Ordinance 1978-020 Re-Numbering Mechanical CodeORDINANCE N0. 20-78 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEAC}{, FLORIllA MAKING TF,CHNICAL AMENDMENTS TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BF,AC}i CODE BY RE-NUMBERING THE MECHANICAL CODE FROM CHAPTER 22 TO C}{APTER 21; BY REPEALING T}{OSE PORTIONS OF CHAPTER 36 OF THE VILLAGF, OF NORT'}{ PALM BEACH CODE WHICH WERE ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE N0. 25; BY ORDINANCE N0. 59, BY ORDINANCE N0. 73, BY ORDINANCE N0. 113-65, BY ORDINANCE N0. 129-66, BY ORDINANCE N0. 196-69, AND BY ORDINANC}; N0. 223-71; AND BY AMENllING SECTIONS 2-7 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAhM BEAC}{ CODF, 1'0 RF,FLECT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL MEMBERS' SALARY OF $200 PF,R MONTI[. WHEREAS, in the course of re-codifying the Village of North Palm Beach Code certain technical matters required adminis- trative changes which do not affect the substance of the Code; and WHEREAS, the Village Council desires to have the re- codification accurately reflect the status of the Village Ordinances as of the time of codification: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}{ PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Mechanical Code adopted as Section 22-11 and Section 22-12 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code are hereby re-numbered as Section 21-11 and Section 21-12 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code. All other provisions of the Mechanical Code as adopted by Ordinance No. 11-78 remain in full i'orce and effect except for the re-numbering of the Code sections. Section 2. Those portions of the Subdivision Code, being Chapter 36 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code, as adopted by Ordinances No. 25, 59, 73, 113-65, 129-66, 196-69, ' and 223-71, be and the same are hereby declared as having been re- pealed by the adoption of new Chapter 36 in Ordinance No. 7-78 of the Village of North Palm Beach. This is to clarify the intention of the Village Council by that ordinance to substitute new Chapter 36 containing the Subdivision Code to wholly replace t}~ose portions of the Subdivision Code previously adopted by the ordinances set forth above. I~ u Section 3. Section 2-7 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code is }iereby amended to reflect the fact that the salary of all members of the Village Council is fixed at $200.00 per mgnt}i rather than $100.00 per month as contained in the previous Code. Compensation had been set by resolution for $100.00 and by re- solution for $200.00, and the codification of the compensation should reflect the $200.00 figure. Section 2-7 of the Code is thereby amended by changing the sum of $100.00 to the sum of $200.00 i.n that section. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect inunediatel.y u tip on passage. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 27TH DAY OF JULY, 1978. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 10TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1978. (Village Seal) ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk /s/ Al Moore MAYOR