03-24-2011 Motion_Special Use Permit Future Dental Assistants of AmericaVILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: Honorable Mayor and Council FROM: Jimmy Knight, Village Manager , BY: Chuck Huff, Community Development Director Jodi Nentwick, Village Planner DATE: March 24, 2011 SUBJECT: MOTION -Issuance of Special Permit for Similar Uses for (Future Dental Assistants of America) The Village Administration received a request for a Special Use Permit for Similar Uses from Nikeline Marino, owner of Future Dental Assistants of America, seeking approval to operate a [limited] continuing educational facility at the existing dental office of Dr. Roy Hart located at 537 U.S. Highway One, Suite 1 in North Palm Beach. The property is located within the C-A Commercial Zoning District. The Florida Department of Health, Board of Dentistry, approved the program offered by Future Dental Assistants of America to provide Expanded Duties training and certification to dental assistants. The applicant seeks to hold classes on Saturdays twice a month for eight hours a day. The classes would be limited to no more than four students and one instructor at any given time. The participants would receive a certificate for "Expanded Duties" at the end of the day. Staff, along with your Village Attorney, has reviewed the application for compliance based on the guidelines set forth in Section 45-16.1 of the Village Code. The proposed use appears compatible with the existing area, will not have an adverse impact or interfere with the use of adjacent properties and is no more intense than the existing permitted use (dental office). In 2008, Council approved a request for a Special Use Permit for Similar Uses by "All Smiles Dental Assisting School LLC" to allow for a continuing educational facility at 712 U.S. Highway One. That facility has continued to operate here in the Village without incident. This item was presented to Council at its March 10th Workshop and was moved to "Regular" by consensus. The attached Order was reviewed by your Village Attorney for legal sufficiency. Recommendation: The Administration requests Council consideration and approval of the issuance of a Special Use Permit for Similar Uses to Future Dental Assistants of America to allow for the operating of a limited continuing educational facility at 537 U.S. Highway One, Suite 1, subject to conditions and in accordance with Village Policies. C~, O ie~R ' 7- ~ o~Ap1Q+~`~~ VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ORDER ON APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT Applicant: Location: Legal Description: Zoning District: Future Dental Assistants of America 537 U.S. Highway One, Suite 1 ("Premises") LA PALMA NORTE NORTE COND LT 15 BLK 8 VILLAGE OF NPB PL 1 (PB25P103) AS IN DECL, LA PALMA NORTE COND UNITS 1,2,3,4,5,6 & 7 68-43 -42-16-16-000-0010 C-A Commercial District Request: Special Use Permit for a Similar Use to operate a [limited] continuing educational facility located at an existing dental office of Dr. Roy Hart to provide Expanded Duties training and certification to dental assistants approved by The Florida Department of Health, Board of Dentistry. This matter came before the Village Council for public hearing on March 24, 2011. Upon consideration of the application materials, the recommendation of Community Development Director and the statements presented by the Applicant, members of the public and other interested persons during the course of the public hearing, the Village Council hereby finds as follows: The Applicant's request satisfies the criteria and requirements set forth in Section 45-16.1 of the Village Code of Ordinances for the grant of a special use permit for the establishment of similar use within the C-A Commercial Zoning District. Based on the foregoing, it is hereby ORDERED by the Village Council that: 1. The Applicant's request to provide a limited continuing educational facility for dental assistants located within an existing dental office on the Premises is GRANTED subject to the following conditions: A. The Applicant shall be permitted to operate the continuing educational training only on Saturdays twice a month for eight hours a day. Page 1 of 2 B. The continuing educational training course shall be limited to no more than four (4) students and one (1) instructor at any given time. C. The Applicant shall secure and maintain at all times a valid Business Tax Receipt issued by the Village of North Palm Beach. 2. Should the Applicant fail to meet each of the conditions outlined above, the Community Development Director may revoke this Special Use Permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 45-16.1(f) of the Village Code of Ordinances DONE AND ORDERED this day of March, 2011. By: ATTEST: Melissa Teal, Village Clerk VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Darryl C. Aubrey, Mayor Page 2 of 2 ~~N 1„ •(~~~, Zoning Similar Uses Issuance of a Special Permit Council Request Form Date Submitted: February 24, 2011 Submitting Official: Jodi Nentwick, Village Planner Subject: Future Dental Assistants of America Location: 537 U.S. Highway 1, Suite 1 (Dr. Roy Hart) Request: Nikeline Marino, owner to operate a continue education course, approved by the State of Florida for dental assistants to receive their "Expanded Duties" certification within in existing dental office. Zoning District C-A Commercial District The following conditions need to be met prior to requesting for a Special Use Permit per (Ordinance 2007-16) [X] The Business is compatible with the existing or planned character of the neighborhood in which it would be located. [XJ The Business wilt not have an adverse impact upon adjacent properties. [X] The Business will not interfere with use of adjacent properties. [X] Fire Department Approval. Staff Recommendation: Classes would be held on Saturdays only and to be limited to not more than four students and one instructor during any given time. Community Development for ~' l / // Date ZSUiSt' 1/2003 RTR # . I ~~`, ,~ '~ ..~ F~~ . Village of North Palm Beach Department of Community Development SIMILAR USE REQUEST APPLICATION DATE RECEIVED: ~ ~~ ZONING DISTRICT: ~~ ~~~Lla-/(c-~~f~-~'.~?~(37~() Contact Information Business Information Contact Name: p, ' Name: ~ S p ~ t Address: ~ Address: ~ City/State/Zi ~yat~ City/State/Zip: o~ Palm ~I. Phone: - p - Phone: ~ - ~ Fax: - 3~ c~- 3 ~~ Fax: R .Email Address: (~~ \irtQ (7~ri t100.~ . Cp m Email Address: Sununary of Similar Use Request: ~~^^^^ J ..21C~ 1.1 V3-K \~~~' o Completed Business Tax Receipt A plication (BTR) included Si natures By signing, I have read and understand the conditions set forth in Ordinance 2007-16 of the Villages Code Ordinances. I also authorize the Village of North Palm Beach. Community Development staff, Fire Department, Public Safety and Public Works Department (if applicable) to enter the property for inspection on site. Applicant ~ 1LS~a~` 3.MD ~CfJIUN~ ~_®l1 Owner ~~~ 1,1r~y '~CU1~ -~~~J Date Date Print Name ~~ 1~~\~~ ~(A}-t Y1~ Print Name ~ ~(:@~~t y~,c~QY1l*171 ~'~XQ>Fficial Use Onl ~~* Department Date Approved Si nature Not Approved Si nature Comments Planning Buildin Fire Public Safety Public Works Villa e Council 1 Please submit application to: SOI U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Phone: (561) 841-3365 Fax: (561) 841-82.42 January 3151, 2011 To whom this may concern; I am writing to you in regards to a zoning approval, or confirmation for the use of this address: 537 US Highway 1, Suite # 1, North Palm Beach, FI. 33408. Dr. Hart currently has a dental office there, and wanted me to ask the town if it is ok for me to give a class thereon Saturdays, when the office is not open to his patients. The class is for 8hrs. on Saturdays, twice a month, and at the end of the day they will receive a certificate for Expanded Duties. This is a term we use in Dentistry when a student learns to: Sterilize instruments, clean operatories, hand instruments to the Dentist and take impressions. I am currently a Certified Dental Assistant, and Ann Frost the other teacher is also a Certified Dental Assistant. I was the Director of All Smiles Dental Assisting School, and Ann taught at Nova University for Dental Assisting. I had contacted you a while back and could not continue the process, because my husband was diagnosed with Esophogeal Cancer, with a brain tumor, and then recently had a heart attack. He is doing well, thank God, but I have been busy. The program for Expanded Duties was approved by the State. Enclosed you will find a copy of the letter. I can be reached at 561-704-3551. Sincerely, Nikeline Marino t'tc~kiua uf;~>>tt~t~~~~~'i nt~~~ ~~L 11,..~~.i, 1 Charlie Crist Governor February 23, 2010 Future Dental Assistants of America 1035 Gateway Blvd. # 201170 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Attn: Nikeline Marino Ana M. Viamontc RGS, bt.i).. ~1P11 State Surgeon General RE: Approval for Expanded Duties Training-Pursuant to Rule 6465-16.0002(1)(b); FAC Dear Ms. Marino: The applica#ion, curriculum and credentials you submitted on behalf of the Future Dental Assistants of America Expanded Duties Program has been reviewed and approved by the Board of Dentistry on February 12, 2010. We have added your school information to our list of approved Expanded Duties/Radiology Programs which can be found on the Board of Dentistry website. Please notify me in the future of any address or phone number changes. Please contact me at (850) 245-4444 ext. 3463 or Keli_Kekelis~7a doh.state.fl.us should you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, ..~CCeCi :KeFeCis l~~ai Y.eEceiis Regulatory Specialist II BOARD OF DENTISTRY 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C08 Tallahassee, FL 32399-3258 http://www.doh. state.fl. us PH: (850) 245-4474 .~. ~ e ~ j ,(~"'444+++111`/// All smiles Dental Assisting School Certifies thut ta' t J r j ~t„f, t -, r ~; ~` ~'~- i~f ~; Nikeline Marino Hus satisfied crll requirements and duly completed the educatipnal program of Expanded Functions Dental Assistant From: August 19.2006 to: October 21, 2006 Including eighty hours in: -Dental Anatomy and tooth morphology -Disease Transmission and Pathology -Infection Control -Hazards Management and Emergencies -Dental Operatory and Instrumentation -Instrument Transfer and Oral Evacuation -Dental Exams -Dental Radiography -Alginate Impression and Diagnostic Casts -Pharmacology and Pain Control -Rubber Dam and Dental Cements -Amalgam. and Cosmetic Restorations -Custom Trays and Elastomeric Impressions -Crown and Bridge Restorations -Complete and Partial Removable Dentures -Pediatric Dentistry -Periodontics, Endodontics, Oral Surgery -Suture Removal -Retraction Cord Placement -Provisional Filling Mixing and Placement ~~':n '~ ~. rte'-:.,~"'~~ Z%317 1F'V'~iF.r-.. l 1:~ :l ~~~~H i~ ' ~:~~ r'1 ~`~"~ , .~' ,__ i ~~~ .~: C,: ': ,'' ~` s " ~` ~~,d $_ _/ f , ~~ f ~t~ I ~~r '~~i i~ '' I ;l~ ; ~- ~~~~ ~~ ~.~ ! .e ~~~± ;~~• _ ~ I~ denro~7struti~zg proficiency u~zd skill in all phases of clinical dental ussistirtg urtd in ~i~itrxess thereof, this Certifccate of Aclzievemef7l hus been u>>>nrded oi•r October 21.2006. y> ~,, .. President r...~~x; i<<.~ri , ,. ar ~ ~: - - - -- ~ ~" ,.. <.. .. _. - _. .. ,~. .: ~~ 5~~.:-: ....... ~. .. ~...~^~~~~-'.e:.-^f~..^_^x;!`>.'^>YwK:~.i~w.:.~.:.i'..._,i.~..n.~r+~e.~7afPOa~m..cesz>..m'v..e-.+e:w v+H:~n...uw: wsK..fW'.~ ~. ~, ..... . t.~c.<C- .~...-.t -~ .. ._.<~. ~.. ~. ~<.... .e . _.-.. _ 4-. ~ .. - ~~ c ", ~ ~', ~~ ~~~~ r ~ ~ ~ertifteg ~~ a ~ ~~ ~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ if ~, ~~ ~rtt~€actotifp tAntpt~ tic 32 ~ogr~t of rtgaittn trahtttt~ fir Ott ; ~ 4 t ~Y ~ l f. ; U - - i`. .p ~: ~ Q~x~eb ~_~e»ta~ ~~~~ta~n# r ~~ err tt~ttetu~ttp ia~ercof, , ~~ramb ffia~ aiaaxn~c t~i~c ~~ k. ~ 1 k~ ~ _ ~~rtf~fua~tfo~t i ~ ;:, ~ t- Mbar tetra t~c;~t1torin~ ~ep~rttnetrt of ~eait~ art4cic ~aatlbu 64~6r16.oo5 to furforat , , . , '. ~~ ~ ` '~::~ ~; • ~lurcmatt ~ rcmobul of bcntacl bum •.+ ~ioMtarfng of s~troua oxibe - oxpgrn gebutdon ~: (:. ~ `~ ~~~ • ~httmte~tt anb rentobal of mabricr~s • ~;oronul poCisiji~tg anb topical appUcatfott of Cluorfbe ~' '~ I ` •:• ~lucemt~lt of un inttirmebiute rtatvrutios~ ifnerg snb bu~ea • ~re[tmts~urp d~art{ng c "' t'. ~' • ,~Fubricat(on of trmporarp aotumc a~nb btibgt~ •:* ~olf~l~ing mnulgaan rcgtorutiona ~~ {~ ; ~ ;~ c • ~pplicutfon of pit unb ff~sure gra(au-ta ~ ti• ~tairiGtg buctertoCogiu-[ ~pertnun~ ~ ~ - • ~lurrnttnt unb remobui of periobontuC bre~~Gcg °:• ~icucijfng tccl~aigttea ;` • ~cmobul. of gutur a ~ • ~Gubittq prettn~t~~srp in rc~aiona ~~ >: ~ .~ fat ~t~ min nap of bane, 2004 ~ 6 ;; ~ `~' .-~. ~ _ _..._ __.______ __ ._ .m .. ~.;` ~ f ~ . ~' D ma of ucaaYon has or ~• _ ~ , 4 3" ~. ~ 4 ' ~.,..+. - t_ y~l .~ -... _~ _ .~.. ..._.~ _ ..,_ ~ ... ... _,.~r I,_ __ _ ...i_ .t.J r:.tif. ~~ ,.~~..,... Lam....,-~..~: ..-~.. ... ik1~.~t ~~ i-,~ J. _. ...~. >. .~ i. ~~.~ i ._ ,~etn ~ng[anb ~n~titute of ~ed~no[ogp ~t ~atm ~eac~j By authority of the Board of Directors and upon. recommendation. of the Faculty the institute hereby confers on ~r~r~ ~~rie ,~f root rn;=DIPLOMA~~ ~etttal ~ggigting With all honors, rights and privileges appertaining thereto. In witness whereof the seal of the instihite and the signature of the duly authorized officers is affixed. Given at West Palm Beach., Florida, this 25th day of June, 2004 ~^ C ,;. ~~~~'Charles H. Halliday f ~~ President f ~/ ..~~ ~:o° :, a= THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH HART, F20Y 2Q09°200 ~3lJSIN~SS ~I'A+X RECEIPTS No: ~561)E44-9653 Redress VIl GE MALL, 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1-(561) 8~'I-3365 Date: I N®RTH PAi,M BEACH, FL 33406 pN0014863 ! ~!~='~- 'CAX FEE 537 U S HIGHWAY 1 STE1 i TAX 008/09 NORTH PALM BEACH, Fl 3340a TRANSFER 327 9/11 /09 132.00 :+ctr~'~tY: DOCTOR OF MEDICINE ~ FIf2E FEE 50.00 ' UNPAID I rotas Paid 182.U0 qGT 1 0.00 issued to: HART, ROY DD$ NOV 1 0.00 HART. ROY -~- pEC 1 0.00 537 US HIGHWAY 1, STE 1 JAN 1 0.00 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 3340 A_.r ~^~ _~~ Y MUST BE P05T yD GbIdSPICQUSLY AT YOUR PLACE OF BUSINESS PAID-EXPIRES SEPT ~0, 2010 ' THG \9LL:\Gl OF NORTH PAL\I aEAC'H ~~'~~ C'O:\I\IUNITI' Dfi \'ELOP111iN7 DFPARTr1[:Nr BTR #: ? s. ~t` SUI U,5 HIGH\Y,\1' I ~ NORTII P,\LAI HGCH, FLORIDA 31408 ~'~~~`' PIIONIi (Sti11841-3)65~P.\\(561)&11-824?~WRIY.VILLAGL'-NPa-URG BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT APPLICATION NEW CFIANGE OF ADDRESS CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF OWNERSf1IP NEW PROFESSIONAL APPROVAL OF APPLICATION REOUfRES A MINIMUM. OF FIVE (5) BUSINESS DAYS Business Name: t 1~1r~. ~~..Q~~1S~~S _. Individual Namc: l V 1 k~-~ 1 nQ MQ~ ~ n~ Printan• Address: 5~~ US 4~1L't1 ~ ~SU\ ~ ~ Mailing Address: I~~S C~~C3~U.)~~~IUC7 • ~a ~ ~ I 1 D l~1PC3~F1• 33yD8 oll~bn ~~c)~t FI. 33~_ Phone ~iurnbc:r. ~(~=glK",~S FaxNumbcr: ~(,QI -~~~` .~~2_ (Cell Number: S~I -~~-3SS I t:-Mail Address: n \ ~9~1~1!'1 nD ~ I.ICIkI(~ • CplYl Websitc Address: -}- ~ C1~-Q ()... ~ 1 Z I~cdrral lDii or Social Security Number (Repaired): _ Sutrl of Business Datc: ~~(~_ ~ ~ ~D{~ ~U(~g Type of Business (Please be specific. ;Vnrrn ve of;6r sines is also required): t1 ~ ' ' ~ C ' 1 ir' + `"~ r ' " ~ ~~ ~`~~\S~c~c~~s -tv ~~C~---~4,L\c ~c~xtr ~.~~irch~.~ C.~~~~~,c:c~. or~~• Number of L:mployees: ~ Syuare Footage of Occupancy: ~Sr., ~ Previous Use/Occupancy: !\rc there any renovations required and/or planned in order to occupy the proposed space? Ycs Do you store hazardous materials or flammable materials? Yes No State License Professionals Nana Prolcssion Licanse Number /.~lrroch copy' ollic'errse1_______.___ Emergency Contacts (,9jter hours contact irrjonunrion, commercial brrsinesses only) __ Namc Address -_ Telephone Number i . ~~ ~ ~Le1 ~ n4 j`(~~,ri 'n(~ I Q,~~ (~~L21db~t~Bltx1 ~o ~~~ c~ 'i~c,l tn~ ~ ~ cs h F ( 33 4~ ~ S l~ l -joy-3551 Specialty License Information (// nppliccrbleJ Cnsrnetologq/Barber Shop - No of Persons: Restaurant - No of Scats: Hotel/Apartments - No of Units: __ Stuck Brokerage - No of Brokers: Coin Operated or Vending - No of Machines: _^ Boat Spaces - No of Spaces: Puel Dispensers - No of Pumps: Real Estate Broker. Real Estate Agents: Bowling - No of Lanes: Retail & ~~'holesale Merchants -Average Yearly Inventory at your cost $ Taxili'ransportation: No of Vehicles: A,__ Adult Entertainment Does the proposed business usage consliurtc an adult dancing establishment as defined in the Palm Beach Cty Adult Entertainment Code? Yes No Dins the proposed business usage constitute an adult theatre as defned in the Palm Beach Cty Adult Entertainment Code'? Yes Does the proposed business usage constitute an adult bookstore/video store as defined in the Palm Beach Cty Adult Entertainment Code`? Yes No~ Does the proposed business usage constitute an adult activity that would require an adult entertainment license in accordance with the Palm Beach County Adult Entertainment Code? Yes ~) Describe the lint entertainment that will b/e performed using the Narrative for Business form on Page 2 of this application. if live entertainment includes dancing of any type. you must specify the type of dancing and the state of dress or undress of the dancers. I certify that 1 have read this application and that the statements contained herein and on Page 2 (Narrative of Business) are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 1 understand that the notarization of my signature of Page 2 applies to the entire application. 1 also uncferstanci that failure to complete the entire application including Pagel (Narrative of Business) will result in processing delays to my application. _ N~ K~~1;~~ Y~Qn no Uw~r I Pre~;~~u~ 1- IkimN ~h~ TiJc sign„ iu~ o~m BTR2008-01.5 Rev 01 04 10 [n addition to the Village of North Palm Beach Business Tax Receipt Application, please provide the following documentation: • Completed Palm Beach County Business Tax Receipt Application • Articles of Incorporation and/or Fictitious Name Registration • State License (f applicable) • Narrative of Business (Required) • Home Business Affidavit (f applicable) NARRATIVE OF BUSINESS Business Nan1e: ll~ i'1C~i5"ttt~~ ~ Individual's Name: lye IS~I~ ~ ~ :~~ nth c~c . ~X_~"''~-~s~e Please provide a detailed narrative of what your business is: ~ S c~'C1 ~n~ -'t,~o.9 AS~t s}o,~S ~ c~~ ~o~ v ~c ~~,r~aci --~i~~~ C` Q r~i~~is`a-~t~n.. rho ~~t~~~ ~- ERs ~ n11~~~~r~c~ra ones ~Y ~~st ~~+n , t,J~ Cl 0 ~1"~ ('a ~ ~~ ~~o_Y1~S ta-~ ccx~ -~, yNt 0 ~, y~c~i ~(l ~l.i ~1 i ~e. Mari n ~ ~.i~lc~~nt { ~~ ~• primed Naure TiU: K~ Sig zt,~,e t}~c< STATE OF FLORIDA. COUNTl' OF The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of~~~il~~LO l / by: (Name of person making statement). Who is personally known to me / or has produced identification Type of Identification produced: Who did 1 did not take and oath. (Signature o Notaq~) a'•'. =°• °' MY COMMISSION # DD77058~ '-~;?~~;,a~'' r_i(PIRES March 19, 2012 I (407) 398~6tri~ . ® FtarigaNotaryS®rvice.com FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Completed NPB Application Copy of State Licensing Zoning Classification: Signature/Zoning Compliance Officer. Date: SignaturelCode Compliance Office : Date: '`~ Signature/Fi.re Dept Inspector: Date: ~' 1~` ~~ Fee: $ Transfer: $ TOTAL RUE: $ ~`fi~200~~01.5 Rev 01 04 10 Completed PB County Application Articles of ficorp/Fictitious Name Home Business Affidavit Payment Recd: Check # Penalty: Unpaid Fees: $. Fire Fee: $ Advance Fee: 02/28/2013 14:3 15618448665 DR ROY HART'S OFFICE PAGE 01/131 ~e~N ~tv~ '~C! spa~~a~ •asano~ sa#~E3 papuedx3 ~ ~o ~sod~r~d aye, ~c~, uoi~~o~ pauo}lvau~ ~noge .~~o a~n fl~ uo}ss~cu~ad ~}.~a+~b ~p s~u~~srss~ }e~ua~ a.~n~n~ ~o~~ctapKSatd ou~~~ au~~a~}}N aA~ ~~H AAA} '.~Q l :u.~a~u~ ~+~~ stt~~. u~o~~ o~ :, 6fi~fi~E "!~: `~~~a~ txt~~d y~10~ ~ ~~:ns `~ Ae~u~~N 5f~ ~.~5 ~.t~N Ao~ '.~Q NORTH PALM BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 560 U.S. Highway 9, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Phone (561 } 848-2525 Fax (561) $81.5708 t7RE S/1FETY INSPEC7IQN REPOitT Occupant Date Address: Suite: Phone No.: Emergency Contact: Title: Phone No.: [ j Means of Egress: ()obstructed ()locked ()improper locking devise. Locations j Emergency Lighting: Oinoperative Onot provided Locations [ J Illuminated Exit Sign: (}inoperative (}not provided ()battery back-up inoperative. Locations [ ] Fire Sprinkler System: Orequired clearance (18 inches) not maintained far fire sprinkler heads Onot monitored toy fire alarm system O no maintenance contract NFPA 25 Fire Department Connection: () obstruc#ed ()damaged ()missing caps Fire S rinkler Riser. valves not chained and/or locked s are heads not rovided Fire Alarm S stem: non-functional no current ins action to no central station monitorin [ J Dangerous accumulation of waste or combustible material. Locations [ j Fire Extinguisher(s): {)not provided ()not accessible ()not mounted ()requires maintenance Minimum classification is 2A-108C rated extinguisher inspected and tagged by a licensed technician Locations [) Efectrica! Hazards: (}improper use of extension cord ()missing blanks in electrical panel ()use of outlet multiplier (}combustible material too close to a heat producing appliance ()electrical panel obstructed _ minimum 30" clearance ()circuits not marked Locations Address not visible from road~va : Front Rear Knox Sox: re wires maintenance missin fim ro er ke ~ Authari! :Oho ter Z2 Cade of Ordinances 1~/la a of lllorth Palm Beach Q VIOLATIONS NOTED THIS DATE FORWARD TO FIRE CHIEF ALL VIOLATION CORRECTED FORWAR® TO CODE ENFORCEMENT Your immediate attention is required on the above fisted items. You have (94) days to correct any and ail violations unless otherwaise noted. Failure to correct violations on or before the re-inspection data will result in further action by the Fire Department. Please contact the North Palm Beach Fire ®epartment if you have any questions. (569 )848-2525. Inspected by: , LD. No. , ®ate: ®ccupent: Re-inspected by: , 1.®. No. ,Date: ®ccupent: Remarks: .~ White spy ~ ~~~upant 1°€I!®rv e,®~y ~ ~~~up~nt after viotadons cgrr~~t~~ PBnk c®py - Fsre Prevention