ifi III. TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER; EFFECTIVE DATE; FACSIMILE: II Ibis otter is not execuletl by and delivered tO all Oartles '29 OR FACT OF EXFf.VTION communicated in writing between the parties on or before August t5 2007 , In! tleoosil(sl JO will, al Ouyei a Option, Ee returned and Ihia offer withdrawn For purposes of tlalivery or notice of execution, parliea include Buyer 31 antl Seller Or each o/the resplcliva brokers Or atlomeya Tho dal! of Conlracl (-Effective OelaT will be the dale when lha last ]2 one gl the Buyer and Seller has signed This Offer. A lacsimile espy OI this Conlracl and any signalwes hereon obeli be conskpretl 7] Igr all pVlCe.•C3 as an original. Ja IV. FINANCING: 'JS X (a) This is a cash Transaction with no contingencies for lnancing; 'J6 Ib) Thia cgnlmtl is conddioned On Buyer Oblainin a wrillen loan cpmmitmenl within Jays after E6aclive Date for 'J) (CIIECK ONLY ONE)' Q a fixed. ~ an adjustable; or Q a GxeO or atlluslable vale loan in the Odncipal amount of '16 , at an Initial interest rare n01 to e+ceetl %, tliscpunl and origination fees not to % 'J9 or principal amoonl, and for a term _ years. Buyer will make appliptian within _ days (5 days it left blank) after n0 Elfecliv! Dale and use reasonable diligence l0 obtain a loan commitment antl, Thereafter, to satisfy terms end wntlilbns Of 41 Iha cgmmilment and close the loan. Buyer shall pay all loan expenses. II Buyer fails 10 obtain a commitment or fails to waive 42 Buyer's rghts untlor This subparagraph within the time for obtaining a cgmmilmenl or, after diligent elloq tails to meal the n7 lerma antl conditions gl the commitment by the closing dale, Then either party themafler, by wrillen notice to the other, may 44 Gnpel This COntmd and Buyer shall be refundetl the deposit(s); or 'd5 Q (c) The existing mortgage, desoibetl in Paragraph II (c) above. Q a variable interest rare; Qa fixed interest rate of '46 ',: per annum AI lime of line Iransler, some fixed interest rates are subllCl l0 increase; if inGpased, the ral0 Shall not 'a7 excee0 % per annum, Seller shall lurnish a statement from each mortgagee staling the principal balance, method of a6 payment, Interest rate and status of mortgage or authorize Buyer or Closing Agent fo obtain the same. II Buyer has agreed to 49 assume a mortgage which reguires approval of buys by Ure mortgagee for assumption, Inert Buyer shat) promptly obtain the 50 necevary applicalign antl diligently complete antl return it to the mortgagee. Any mortgagee charge(s), not to exceed 'St (1% of amount essump0 it Icft blank), shall be paid by Buyer. II Buyer is not acce0led by mortgagee or 52 the reguiremenls for assumption are not in accordance wish the terms of ibis Conlracl or mortgagee makes a charge in 53 excess of the staled amoonl, Seller or Buyer may rescind This Contract by wrillen notice to the other party unleaa either 54 elects to pay the increase in interest rate or excess mortgage charges. 'S$ V. TITLE EVIDENCE: At leas) 15 days belore closing dale. (CHECK ONLY O SQIICr shall, at $ellei 9 eapenap, deliver '66 to Buyer or Buyer's attorney; X Buyer shall al Buyer's e+pense obtain (CHECK ONLY ONE): Q abstract of title; or 0 title 57 Insurance commitment (with legible copies of instruments IisIM as excepliore allached (hereto) and, after closing, an owner's 56 policy of litlo insurance 'S9 VI. CLOSING DATE: This lransactipn shall be closed and the closing tlocuminls tleliveretl or before October 30 2007 60 unless modified by Other provisions of this Conlracl. ' 6f VII. RESTRICTIONS; EASEMENTS; LIMITATIONS: Buyer shall take (ills subject la: comprehensive land use plans, zoning 62 reslrictigns. prohihilions antl other reguiremenls imposed by governmental authority; realrictions antl mailers appearing on the 67 plat or otherwise common Ig Ine subdivision: outslanOing oil, gas antl mineral rights OI record without right of entry; public utility 6d easements or recgrtl (easements are l0 be Iop1e0 contiguous to real property linen and n01 mare Ivan 10 feet in witllh es Ip Ine 6$ fldf Or (mnl linp9 antl I l feel in widitl as 101he aitl! IinCa. Urllpaa pII1pM'1a0 8latpd heroin); la%p5 for year Of ClOainq antl 66 subseguenl years; assumed rnartgagea antl purchase money mortgages, it any (il addi(ional items, see atldentlum); provideQ 6] that (here exists at closing no viptalipn of the foregoing and none prevent use of the Properly for No reoresentallon G6 purpose(s). 69 VIII. OCCUPANCY: Seller wnrranls Thal (hare are no padies in occupancy other than Seller; but it Properly is intended to ba centetl 70 or Oc<upietl beyond closing, 0o face and terms Inerepl and the lenanl(a) or occupants shall be disclosed pursuant to Slantlard TI F. Seller shall tleliver occlrPancy or propedy lO Buyer al lime Of closing unless Otherwise slated herein. Ir Occupanq is to be 72 delivered before closing, Bllyer assum¢s all risks of loss to Property from date of oaupancy. shall be responsible and liable for 7] maintenance from that dalo. and shall b! deemed Ig have acceple0 Properly in its existing contlilipn as of lime of taking Td Occupancy uMC9s ollierwise staled herein. • 7$ IX. TYPEWRITTEN OR YiANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: Typewrillen or handwrillen provisions, riders antl atltlenda shall control all 76 printetl provisions of this Conlracl in con0id with Them. T7 %, RIDERS: CHECK (hose riders which are applicable AND me allached tO this Contrac0: ']6 COMPREHENSIVE RIDER HOMEOWNER'S ASSN. COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CON( ROL LINE ']9 CONDOMINIUM AS I$' INSULATION '80 VAlFHA LEAD~BASED PAINT '6I %I. ASSIGNABILITY: (CHECK ONLY ONE): may assign antl Iher¢by be released Irom any further liability under This '62 ConVad may assign but not be released from liability under This Comract; Or %Q may not assign Ibis Conbad. Ourer I 1 ( 1 antl 6ener ( ~~ 1 ( IAC4ngMM9e rttFpl old [qY Of Iola gaga FAN6nR-5 ql+. Br9a mOCRS CAN OE OBTAINED rpOM nIE RORiDA AS90C V.nON Or pEALTOR61nl OR LIE rLOR10A enrt. B] xii. mscLtisuRES: B4 (e) Radon la a naturally occwrlnq r0dloaellve gen Illel wllon aceumulaled In a building In aullklenl quanlllka may preaenl BS health daka to persons who Bra exposetl to II over lime. Levels of radon mat mceed federal eM elate quMelinas have bean BB lound In bulWirga In Florka. AOdillonal In/ormelion regartling Radon or Radon tooling maybe gplalned from your County B7 Public HeAllh UnH. ,L° 6B (b) Buyer ecknowdedpes receipt of the Florltla Building EnergpEllidenq Raling System Brochure. B9 (c) II the reel proDedy Includes pro-1978 reakenlial housing Then a lead based paint rtler la mandatory. 90 (d) II Seller Is a'forelpn person' es de9ned by the Foreign Inveslmenl In Real Progeny Tex Acl, the padiea shag cgmp7 with gl IhatAU. 92 (e) II Buyer will be abligaletl to be a member al a homeowneli assoUallon, BUYER SHOULD NOT E%ECU7E THIS CONTRACT 90 • ~ UNTIL BUYER HAS RECEIVED ANO READ 7NE HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION DISCLOSURE. 94 %III. MA%IMUM REPAIR CO5T3: Seller shall n01 be responsible for paymenla In esceas ol: 95 (a) -0- for treatment and repair under Standard D (11 blank, then 2 Fr of the Pur<haae Pllce). 96 (b) ~0- for repair end replacement antler Slantlerd N (II blank, Ihen OX of the PNrhase Prke). 97 %IV SPECIAL ClAU9ES; ADDENDA: II addillonal terms ale to be pmvlded, attach eddeMUm and CHECK HERE % 90 %V. STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS: Slandarda A Through W on the reverse ske or attached ere Inrnrpgraled g9 as pan of Ihla canireU. 100 THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, SEE THE ADVICE OF 105 AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. 102 THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS (R) AND THE FlORIOA BAR. 101 Appmvel does not conslilufe en opirdon Ihol nay o7llre forma end cpgilwns Ut this Conlmcf sMu10 be ncteplaO 1p4 by lha ped/ea /n epeniculer yronsoc(hm. Temn end mrMifbna should be nepofieled based upm the 505 napedive /n(eresls, objadives end oegeinlnp ppsllbna o/all Infensfedpersona. 100 COPYRIGHT 1998 BY THE FLORIDA BAR ANO THE FLORIDA ASSOCVITION OF REALTORS ®) 107 VILIA OF NORTH PALM D~ CHI ~, O 3 PASSIOJJIST MONASTERY O'F OUR RIDA B : aL Bv_: ~~ln.~.~- "ALA!/. tOB (Buyer) (Dale) (Selleq (Da ) ~ tc C -Mary or f 09 Social Security or 7ez LD. p Sodal Securely or Tax IA, e r ~ t1o / 6xc:. 111 (euym) (Dale) (Seller) (D e) 112 Soclel Seourlly or Tax I.D. A Social Searrily ar Tea I.D. I I] Depoail (S HER T/IAN CASH, THEN SUBJECT TO CIFARANCE 114 (ElUOW Apenp ~~ ~ ' .115 BRDN 'S FEE: Ile br~en named below. InUuding Iiriing and coppenling brokers, are the Doty broken enlilled to ~ 1 f B cgmpemallon In onnetllon with this ConbaU: 117 Name: SeaSea Add~ntlum Na. 1No. 1 See Addendum Np. 1 118 Cogpan0ng Broken, II any Llalinp Broker ] 19 STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS I70 0.EVIOENCE OF TIILE:(Q MebeBpa or 0lN pepare0a gapnl anentgareWleaa aM etleNq abflreq um pl rid sn eJalkq lMn 131 ceNnnd as cored q an akatlnp ~ ) WrpaNq to pe en emrtale eympfb d Bu N+Nmgnla eeadpq We k Ne retl pngerry rtmrdad k 133 Ne Wdb mmrdad We coanry wherein Ne cool pppmyblouletl lNwph Ertecllva Oala. AeMA wnarrtnce MN a,e avant DUpAe rewm 13] a euN kler dale as may pe Nelomary In Ne munry, Upm dOflry INa Lmlrad. Ne ep+bed+hnA pemnw aw pmpeM al Bwer, willed b 131 Ns rgnl or rolenlldn NarM q Anl malpapee unN NAy oak. 571 A Olle Inaaarce mmmAment I++uN q • Flake Omn+etl Otle Navmr 133 ep,enlrq to I»w Bwa. upm rewdrp d Ne deed io Buyer, an owner+pricy d IM qlb NfaarKe M Dro amoral d Bu paNefe prke, NaaNp t 7e Buyeh Mlle Ip tlb reel popery, auplecl mry to none, ennrmbmrcee eviceplim+a quanAUlbna pmrkN N Ne Cmead aM Nose ro W u7 dl+UUrped q $aAer el a peraa Uomrp. Senennan convey manaaple slue wqM ooh to Hem, er~npnban«+, uceplbnf a weAArullonf 170 pocked N Nla Cmpad. MaAelapla Nle shop be delermbed eccadlnp to apdTaae Tine SlaMard+ adopted q suurorM d TM Fbd0a Bar 4p aM N aaordarca MN law, Bwer anon Moe S dayf Iran date qr retthlnp erkprce ill title IB epemin! X II Illle b lank delecOva, Bwer 1]B duAMWn+ekSdpy,mury5ener In w,tnnp+pedM^p me delecgsl. IlddeclU)render non unmeiaebde. Senn MA nave ]a tlsy nom I] I recebl Iq nolke b remora Ne detach, lanirp which Bwer shaA, Mihln rave I51 days eher explrenon ill Na Nirry (]w day period, dearer'prBlm f ]3 noli(e to Server MN: (t) ekaMirp Ina Ilene ra a reaamaDle perbd not to eaeed I70 dayf MNIn whkh SeAer sMA u+e dpgenl eBwl b 1J] menace Vu de1M+: a (7) rryueLlnp a mbnd ill dope+Ilp) paid whlN than DB Bnmedlalery rebrned to Bwer. II Buyer lent b fa mBry SeAer, 1]I pura+MAbe deemedrohpre eceepled the One of ll Nen b. Se0a+nan, il0lbbfoun0 mmadetape. ufe d~np<nl anal bconM delM(N f R MNIn Ns Bms poNdeO Bwrebr, n Saner If unaae to Omey carts Ne delMa Bwer ahan elNer wabe Ne daMf, a receha a nluM d 1]0 depmll(a), Nereq ralemhp Buyer eM Seller Irom aA BANer Adipallma under Wn Cmped. b eddence d UBe la dN,rered ro Bwer k» Bun 1R Sdaya pbrb WaBq, BUyar may e.le^d do9ip dale+a MalBwer+naA nave up lp Sday+hen dale or recNpded0em dOMbaxsmM I]8 +ameln eaadanp MN W+Smalad. 1]B B. PURCHASE MONEY MORtGAGE; BECURItt AGREEMENT TO SELLER:ApurrAaae m~neymMpage aM mpdgapa roleb Senor aluA 140. govld9 fa a ]Play prate perod N Ne event d delaM tl a hsi malgage and a I S~day prate pa,bd M e fecal a k+»r malgage: aha0 111 povlda MdphldpapeymenlNwhokaln pad Mp10p1 pe^ally,al,aAp!iml acteleralM In event of pamlerd Ne rc4 popvdy: eheA mgdre 113 ell pbr gene aM encVmbranoea b Ire eepl b pppd+NrklrN en0IaN0 mpolFKelbns of a Mpe etlranttf lender pbr mplpepe(a): aNA requ4e Hl Buyer to mablaln poldef d N+urance comeininp a sLMad mprlpapae claux pavauq aA hnpovemenlf baled m Ne real popeRy apsbfl 111 be eM en perils Iridladetl wIIhN Ne leim'ealeMed canape enda>amenii and aaA Wwr dsAa and ppns» $Mer may reesonspry rrpuhe 115 N an amount equal b Wag hlphe+l Inaaaple value; sM Ne imdpape, rrole eM+ecullry apraement ahae be oUmrM+e N tam and content repFed I/a q SeAer, pal $eAa may ally repW e W u+a ark oprwape cvalomar~ rents N modpapef, malpege nde+ end femlry preemenH peneraAy 117 uUOaedq»M,p+end ban MfOlullmaaalaleanatbnal hooka lpralNNlne mvnrywTxNn Ne real popeMb bglld. Mparaonel 11p properly and I[afea Mop Wnrbyld Or aa+lgrbd Ma, BI Senor f Oplkn. M +pNad 10 Ne Ilan Oy a eeMlly preeminl evkellald q IemrME Ia0 MaMnp +Iaemenb. tl•paAOOn mo,lpaya, Ne Anal payment MA mceed Ne perbdk paymenl+IMrem, I3a C. SURVEY: Buyer, al Buys i e.pome, Mmin ame crowed la deeve erkerca d Wle aM to eaembs »me, may Nn Ne mat popeM aarveyed Ial erg cenlned q • repl+lerM FbMa wrvtya, II IM survey N+UO]M eM,eacnmenb m IM real popeM d IMI4nporemenla baled Inemon I53 ealpadl al aalpWlAMa. eaaemenia.ip„da pr Olnerla VNBle eM reahtlkn],LMlla[I Wrananlf IXapplUae palerMpr,lal repYlalal, Ne 15] Mrrb NBA m^eIIMe a tllb dated. 151 D. TERMITEAIW000 DESTROYING ORGANISMS:Bwer. el OVyei>UM^se.MNln the ame albwedbdeliva evkerce of pile, may here lne 153 Propnry NfpMed q • Fblda CeNOed Pmt Convd Opaaia FOpenlai to Oelmmke n Nere b eq d+ipe acurs Tamale W»ISlbn a 15e duple damage hom lamgte Infe+laOm, exdWhq lercm+. B elNer a poW e,e burg, Bwer NaA lava 1 dM Iron dale d w+lBen rgpce U,ped 157 ~ MNin wfikA b have coat al paeMenl it requped. »umeletl q Ne Operela end eA damage Napecled W »gmaled q e 4eroad bride a 750 general panBada. $e0p NM pray vtlk cosU d eeaMml ark repah ill eA damage vp b Bro amount porkM N parppreph IUII (e). O 15p enmated ea+b eaeed But empunL Ovrer eneA have Na oplbn d uncdNp W f Cmhad MNN 3 days sher mceip d mntrxiNa mptr 100 »Bmale q phhq.wmm Ao11c0 b Server a Bwer may elect b proceed Mln a,e YBn»clbn, and mmhe a bedll at Wfinp m the amount 101 povided In Paragraph XIII sa). Termiiei eheA pe deemed to Ndvde aA wood d»BVArp apadama requaetl ro pe repMed undo Na ibrlpa Pesl 182 Cmhd Act, n amerkad 1a] E. INPRESB AIiO EGRE49:$eMr wananb arts mpoenla NOt Hem i+Irpre»erk e9ra>to Vb reel pppeM sumdanl roc na Nle,bed we tat • e+dewiped In PAreaeph Nl Here or, line to wnknb Naaadance MN $bMard n. 105 F.LEASES: Senor alien, ratkulnpn l5 day+perae cbd,q,lumbn to Boyer mplm or enwrlllm ten»ark efioppel hoer hen eaN IBB leranl epedfylrp NemMe WdumlbndUe lenenlY Oauppnq.iemalraea, edvar,ced ranlerk leMlry depoaA patlglalunt ll $eAerb tel wuae ro aDIBN euN bgel hen eaN tenant Na »me Nlamalbn anal) pe Nnhhed q Shia ark Borer MBgn Nal tlme period N U,a brm d 108 Se0ene alAdprlL end Buyp mry Neree0er cooled Tenant b mnArtn fuN N(amelbn. SMn ehe0, s1 ebNq, OaNmr aM a»yn sA adpNAl 100 leaf» b Borer. 170 O. LIERB: Senor eheA /umlah b Guyer al Ilene d rJasNp en ankadl all»lliq b Na ep+erce unlea+ aupxM+e po.Aded la herein d eery 1>1 , , Marclry aklemenl dahne d ram a pplenllal nerve 4rq~.r b $t0er eN IurNer allefU^O N+i Inem Bare gem ro hgrwemenb a mpaba b 177 Ne re al ra Po pm days kmedlslery pecedl^q dale or do+kp II Ne teal popemy nee peen hnperetl a mpatre0 MWn Out ame, $aAa M M Bwa n , ~~ ~ ^ ~ ~ ^ 5 ~:4~) ~ 1 r ero 5!Aer (~ t ( ~f) xkmwledge realpl a. Noy a Boa gape. FARNAR-5 Rer, baA RIOE135 CAN OF OO7AINE0 FROM TilE FlO010A ASSOCwT10N OF RFALiOR$tR)OR TIIE FLORIN BM. 11) -, eME delher roleeaaa a waNeq d mrulrupllpt pour examled by BII genor0l CanVaclwf. fUbmnUKiwf, spppAwf end mebrblman h addllgn f ]t,. b $eMr'• aen aakMl ee114p IpN IM namse d a0 auN penwel mnveylpt rvb[minelwa, aupplen aM maletlNmen, fUr0ror aapm4q NN 116 •~ pa Nerpea lw vnpr0vamanb w reppira MItA oNIA serve of • Eefla la a toot WtI1Dn Dan a e W Im la damapaa Mve been paid a vr0 M pale 110 ~~ el0ro do4p d Nla Cm4ed ' 11Y' 11. PLACE OF CLO91N0: CbNrp fhaA M nek b IM county wherein the rtol property b bcelM el Na oaka of We Nlpney a doer tloa4q I10 ~ agent fGlmlrp Apenl~ deagneted Ay $Mer. ~~ 110.1TIME: bcvmmEnp 0me perbda of less loan f4 N)daya. sglwdap, SUMdy1 e^tl flalearrolbnal legal ndl0ap ftrell Ae eadWed Airy Enro 190 pedodf gwMeO lw hneln MtIN shall era a+ a Satwtlay. SUMay, w 0 legal Mlkay sbA alert Io 5.00 p.m. of IM neat W slnev dey. Time If d 101 Ne aaercaln mle COn4ad. 1B3 J. CLOSING DOCUMENt9: Sella alWnlwnlan lnedeed, Alll of sale,m^slmdbn non sRaadl owneiapossmsbnelAaavlL asagnmenls of • I9J leuw, tenant and mal0apee anoppel tenon and cdredlve lmWmenb. BvYennaA furnlN rloahq flelemenl mwtpa0e, modpaga mle, f 9e ~ attudry apreemml and Anew9rq elatemenb. 103' K EXPENSES: Oaatmenbry alempf an Wa OeatlBM retarding olcareclivO lnstmmemsfnaOMpab by Seller Documentary stomps ark 199 Inlorgide lea m Ero pvrMSea money morlgape eM arty matpapa eaumed, mptgagee Mlle bfurarce rnpnlvnenl wiN mbletl lees. ua 191 rttaUlrq d purdrua money malpe0a to Soler, deed sM nnandrp alatementf aMn M pab W Buyer. Vmgo amemUe prpvked AY bw a IBB rider b Wa Can4ad Wrpea Ip Iha lgllpMrrq related Ullt etalC¢f. namery Blla w ebaVed Nnpe, tllb maminelgn, art a011bmenl 199 erd cbslrrp lee, aneA M pale by Ina parry rlapmslde la Nmlfnlrp me Ii0e evaer¢e In emadenu wIW Pwaqupn v. tee IPRORAlIDN9; CREDITS: Teao.eaevmenh, rent mlmul,imurgrrcearaglner e.pensesof me Property andOMpweled WOVph Ne 101 dey Mlaa dm4p. BUyereMll Mve llm oplbn Dl bAlnp pvN Pifllny mlkies of bsunr¢G ll ufvmaatbwnkh lvenl pemWmfeM9M Iq2 DmralM. Cefn el cbfhq aheAMlrc.eaaedadM9Bfedef mey Mregdrpd A/ppslbnf tort made mrppn day gkrbdpflrlp,p000frpanry, 10] 11 gcmDgrrcy xara Mlaa pl0allly. Adrercerenl era ftturiry demslls.gnM aedited ld Bupr. Esvaw depgNb Mk by Rgrlpngee wl0b 101 uedited to Senec. Taxes aMA M paele0 baaM m Ero carenl yeai s Ina wan due enawerrre made Ica mahnwn anowabla dscwml homadead t95 e^d olha eaemdbnf. 11 dofbp pcpn m a date wnpr me mood yeai f menage b not mod sra pmm~l yeai f aaevmenl b evenaAb, bxef IDB wlllMgaabd WSed upon auN avesfinenl and pbr year's miAape. Il mrmnl yeah aveommlb rot avallade, Nen loran wNMpaeled 1B1 on qbr yeah ba. II Ihere are mmpleled Improvements m Ine real popeM Ay January I• al year or doshp, whbA hnporemenk wma ml M IBB axlslerca on January 1' d pbr ttar, Inen la.n NaA Ae panted bated upon qbr pah minaQa era al en epola0k pueaameni b M agreed IBB upon AeMeen Ne ppNeq la0lrp wnlN.requol ahanMmatle to theCmnry PropeM Apprelser lp an lnlormal mfnsmenl leklrq blo ecmunl 100 evaAada e.unplbna Alsx pwellan Aased on en ef0male snag. alrmunl of anon peM.M readlwled upon receipt of le. de on gwkNpr 201 Urel a statement Id Ne a0M b fgrmd al rMSlrk. 101 M. SPECIALA94E95MENT DENS: Cerliptd, mnarmdl and mliaed fptt8laffevmenllims of ol0akor rJosirq lentos of EOeWya Dale) 30J era to pab M $s0ar. Perk4q Item m of data of cbNnp soon M msumed q Buyu n Ina Imposmem no been>u09edlelry tangelo n 101 pl EaeaFve Oele, arty perg4q lianfMn 0e confkered ttrpned. mnarmM wrellAedeM SeaennaA, el cbflnp, Ae dvrped en emamt eal6l 109 Ne tall tf9mala p HseLnknl Id Ine Imprwemenl Ay ma WWIC body. 109 N.INSPECTION, REPAIR 9ND MAwtENANCE: Sena wauenb Nal the cEnnq,rmlprcdUdlrq Ero bftle era foNb)eM aalnla ark S01 Inlarlw wa0a, buMalbn, aaawenf la equlydenl) srq datape do rot nave arty VLde Evlderrpe d katf. welu dampe a f Wdurd dampe 109 art WI Ne fmEd lank pool, all amlla^ces, mttAankal Item; heellrq, m^rU`q, gechkal, pum0lrq apltmf era mecnlrcry pe b Watalp 30B COMIIIp1.TMfaegdrq wanOnlyanea MllmlledbOw llemf fptVftd uNaff OlMtMfaparbtd Nan addeMam. 9tryer may, al BV/aIa 310 Gapt^at, nova bapaCildna n4da d polo Ilamf Mlnb 19 dap alter Ilq E(IttMa Oak, b/ a arm p hgMdual fpedeOIvq N Igma bfpaCllOn! 311 arq naeWp an omupalbnN lkenae lw sucn wrpofe OrrrydrM)aWa^eppopnarery xemNFbd0s conMda.W BVlu aMq prbr 313 l0 9vyafa oempsncy, Od morn Nen 10 dap eam Enttes Oele, rcmn In nilirrg b $eaer auto Uemf Inal ao M meal Vro above sleMerda 3U of lgderedf. UNeu Buyertlmaryrepgnf fum delMa, Byer flranMdnemed to nos welvetl 5e0eif capon^IlmnWdelecb nd repalM. 311 11 repa4f a mplecempnb aro repriced to cpnpry wim W s $Iarkar0. Senec sMe aura Nem b M made era fMO pay w to Ine anrounl NS povkM W Puapreph XIII (0). Seller b ml regWred to mate reppln a redacemenb of • Cwmetk Can0iUOn udeu umad by • doled $elbr 31B brmpOnslda Wre0abp repece. Il the mNra fUN repebw mplacamem eauedslM amount poNde0ln Parepgpn %nl(0). Buyer and Seller 311 mayelttl b pry aunt vauaa, IaNrp whlN eI War party may earKtl Inlf Cm1rM1. a Stner If ImeAb to mrrM Ne OetMf pbr b doebq, Uro 119 mN Nerpol anon b pab IoW afaow al Oof Wp, $ener Nan. upon raawnabk rolka, pavke WIi9n aervka sM saefe l0 Ero PropeM M 3t0 Infpecfbna, IntludWp a wpR~mmvph pbr to <bslrq, la conNm Inat as items d mnmel pgperry art m ma real goparry art, eub)ed ro Na 230 lorepdrq, Nsl 90 repriced repaln era repacemenlf Mve Aeon made era tool nw Property. hsduNrp, but ml Ilmupd lo, bwn, Nmb0ery sm pool. 111 Il arty, has been maWb4rodN pe condllkn Odallrq as dl EOKINe Date. Ordinary wearpN leer mcepled. Fa purpofef dl Nls Cmbad: (e) 322 'WaAbq Laki4m'meanf aperalbn In Ne mannerbwnkn tAe Item cane dmgnpd to operate; (A)'COSmeIk COMllbn'meanaemlhetk 33] Impedtcsiona Nai do not eaed Na waAlrq cpailbndlne Item, IndrAirg, Wl mlAmiled lo'dlled mardta misNrgalan fueem;IOygeL 311 vnndOxl; Itarf.wprl apOl;polfCDlgellpn af^WrCWPInp]. watlpaper,pw^rddwhNlnlenlT, naI1 MIH,fCr01UH, dlnlf, ap9Def, dllpfa 125 mulAlnp H aNrq, weAa ADahge AaWree a mlrrp; and mirgr uackf I^ Aaaf, litef, w'vkowf, ddrewsp. akecaaRS. a pJd tlerkf; ark (c) 229 aache0 rod Net, mrlbg a nowt eninplm, a Amiletl rmI Ne loop not Ae ronfkerH deledf Sher mutt repab a regace. fo bop of Ihem b m 231 aviderce d edual Jeep a bekape a NNddral damage, but mbalrq lilel.nA M Selkh refpnlslAllity b regatt. 339 0. RI9N OF LOSS: II Ne PnWeM is damagedMfroapinerumalry palwecbslrg era msl of reslaetlon does not eaceed J%d Ne IIq evened vebatbn of ps Purport ao damaged, maldreslwalion loan be an oblgatbn of SelkreM doflry shaopmeed punvantb Ne IJO lermf 01 mla mn4ad wIN gUaellm mflf vaowed al W flop. II Ine mfl d res Wrelbn oceNf ]x d ma evessM rebalbn of We IJI Prgfarty at dlmapld, BVyOr lnOa ngva Ina ODikn pl ailnar bflrp lira property of lf, IOgetMr w1N e11nM Ine ]X part lnsparlM pOttedf n1 payeala b/Nnua tr audl bfa pdamaga,pOl caMtarp lob Ca^Irad OM rtttlNrrq rztum ql ma demLgsl. 3]J P. PROCEEDS OF 9ALE;CLOSINO PROCEDURE: Tna decd ]nett D<rttaded upon deare¢a ofnmda Il an ebf4ad al Blte hat Daen IN Iunllfned. avkarsn al UOa Nag MCOnnnued al OUyeh eaDt^se to flawlirk l^Rvyer, wllMUl any errcumpmrcna Nenpa whkh wvuk carter 3]5 SeAaifllae unmarAebde hpnlnedaleol Wa UfllvkaMe. AA dollop pmeeds fnaaMMNbewwWStlkr'sallanayaglhOr muNeAy 3J0 eccepbda eeaw. pent ldeperbd al rwl matlnan 3days aatr cbvnq dale. Il Seneff alb la reMereO Unmenelade. bragnroladid . 31] Ovyeq OuyenMA, wlEdrt the 6Eey perbd, nollry Seller b wslnny pl ma doled and $Mtr ana9 nave ]0 dap hen dale d recelpl of fade . 1]9 mullolb^ b curt Ere dNad a senenalb m nmary Aura me delttl. ea aemllgf) sod dmirq hat .non, upm+wmen demaM q Byer erM nv vAO1n SOM eamdemand.MroWmed to BWtr ern. almalbnewfry witty fAU repayment, Buyer Na0 mlum lM penmal popery. vaule me ' 310 reN pOpeM art rMOnvey Ilro Pm0ery le Seller Ay spttlel wanenry deed ark biA of fete. II Buyp 1lllf to make Imrery demBra Ip mraa. BUym N I ahaA lake 9tle n b, wpMrq eA dpnq apalol $atler as to airy Intervenlnq delttl ertepl of may M evallaAla l0 8uyn W Whit of wertenllaf 1Q mnbined In Ero dart w AN d ult. II a pptbn dl Ne pvrcnafe prke is W be Oerlved from ba0lulbnal nnandnp p nlmandrq, requpemenla 1q of Vre Itrklrq Im4luEOn of la pace, Ilene of dry art gmedores Ipr dosing, ark ld disMfemenl 01 malpage pweeda sM0 mnbd over 2u mn4ary poNSgnln lhif DWVad. Selzer ahan nave Ine rgnl to require lrom the lerkhq lnslllulbn BVnlllen mmmilmenl tool ll wiA not 115 wilhhdd dleAvnemeMdmplppye prxee0s of grmull of any lisle OelecUmibula0le to BWermMgagd. Theewow era cbfinp paee0we 319 regaled WlMf StarkaN NaBMwahetl ll Ine Vlle agent bfnnf adrene molten pursuant lp sedbn 931 lBn, F.$.y amerced, 30 O.ESCROW: Arty afwwepenlfApenl'I recelNrq bMfwequhalemb minpiltd era spreo Me¢eplarce al loom to tlems0lhem 319. gpmply,hW aerMbafapx eM. mAIM lp ckanrsce. dlfWgt pambepeadaMe MOlvmaaM CadllbnadNlfCm4ad. FBAwed 110 . NMS la tl0ar Naa ml aamN Bupi f perramanpe. U b Ooubl of to Apenl'a dNlef a 4a Wlllef goer Vre pwlsbns d Nlf Centred Apenl 150 meY. ai ApMYf Opllprt, mr114N1a b Mk IM suAlecl motto of Ne eepdw rml0 ma penlef haeW agree b E ObMferroni p un10 • jWgamanl 351 d e marl d mmpebnl prMmdbn ahae delemdrro 0ro riphb d Na paNea, a Apenl may bpffE name MN Ore dent d Oro cvcM mvrl Mvhq 391 hd Wkllon d Ne dlspde. Vgat mlllylrp e0 parllee mmernetl d aUN Klbn. 00 OablBry M Ero pert of Apenl eM9 hpry lerminale, ampl b 15] ma ekmldecwunErq la arty 0ems perbufry OaMarad od 0l <fdrgw, Ile lkenfM realealele baler, Apenl wN candy wlN proNfbnfd 35a CMDItl O5 F.S., as amaMad. Arty fall MMlen Dowel art Salto wntrBln AyMI h made a part baCaUSa 01 KErq H ADMI nQraprOar.IX In 4ry 353 fail wTemW Apenl blerpleads Ne mnjed mailer d Ine ewaw, Aged ahan remsn<aaanade ellarrey'f lees art mils Lxsared wIN IMae 259 amounla to Ae Deb Fran end M of Ine efcrw.eE lurkf a epuhalenl art Naeped era pwartletl as mud msb M lava of U+a pmNrq parry. TM ISA Apenl Nag cal M Oade b arty parry a perm la mifdefwery to Ruya a SMd al Ilemf snood b dro mown, anent slfN mlfdelhery b due to 359 wEIM bash d Na pMebnf d IMS Cmtrad a Orov nmlgerce of Apenl. 350 ~ R. ATTORNEY'S f EE9; CO9T9: In arty Irppnl4n, IrcJWI^p txeaN, enfacemenl w blmpeblbn, Nanp ow al UAr Cwdreel, lira parNOrp 100 pony N fotlr Aagalbn, wfiW, lp pyrpggef Ol llga $IeMard. OMA IrKIW a Seger, Ov/vr eM arry baAan etllrp In agerKy p Mnaparrry 1CI nreuanfmm auwMaeaq Cnaplu u5F5„aumeraed. anMbentuledwremvernan me mn.perelnnq ony ranmads enwrroy'f loo, xex mflf era openaea. I9J 9. FAILURE OF PERiORMANCE:II OVyer loth Wpanwmlitla GprrlraCIMWM IM Lime feedned. LrJUdn9 peymenld as dapoll;Ina 10d deposll(f) pole by Buyp eek damNl(f) ogned to M oak. mey M remvertd end rolelnptl h and la Ne emwnl d Sepu m agreed upon 295 Ilqukaled damepee, mnakpe0m 1« IM mttu9gn d Ws Cm4ed art b lug feNe^ronl d arty dolma; wMreupm, Bv1er ark Sean aired De 389 reeaved 010a ollOpe0ona urker NN Cddrad; a SeAer, at SeAeh opgm, may greed In egdry W enlan $elbrY rlpnb urker Nta Cm4ed. II 101 fa arty realm ofhu Eon bgma d $e0er to make Seati s IIUe marhelabk peer dilgenl ealM, SeAd lags, nepledf a ralmea to pMam Nb 199 Cm4ed Elder mey peek apetllk perlarmanu a e1M to recels Ne velum of Ovyei s deposllD) wl0roul hereby caeMn0 srry edbn la 29B Oema0ee resvNrp hwn $eeara baaN. 1]0 ~T. CONTRACT NOT RECORDABLE; PERSON90OUND;NOTICE: Nepna Nb Cm4pdroerry mike ale fMaD<remtledberry puMc 111 ramrtls. TNa COdEed Naa Aha erd Inure Ip the AeneN of Ew panim era Ine4 sumevaf W Inlvefl. Wheneru Ero mnlek permlb, skpdar • 312 aABA UmWda Nvml and art porno arron InclWe a0. Nolke gluon by a ro Ine etlpneY Ica arty pert' abA DO a v0ecLvt n II plsn by p W Thal IyJ Derry. 21a U.CONVEYANCE: Selbr anapcmvey llna to Ero real poperry AV ablotay wanenry, uufmt'e. penmelmpefadaltre's apufalen'a deed. of 115 apOrdpbleb Ne ekMdSaAtr, fvUlttlmtylOmallerf Cmlarn<db Parep•opn VIIeMIMft pnarMfaacceDted py Buyer. Ptlfdwt pppsk by Nen, al Ne repUSSld BUlp, be Lamkrredgan abadwe qo of ub wlln warnnryduue, mbjed oayroeutA menuees mayN pmamffe 111 gpvkad lp npab. 110 V.OTNERAOREEMENT9: NOpbrwprmmisgreemenlawrepre5emalions fMpMdMlrq upon BUyuaSe0er mkv krrlWNTEpf 11q ,Cm4ed No modiAnOm b a Nanpn b INf Cmbad loan M calk a drkirp upon IM paNea mkv In ml4rq art eaemled AY Ese Dady a IBO~ paNea Nltn0e0b MboMk bYB 381 W. WMpANTT: SeAer wartenla pal Inue are m Ixb hmmr 10 SeAer mattlaay ertttanp Ew value of Uro Bogert wnlN era ml read0y 282 abfembbaBVye(aMlpJr nave net Aetn dbtbfe0lo Over. % Buyer l ~ .. ~:) l ) qra saner (~) ( Y. f . ) adrewladge reeelpl d a mpry d Ws papa. FAR/BAR-5 Ray. N08 RIDERS CAN OE OBTAINED FROM TILE FLORIDA ASSOCWTgN OF REAITOR$(R)OR TILE FLORIDA BAR. ADDENDUM NO. 1 • THIS ADDENDUM NO. 1 is to that certain Contract for Sale and Purchase by and between PASSIONIST MONASTERY OF OUR LADY OF FLORIDA, INC. as Seller, and VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, a municipal corporation, as Buyer, for the sale and purchase of real property located on U. S. Highway One, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408. XIV. SPECIAL CLAUSES: ADDENDA: 1. The real property that is the subject of this transaction constitutes 1.18 acres located at the extreme southern portion of Seller's property located on U.S. Highway One, North Palm Beach, Florida, and more particularly described in Exhibit °A" attached. 2. The parties agree that upon Buyer's taking legal title to subject real property, Buyer shall, in accordance with Florida Statutes and its Charter and Code of Ordinances, re-zone subject property to P Public District. 3. Buyer agrees to place a ten (10') foot landscape buffer on the north and the east boundaries of the properly, including a permanenlwall, with the landscaping and wall to be built to the same specifications as the wall at the Village's U.S. 1 fire/police station to the south. Buyer shall landscape the wall on the Village's property. Attached hereto is composite Exhibit "C" reflecting the specifications of the landscape plan with the permanent wall and the permanent wall at the Village's U. S. One Fire/Police station: A. Wall planting plan for the Public Safety facility is on file with lha Village and was prepared by Gee & Jenson, Job No. 96-188.00, Sheet No. L~ (Sheet 13 of 69). B. Copy of the wall planting plan. C. Copy of permit for the wall for the Public Safety facility. D. Copy from the plans for the wall of the manufacturer, engineer and sheet number. 4. Buyer,atitsexpense,agreestorelocateSeller'smainwatercut-offvalveand meter. The relocation site shall be as close as practicable to the present location of the water cut-off valve and meter. 5. The Village shall replace the asphalt sidewalk along the entire U. S. 1 frontage of Seller's property (inclusive of the property being purchased by Buyer) with concrete, as well as to plant a new sod Swale and irrigation for the Swale. There would be no parking allowed on the Swale itself. Buyer, at its discretion, shall either maintain the Swale and irrigation systems in the Swale area adjacent to Seller's remaining property or shall furnish water to Seller at Buyer's costwilh Seller irrigating and maintaining the Swale area adjacent to its property. If Buyer elects to furnish water to Seller at Buyer's cost, Seller shall have the option at a future time to discontinue purchase of water from Buyer and provide irrigation and maintenance of Swale areas adjacent to its properly from other sources. Buyer agrees to design the irrigation system with ashut-off valve or other design feature so that Seller can cap off and discontinue purchase from Buyer at a future time. Buyer agrees to provide the proposed design and placement of the irrigation system to Seller for its review and comments prior to installation of the system. • 6. The Village shall provide its own irrigation system for its proposed property. 7. The Village shall not remove any other natural growth on the Seller's Addendum No. i to Contract for Sale and Purchase Page 2 • property beyond the boundaries of the proposed property without prior authorization and without replacement. Seller agrees that certain small shrubs and small trees on the Sellers remaining property must be removed in order to allow Buyer to properly construct its facility. 8. Buyer acknowledges that it has dealt with Gary Heiser of Five Star Properties, Inc., a real estate firm, in regards to subject real property, and Buyer shall be solely responsible for any and all real estate commissions owed to Five Star Properties, Inc. and agrees to indemnify and hold Seller harmless from same. Seller and Buyer respectively acknowledge that neither has dealt with any other real estate or brokerage firm in regards to subject real property and shall indemnify and save and hold the other party harmless from any damage ensuing by reason of such misrepresentation. 9. Buyer acknowledges that Seller has made no representations or warranties in regards to subject real property nor representations as to the ability of Buyer to utilize the subject real properties far its intended purposes. Buyer is going to make its decision as tc whether to go forward with the transaction after exercising its right of due diligence. Buyer shall have the right of due diligence for a period of forty-five (45) days from the effective date of this Contract in order to make inspections and tests and to determine that subject real properly is usable for its intended purpose. Buyer and its agents, wntractors, and assigns shall have the right to enter subject real property during the due diligence period for the purpose of conducting such inspections and tests of subject real property that Buyer desires. Buyer agrees to notify Seller in advance of its agents coming upon subject property for inspections and tests. Buyer will return subject real property to its original condition if altered in the making of such inspections and tests and will not engage in any activity that could result in a construction lien being filed against subject property. Buyer agrees to indemnify and save and hold Seller harmless of and from any damage or loss resulting from the inspections ortesls conducted 6y Buyer, its agents, contractors and assigns, which indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, reasonable attorneyfees and all vests of litigation both at the trial and appellate level. If Buyer is not satisfied with the results of the inspections and tests of subject real property or is not satisfied that subject real property is usable for its intended purpose, Buyer, in its sole discretion, shall have the right to furnish to Seller in writing a notice electing to cancel the Contract. Such notice must be delivered no later than forty-five (45) days from the effective date of this Contract to Seller's attorney, JOSEPH L. ACKERMAN, Jr., Esq., Boose Casey Ciklin Lubitz Martens McBane & O'Connell, 515 North Flagler Drive, Suite 1900, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401-4343. If Buyer elects to cancel the transaction as set forth herein, the contract shall be at an end with neither Seller nor Buyer having further right or obligation as against the other by reason of having entered into the contract. If Buyer fails to elect to cancel the Contract within the time frame and the manner specified herein, Buyer shall proceed to closing. 10. If Buyer elects to cancel the Contract aforesaid, Buyer shall provide Seller with copies of any percolation tests, surveys and any other written documentation from Buyer's tests and inspections of the property to the Seller without charge. 11. Village shall pay the premium for the owners title insurance policy and cost of documentary stamps to be affixed to the Warranty Deed. This provision shall prevail over conflicting provisions contained in paragraph K of the Standards for Real Estate Transactions. 12. The conveyance shall be subject to an Easement Deed from Seller to Seacoast Utility Authority consisting of four (4) pages and set forth as Exhibit "B" to this • Contract. 13. Buyer agrees that subject property shall only be used for P-Public District Addendum No. 1 to Contract for Sale and Purchase Page 3 • uses for a period of ten (10) years from closing of this transaction and recordation of the deed. Buyer warrants, covenants and agrees that it will not set 1, lease, develop or use, nor permit the sale, lease, development or use of any part of the Property that is the subject of this contract ("Property") far a private use. This Use Restriction burdens and encumbers the Property and the Owner thereof, and it benefits the balance of the parcel of land of which the Property was a part prior to its conveyance and the owner thereof. This Use Restriction shall attach to and run with the Property for a period of ten (10) years from the date of the recordation of this deed, and it shall be binding upon the Buyer and its tenants, successors and/or assigns. The language of the above restriction shall appear in the deed of wnveyance from the Seller to the Buyer. Al the end of the said ten (10) year period, this Use Restriction shall automatically become null and void. 14. Buyer agrees to use its best efforts to re-zone subject real property to P- Public District within one hundred and twenty (120) days from closing. The construction of the landscaping buffer and wall, relocation of water valvelmeler, new sidewalk construction and planting of new sod in Swale area along U.S. Highway One, together with the irrigation for the Swale, shall be completed no later than completion of the Buyer's Public Safety facility and prior to occupancy of the building. The wall shall be completed before any other vertical construction is commenced. ~neae~aes~naama.i • Addendum No. 1 to Contract for Sale and Purchase Page~~ • PASSIONIST MONASTERY OF OUR VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, LADY/OF FLORIDA, INC., Seller Buyer BY: rl~i,u„w.r. ~p,,aT~ By: ~ .- .- pp U rcc ^ Mayor ayf-~-r~...:,-tf" (VILLAGE SEAL) ATTEST: ~/i~age Clerk ~' Nnegeres3neaena•r a CJ I • Yage 1 oI 2 ['ages ~~'. .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION DescripGua al Parcel A parcel of land corrlaining 1.10 acres of land more or less located within Ilse existing property of Our Lady of Florlda Spiritual Center belrrg more partlcularly described as follows: Tha Point of Beginning for the Parcel Is al Lhe exislhiy southwest comer of Our Ledy of Florlda Spiritus) Center al U.S. Higlrway 1. Tha line would Iben Imvereo soulheaslarly along lire exisgrrg soullr property Ilne for a distance of 150 feet. The east parcel Tine would linen lum 90 degrees from the existing south properly Ilne and run In a rrorllreaaterly direction for a distance of 250 feel The nortlr parcel Ilne would then turn fl0 degrees and run in a norllrwesledy dlrecton for a distance of 250 feel la Ilre to Ilre U.S. Highway 1 right-of-way Ilna. Tha line would Mien run southerly along Ilre U.S. Highway 1 rlglrt-of-way Ilne for a distance of 271 feet ~l- to the Point of Oeginning. Exhibit "A" ,., ~' /, :;.. '.~ j;,:,, ~ Page 2 of 2 Yagee .. "li ... .......... .. .... • .. .... q~S- .. .. .. D c ~ 7dT~l. AfZE~.= I.Irti ~~ . ._ ... .. _ r .~ ~f5;IB4E • r 15 51"~1Dr~RiJ.. , ~ ~. - -~ ' U.S. oN~ ~' 11 ~ . , ~_ ~~~ . ~. : ~~~1 ~~--~1 ' I ~x~571M ~ 4Y~~ ._-. ...~~.:~{a.~71~ ~-- ~~~-~T~TIOF~1 ~ ~ V :~~- '{ ~ x I. ~ rage i ~~ ~a~~e :::" • EASEMENT DEED F THIS FJ1SFrrylENT GEED made end entered irdu (Iris .,'~ day of Qrr. („y,be,~ 19~between nsr•rNb1-MANI(• wf ~ ,Noc~L trereinafterreferredloes "Grantor') whose address Is /.'tee u.l / 6 rPhlat ,~.m,f Gt,n~ and Seacoast UIIIityAullrorily (hereinaflerrefer ed toes "Grantee") whose address Is A200,{ toed Road, Palm Desch Gardens, Florida 33d 10. WI'fNESSETH: The! Grantor, for and In conslderelion of the sum of Ten Dollars (310.DU) and other goad end valuable conslderallan In hand paid by ll,e Grantee, lira receipt of which 19 hereby ecknowladged, does hereby gran) to Iho Grenlee, its successors and assigns, a perpetual utility easement which shall permit Ilre Grantee to eriler upon the properly al Grantee's expense herein dosr~lbnd at any lime to Install, operate, maintain and service water and sewer lines end appurtenant facilities In, on, over, under and aaoea the easement premises. The eosement hereby granted covers a parcel of land lying, situate and being in Palrn beach County, Florida, end beiirg more parllcularly desaibad es follows: SEE EXf IID 17 "1 •', ATTACHE U I IE RETO ANb MADE A PART HEREOF Granhrr hereby covenants with Grenlee Thal it Is lawfully seized and In possession of Iho real properly herein described end that II has pond and IawNl right to grant Iho aforesaid easement free and clear ul mortgages end other encumbrances. IN WITNESS WFIF.REOf-, the Grantor has hereunto set its Band and arlixocl Its seal es of the dale first above vrritlrn. WITNESS: GR/1NIUR PasslonislMonaslnryof Our lady of plorida, Inc. Signed, sealed and delivered in Ilra prasonce af: Ines Signal Print Namo Witness Signature '~ 1 Print Namo Title irCC oi`~/ r?r ~. yn~e, l F~'~'-sea. e ~ Prlnl Name Allen: 1lll~ print Name ' `I~ Exlribic "D" • • _o_ _ _ ,~ sTnr~ OF F~or~loA ) - 000NII' OF PALM BEACH ) The foregoing Inslurrnenl was a owfedg d before me llris ~j~i day of ~ l P o.u,.~ pn , 1 g.9.~ by end bolls who ere personally known to me or who have produced ' _~,,,~ as Identification end wlro did ~ake an oath. Nolaly Slgnalur~~ Prlnl Neme Notary Publie - Slete of Florida Commisslon No: My Commission Expires: ,2ea,~ -'~v~En~tlli ~~ AIY COWabS~r~~IW i f' i '.-j. •x ( • r ,~. ?:.: ;... rt r F cC9PDEP'S'." u0~ 1 x?N1h d bnmerl orcnnbca,ry N,an rccelred. • `T 1~~ ~~ rolh+'MM~ tin+w 1 ! C ' ~ ~.t n Exhibit "D" QRa0Mp110N $NE1C11 ~On: NQRIfI`i0 D85CR!PTIDNI ' 11 pem, I d luld!n Ooremment Ld 0. SecSon 4, fo+rnthlp A19ou0y f1/nA1 ~{3 Eul Pe!m i Bueh Ceurly, Ftonee, bFID man Detialult OftalMd 1- MIbM: ~ertvitanl d Ale In!erfuBon dl the EaHay rtdppMcr+vcr Inf d Sub Rofd Ilo. S ei1M+a~1 'T' en mep nmMed N IIMd qfl Baek 2 PeBH tbs•11l. pupleneceMf of Pero Aexh CoWlt/. -IarlWy M1tlI the South Fne d edd (}orepmenllel8,1d08eUlh InE Idfv Ee4+A dte NarA1 Ane et Seetlon A, Tornuhip d2 bou8y t(1r>of 47 Eut, ~eln 6~ad1 cw~uy, tMedee;lhlnee 8ou0f 66.2,' J9` F.eet, ebrry Nld Dovtll AM of Oerlmmenl 1018 (Ihe Boulf Me of ald GowmmKdLot 1 w ufunud b leer kufh W' tY 9C E1H end e1 Nllarbe2N,pe en fMeew tffenlro) a dlltenri et 198.92 NH ro theP01NT DP 6EONNNCI otAw herilnzNu deealbed perm: dtence NdM101' M' /C Wf 1t / tllMnp of lael feet b e petnt on tlae seal, w>a dl w rn fawn ee~etnnl dfealbedln Ontdet R.mM 9eok df99, Pepe f11A, PutiX Aeealdf or porn Bf uh Cola,ty, Flaide; Ivrly Hall flA' is 02' Eef1 e!eeA fe!d BouUl Ili», a d!etlrke ei 1200 feat b e 0dnt Bona Beulh Ot• a' 6A' E!f y e dlltenu d Ot.ee feel to"^ poM an /Nd Boudt enf a GOwmmaM La l; thlna Nwri 88.13' 7!' W 111 done aaJd Beud~ Inf, a dlelrrce of 7202 feet m Yn PdNf OR EI~INNINQi CwtarnlnA Ine91,1198 spuue /eet, mete a Itsf. • - • k N a z - _ r a w o•~ SOV7Y/L/NE•LY ~/fTSTATJDN E9Mr~D..e:d.4/d3•~ 1 . ~ASrEacraiivL/NE D.~ PAbE/y/9~ ~ y 6TArE RDAO N0.9 ~.PQAORe. 2 a. /05 • //eJ a 0yy ~ +: V~ A u ~ t~ ° ~ ~ ~° $ ha .. u ° 4 60urJ/tiNdCcOVr ° (aAS/~ DF tof E ~0 ®. PEAJiJN6~/ 1!BB 83.•98E J!6•b2' ~ 'k - - NDxTNL/NE 6EC.9/¢7~q~ N.dOrP3 ~S~iY. ~Q ^, pALMQ~ib'NCOVNlYf[A. I~.o2- r/NrE'•C96CYiCN pF r_a9r~acY~t'Jrv tWE S,P.NO. y ~ yovrN C /~ CaV'rCDTa) .,, C IJ~F~LL~~O I~L~IV~Ymd ~ ~~ ,,,•~ o«b xoa4.93O-4 ' a e~. e.~r~eti orrKe•ycK/ ur_~OdB ~ ': . .. ~ ~ `~"M~sr.atnwr~~eaiL~titnWM+alnow llH•dVleiYt .o. ~ a ~~~~ ea; sip ;~- _, ?; ;`~:; • ~ ~ ;: f -. Ex6161t "d" ~• •:;; .; Page 1 of S pages I nRL 1. MN41Wf 9Ml A nltf IS tvlm] W KM 1Ml d Mt YO[vNlt Mfla aA d Innx 1Ky NApI ro 0(souR AMr nlll n N INN~Im. MAK RMAKIW 10 b1x( ML IAAn NNI/.MN v 11Nt1 MC 10 N WIP4t MIV.S ]IWf p IY RlW O1K( MM 1TM WpA 1. rnWH To R Ml1NI1D NM Itf) W4U IMNNR14 OWf M YIYI 9R RLFgL M(1 /.1 toU nnwCMr. (~VI 9nnl~ aMUf WM 1wnW+C! WI fOfl 1qY ~..~,< 'N" ~~ OMA IfIM nLL (C pAtl' J TYWr PM ftnA Im nua W Imo J A'~.wl r~..~.~..1~.. ~ ~ ,,. WR > K,.. J J MM1N1 MM AI sir W wr m.. -~ blip EXHIBIT "C" i . ~ .~ ~~ .i ~.:r~Fv. + ? Page 2 of,5 pages - • .1 V f 00 44 SU"/ i ~.i I '~ fl ~. + I . ~~~. ~~+ ~, _~ ~~ i+. sl ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~- a ~. ' ~... :.~ >_ o n i o7 i '" C{ T ~ F~~ ,.a. `~ _. ~ + l ~ , ">~, ' + .~<i$. ..:i ~`Pe'..:.:...i I' 1 FiiJp~>'~L 0 :. .>x J ~,- F @v 6 ~ n _I~ Z • "~ FENCO/WALL PEF0IIT '~$L~R'A, q: 99-00620 MA9TBR PERMIT q19 - DATE ISSUED: Od-14-99 PROJECT q: 90- JJ PROJECT NAME: PUDLIC SAFETY FACILITY REF q: VILLAGE OF NORTiI PALM BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT ADDRESS: 560 U.9. ql NORTI! PALM BEACH SUBDIVISION: PDLW q2 BLOCK LOT C PARCEL q: 68-43-42-16-23- - C OWNER NAM6t VILLAC6 OF NORTH PA[11 BEACH pllONE: - - ADDRE89: 501 U.B. ql CITY: NORTH PALM DEACH STATE: FL ZIP:33a00 CONTRACTOR: SOLAR MANUFACTVRiNO INC PHONE: - - ADORSS9:1B58 NW 22 CT SALES TAX q: 2789-2924 CITY: POMPANO OEAC11 STATE: FL ZIP: 33069 ARCRITECT: N07E: ENGINEER: WORK pESC: 1320 LF OF 3' AND 6' HIGH PRECAST CONCRETE FENCE VALUATION;S60000.00 PERMIT FEE: S.O1 ZONING DISTRICT: OCCUPANCY TYPE: CONSTRUCT TYPE: 9TOIiIfi9: q RE9 UNIT9: 30 THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTIIORI28D IE NOT COMMENCED WI TIfIN 6 MONTHS OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FORA PERIOD OF 6 MONTHS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK 18 COMMENCED. FAI WR6 TO COMPLY WITH TIIE MECHANICS LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN .--..-TH6-PROPfiRTY OWNER PAYING TWIC6 FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS .....=sa.ee~~.......a.....ee.~e.ee.......~....e..~...e ZN ADDITION TO TR6 REQUIREMHNT6 OF THIS PERMIT, TIIER6 MAY D8 ADDITIONAL RESTRSCTION9 APPLICABLE TO TIiIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN T1IH PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY, ................~-..~.....sa...-- .~...~ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I f1AyE READ AND EXAMINED T1II6 DOCUMENT AND IWOW TIIE SAME TO HE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAW3 AND ORDINANCES COVbRNING ~TIIZS TYPE OF WORK WILL HE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOGS NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OF~CpNCEL T11E P VISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL IAW REGULATIN iClSN 'lI l1C'PI N "1HE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ..e ~~~~~--...-----•------------------------=------- q: cOCaa5570 • RSVI~ FOR CqD COMPLIANCE 04-14-99 ,f~ G~f(f~ I-- IOSUHD NOT VALID UNLESS VALIDATED CK NO, ~' t • F C~ i t[¢L ~ ~ 'Ii~~ I7b ~ ~ T _ I I ,Ftl+ 'l1k.fl N 11~ I I I I ' r It ... 1 I 6¢LTION D~D ~ I 0 I 1 B I r I I I I I _.v I I I I 1 TP.A TO roUNUATiON 6' I I SCIILDUL[ '---~--- 1 ~ J i;I {fi^ % OST ~ ~ / ; J 11"AALR•SiAND ~ ' J!J C~ 1 ~ IL- l ~ ./ _ '' / /' 4~ ~ zersaxile i ~ . > ~~ -<I eosr-rouNDAnoN S¢T rOST IN ' O POST PORTLAND AND SAND .. nux Lr, Is concnsn srsancAnarq~ ' COnCa[T[BIIALN[A COM[aL1.1L Mix •iin4n uMnm ..I .uxuw an r.oc ioMrm rosrwerna. rrmua.rom.n urrra rtiwrwat ro.crnlro- rwr,wie.ur.eo-re.n YrrM roirrlrrro- w.w r,roua wrora.w ra •v~..~ M YhwA rDVnDAiIOM D[r1p yll 4rKY~n ,~,~ i11iD OX M•DII.ID p(g0 utu •ppq • urw[u urvot P i4• r.f• / fi' ~- y r' r ra• • r.r r+• .r r r.r. ~ rr .w:.. ..es r• r+• r+. i.a. ~w.m,. taulmminmllim no.le0 4 4s ......~, iIAIiD.RDDR. . ~1