2003-023 NPDES 2nd Term Permit Interlocal AgreementRESOLUTION 23-2003 • • A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) SECOND TERM PERMIT INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section I. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Second Term Permit Interlocal Agreement with the Board of Supervisors, Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District, attached as Exhibit "A." Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Interlocal Agreement with the Board of Supervisors, Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. P ~~ A NPDES SECOND TERM PERMIT INTERLOCAL AGRF.F.MENT .. _ '~ ~. This AgIeement shall be effective as of the ~ day oI' , ?003 ("the Effective Date"), and is being entered into by and between NORTHERN PA M I3LACII C'ULINTY IMPKUVEMENT DIS'TRIC'T, 357 IIiatt Drive, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418, (hereinafter referred to as "the Lead Penlliuee"), and Village of North Palm Beach (hereinal-ter referred to as the ``Co-Permittcc"). WI~I NESSETII: WI IF.RF.AS. the United States Environmental Protection Agency (hereinafter referred to as "EPA"'j on the 9th day of December, 1996, issued its National Pollutant Discharge F,limination System ('`NPDES") Permit No. FI.SOOOOIS (hereinafter refelTed to as the "NPDES Permit"} to govertlnlental entities designated as the Palm Beach County-Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System I'ernlittees (hereinafter referred to as "the Permittees"): and WIIEREAS. EPA has since clclc`~ated its regulatory and en fi7rcement authority relating to this permit to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("I~DEP"); and WII)REAS, Section ~03.U88>, l~lorida Statutes, established the federally approved state NPDES Program; and WI IERF.AS, FDEP Rule 62-4.0>2, F.A.C., implemented an annual re4~ulatory program and fees to effect the legislative intent that FDEP's costs for administering the N PDES Program be borne by regulated parties; and WIIEREAS, the Permittees timely filed a I'e-application to FDF-.P to he granted a renewal for the second term ot'the NPDES Permit (hereinatterreferred to as "the NPUL:S Second'l-crm Permit"): and WHEREAS. on Novelllber 18. ?00?. FDEP granted said Second ~fcrm Permit with certain conditions enumerated thereitl; and WHEREAS, the NPDF,S Second Tern) Permit.. like the NPDES Permit, contains certain separate obligations and responsibilities on the part of each individual Permittee, as well as some obligations alld respOllslbllltlCS that play be performed jointly by all of the Group Pcrmittees; and WIIEREAS, due to the number of Group Yernlittees and the tasks that must he performed under the NPDES Second Term Permit, it would he most economically and administratively feasible to allocate duties. responsibilities. and costs associated therewith under the terms ot'this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Permittees have established a 6-member Steering Committee comprised of • 2 representatives of lazge municipalities, 2 representatives of smaller municipalities, lrepresentative of special districts, and 1 representative of Palm Beach County, which Committee coordinates the joint activities in Palm Beach County's NPDES Program, including but not limited to recommending to the Lead Permittee retention of necessary consultants to execute the Program; and WHEREAS, the parties had previously executed Agreements in 1997, with Palm Beach County's execution in 1998 and the Florida Department of Transportation's (FDOT's) execution of a Joint Participation Agreement in 1999, setting forth the terms and conditions of the parties' obligations and responsibilities required of them during the first 5 years of the NPDES Permit; and WHEREAS, these agreements were extended by the parties prior to the termination date of September 30, 2002, until generally such time as the parties execute additional agreements as required by the NPDES Second Term Permit; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto aze authorized pursuant to Chapter 163, Part 1 of Florida Statutes, to enter into this additional Interlocal Agreement and do hereby wish to adopt, ratify and confirm the provisions and incorporation herein of Subpazagraph (9) of Section 163.01, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Chapter 163, Part I, Florida Statutes, the undersigned parties, for and in consideration of the mutual benefits set forth herein, do hereby enter into this Interlocal Agreement and represent, covenant, and agree with each other as follows: SECTION ONE REPRESENTATIONS 1.01. Recitals. The recitals and representations asset forth hereinabove aze true and correct to the best of the knowledge of the parties and are incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION TWO DESIGNATION OF PARTIES 2.01. Lead Permittee. Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District is hereby designated as the Lead Permittee for the purposes of this Agreement and the NPDES Second Term Permit. 2.02. Co-Permittee. The Village of North Palm Beach is hereby designated as a Co-Permittee for the purposes of this Agreement and the NPDES Second Term Permit. • 2 SECTION THREE • NPDES SECOND TERM PERMIT 3.01. Term of Permit. The NPDES Second Term Permit has an issuance date ofNovember 18, 2002 (the "NPDES Second Term Permit Issuance Date") and an expiration date ofNovember 17, 2007 (the "NPDES Second Term Permit Expiration Date"). 3.02. Annual Reports. The NPDES Second Term Permit requires that certain reports be submitted to FDEP generally on an annual basis throughout the duration ofthe NPDES Second Term Permit. SECTION FOUR TERM OF AGREEMENT 4.01. Term. The anticipated term of this Agreement shall be from the Agreement's Effective Date through November 17, 2007, but subject to an annual Fiscal Yeaz (as hereinafter defined) renewal process pursuant to the following Section 4.03, unless otherwise terminated in accordance with other provisions of this Agreement. 4.02. Fiscal Year. The term "Fiscal Year" is defined for the purposes of this Agreement as the following fiscal Yeaz periods: (i) 2002 -from October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2003. (ii) 2003 -from October 1, 2003 through September 30, 2004. (iii) 2004 -from October 1, 2004 through September 30, 2005. (iv) 2005 -from October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006. (v) 2006 -from October I, 2006 through September 30, 2007. (vi) 2007 -from October 1, 2007 through September 30, 2008. 4.03. Renewal. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed as of the beginning date of each Fiscal Yeaz, and at the beginning of the Fiscal Yeaz commencing immediately after the conclusion of the 2007 Fiscal Yeaz, and will remain in full force and effect during the pendency of any re-application or renewal of the NPDES Second Term Permit until such time as FDEP grants same, unless a party to this Agreement provides written notice ofnon-renewal to the other party at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the prior Fiscal Yeaz, or unless the Agreement has been previously terminated as provided herein. • • SECTION FIVE SCOPE OF WORK AND ALLOCATION OF DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS 5.01. Scope of Work The Scope of Work contemplated under this Agreemeht is applicable to the implementation and execution of the NPDES Second Term Permit, which Permit is incorporated herein, to be facilitated and coordinated by the Steering Committee, and is generally described as follows: (i) The timely preparation, coordination, and execution of all interlocal agreements necessary to carry out the terms of the NPDES Second Term Permit. (ii) The timely prepazation, coordination, and submittal to FDEP of all system- wide annual reports. (iii) The timely implementation, coordination, and execution of all monitoring required by Part V.B. of the NPDES Second Term Permit. (iv) The timely prepazation, coordination, and submittal to FDEP of major watershed pollutant load estimates as required by Part V.A. of the NPDES Second Term Permit. (v) The timely development, implementation, and execution of all system-wide public education programs required by the NPDES Second Term Permit. (vi) The timely development, implementation, and execution of all storm water management programs required by the NPDES Second Term Permit. (vii) The timely prepazation, coordination, and distribution of standardized forms necessary to carry out the terms of the NPDES Second Term Permit. (viii) The timely payment of all applicable permit fees. (ix) The timely and adequate performance of any other necessary and reasonable task required by the NPDES Second Term Permit. 5.02. Allocation of Duties and Obli ate ions (i) The Lead Permittee shall be responsible for those duties and obligations which aze specifically identified and delineated in Attachment "A" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Lead Permittee Services"). • 4 (ii) The Co-Permittee shall be responsible for such other duties and obligations • as aze identified as being its individual responsibility in the NPDES Second Term Permit. 5.03. Modifications to NPDES Second Term Permit It is understood and agreed that any changes, modifications, revisions, or additions to the terms of the NPDES Second Term Permit made subsequent to the Effective Date of this Agreement are expressly excluded from and not a subject of this Agreement. SECTION SIX FUNDING AND ALLOCATION OF COSTS AND EXPENSES As required by Sect. 2 of the Resolution adopted by the Lead Permittee on September 24, 1997 approving the NPDES Steering Committee Administrative Guidelines for Collection, Management and Disbursement of NPDES Interlocal Agreement Funds, attached hereto as Attachment "B",said guidelines aze hereby incorporated by reference into this Interlocal Agreement. 6.01. Annual Budget. In that this Agreement is anticipated to be renewed for a number of Fiscal Years, the parties acknowledge that it is difficult to project the potential costs the Lead Pennittee may be required to incur in future Fiscal Yeazs in order to carry out the Lead Permittee Services. Due to the above, the parties agree that it is in their mutual best interests to arrive at a payment amount on an annual advance Fiscal Yeaz basis in order to more reasonably calculate the amount that will be required to be paid by the Co-Permittee to the Lead Pennittee for the provision of Lead Permittee Services. 6.02. Prior Fundine. The parties agree that any surplus funds previously paid by the Co- Permitteepursuant to any prior Interlocal Agreement it has entered into with the Lead Permittee that relates to the NPDES Permit application process, or the reapplication process for the Second Term, shall be applied to and used for the provision of Lead Pernuttee Services by the Lead Permittee during the 2002 Fiscal Yeaz. 6.03. 2003 Fiscal Yeaz Pavment. In addition to the funds referenced in above Section 6.02, the parties agree that for the 2003 Fiscal Yeaz, the Co-Permittee shall also pay to the Lead Pertnittee the sum which represents the combined payment of the Lead Permittee's Services during the 2003 Fiscal Year term of this Agreement and the Section 6.04 ten percent (10%) Reserve Fund Contingency pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 5 • 6.04. Reserve Contingency. The parties acknowledge that each Fiscal Yeaz payment required to bepaid bythe Co-Permittee to the Lead Permittee for the provision of the Lead Permittee Services will include a reserve fund contingency (the "Reserve Fund Contingency") for unexpected additional costs and expenses. The Reserve Fund Contingency amount shall be equal to ten percent (10%) of each Fiscal Yeaz's payment amount. 6.05. Current Fundine. The parties acknowledge that the aforementioned funding will be sufficient to satisfy the current NPDES Second Term Permit requirements for the 2002 Fiscal Yeaz unless unexpected additional costs and expenses of the nature described in following Section 7.03 aze incurred. 6.06. Future Fundine. As to future Fiscal Year payments that will be required to be paid by the Co-Permittee to the Lead Permittee, the parties agree that on or before March 1, 2003, the Lead Permittee shall provide a cost estimate tothe Co-Permittee ofthe amount the Co-Permittee will be requested to pay during the 2003 Fiscal Yeaz, with all subsequent Fiscal Yeaz estimates to be sent on or before Mazch 1st of each following Fiscal Yeaz. The Lead Permittee and Co-Permittee shall then have until sixty (60) days before the beginning of the next Fiscal Year to agree in writing upon a mutually acceptable dollar amount to be paid by the Co-Permittee to the Lead Permittee for the applicable Fiscal Yeaz, all of which shall be paid pursuant to Section Seven of this Agreement. If, however, the parties cannot agree upon a mutually acceptable dollar amount by the aforementioned deadline, then in that event this Agreement shall be deemed terminated unless otherwise agreed to in writing by and between the parties. 6.07. 2006 Fiscal Year. It is possible that during the 2006 Fiscal Yeaz, the Co-Permittees and FDEP will commence to negotiate or renegotiate the terms of the NPDES Second Term Permit. As a result, allocation of the Scope of Services that aze required to be provided hereunder may be modified. Due to this uncertainty, the allocation of each party's duties and obligations hereunder, together with the funding process for provision of services, will be reexamined during the 2007 Fiscal Year of this Agreement. 6.08. Sepazate Co-Permittee Expenses. Except for such amounts as aze required to be paid by the Co-Permittee to the Lead Permittee pursuant to above Sections 6.02 through 6.07, the Co- Permittee shall be responsible for all other costs and expenses relating to its individual duties and obligations under the NPDES Second Term Pernut, including but not limited to: (1) all costs ofthe Co-Permittee's preparation and submittal of such of its own individual Annual Report(s) that may be separately required by the NPDES Second Term Permit, (2) costs of all monitoring that may be the Co-Permittee's individual responsibility, (3) costs of gathering, compiling, coordinating, and submitting all necessary data that may be individually required of the Co-Permittee by the NPDES Second Term Permit, and (4) all other costs of carrying out any other individual responsibility of the Co-Permittee according to the terms of the NPDES Second Term Permit. • 6 SECTION SEVEN • PAYMENT PROCEDURE The Co-Permittee agrees to pay its annual Fiscal Yeaz payments as follows: 7.01. 2003 Fiscal Year. The 2003 Fiscal Year payment amount specified in above Section 6.03 may, at the option of the Co-Permittee, be paid in either a single lump sum payment due and payable on or before December 15, 2003; in twelve (12) equal monthly installments commencing on October 1, 2003, and thereafter on the 1st day of each subsequent month of the 2003 Fiscal Yeaz (said payment dates being hereinafter referred to as the "Payment Due Dates"); or quarterly payments made on December 1, 2003; Mazch 1, 2004; May 1, 2004; and September 1, 2004. 7.02. Subsequent Fiscal Yeaz Pavments. Once a subsequent Fiscal Year payment amount has been agreed to in writing by and between the Lead Permittee and the Co-Permittee, the Co- Permitteemay, at its option, pay the entire agreed-upon amount in either a single lump sum payment due and payable on or before December 15 of that Fiscal Yeaz; in twelve (12) equal monthly installments commencing on October 1 of that Fiscal Year, and thereafter on the 1st day of each subsequent month of that Fiscal Yeaz (said payment dates being hereinafter referred to as the "Payment Due Dates"); or quarterly payments made on December 1, March 1, May 1, and September 1 of that Fiscal Year. 7.03. Additional Costs. Since it is possible that following the parties' finalization of an agreed upon Fiscal Yeaz payment amount, unexpected additional costs and expenses may arise which will need to be paid in order for the Lead Pernuttee to carry out its Lead Permittee Services for that Fiscal Year, and in order to address same, the parties agree as follows: (i) In order to ameliorate the possibility of unexpected additional costs and expenses resulting from the theft, loss, or destruction of equipment required for provision of the Lead Permittee Services, the parties agree that the Lead Permittee is authorized to include as a portion of the cost of providing its Lead Permittee Services, funding for the acquisition of loss, thefr, and property damage insurance for said equipment. (ii) If the Lead Petmittee determines that unexpected additional costs and expenses must be incurred in order for it to timely provide its Lead Permittee Services, then in that event, the Lead Permittee shall promptly notify the Co-Permittee, in writing, of the nature and estimated amount of the Co-Permittee's allocable shaze of these unexpected additional costs and expenses, as well as the Lead Permittee's intent to draw down funds from the Co-Permittee's Reserve Fund Contingency in order to pay said the Co-Permittee's allocable share of the unfunded and unexpected additional costs and expenses. (iii) Further, if the Co-Permittee's allocable shaze of the unexpected additional costs and expenses exceeds the amount held in the Co-Permittee's Reserve Fund Contingency • account, the Lead Permittee shall include in the aforementioned notice to the Co-Permittee said 7 excess amount. The Lead Permittee and Co-Permittee shall then attempt to negotiate the payment • procedure for said unfunded and unexpected additional costs and expenses. (iv) If the Lead Permittee and Co-Permittee aze able to agree as to the need and amount of the unfunded and unexpected additional costs and expenses, said agreement shall be reduced to writing and executed with the same formalities of this Agreement. The agreed upon unfunded and unexpected additional costs and expenses shall be divided by the remaining months of that particular Fiscal Year and paid to the Lead Permittee at the same time as the remaining regulaz Fiscal Year payments pursuant to preceding Section 7.02. (v) If the Lead Permittee and Co-Permittee aze unable to agree as to the need and/or amount of the unfunded and unexpected additional costs and expenses then in that event the Lead Permittee may suspend or terminate this Agreement, at its sole discretion, following the provision of thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Co-Pemuttee. 7.04. Failure to Pav. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by and between the parties hereto, if a Fiscal Year payment or agreed upon unfunded and unexpected additional costs and expenses payment is not timely paid within thirty (30) days of a Payment Due Date, then in that event the duties and obligations assumed by the Lead Permittee under the terms of this Agreement may be suspended and/or terminated by the Lead Permittee, at its sole discretion, following the provision of thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Co-Permittee unless remedied by the Co- Permittee within said thirty (30) day notice time period. SECTION EIGHT OPTION TO TERMINATE 8.01. Termination. Either party to this Agreement shall have the right to terminate this Agreement, provided, however, that the party wishing to terminate the Agreement must provide thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party of said terminating party's decision to terminate this Agreement and the termination shall not be effective until said thirty (30) days have elapsed. 8.02. Effect of Termination. In the event of termination of this Agreement by the Co- Permittee, the Co-Permittee shall be individually responsible, as of the effective date of termination, for all requirements of the NPDES Second Term Permit as designated therein as the individual responsibility of the Co-Perrnittee, and neither the Lead Permittee nor any other Co-Permittee shall be responsible for the terminating Co-Permittee's individual obligations. 8.03. Costs and Expenses. Irrespective of which party elects to terminate this Agreement under one of the optional termination provisions ofthis Agreement, or in the event of a failure to pay by the Co-Permittee to the Lead Permittee the amounts due under and pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the parties agree that any costs and expenses previously incurred or obligated to be paid • by the Lead Permittee as of the date of its issuance or receipt of a notice of termination shall still be • due and owing and the right to collect said amount(s) shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 8.04. Refunds. The parties acknowledge that the Lead Permittee anticipates entering into annual agreements, on a Fiscal Year basis, with one or more consultants or contractors for the provision of certain services required in order for the Lead Permittee to provide its Lead Permittee Services on behalf of all Co-Permittees. In that the Co-Permittee's payments under this Agreement represent only a portion of what the Lead Permittee will have to pay its consultants and contractors for their services, it is unlikely that if this Agreement is terminated for any reason, that the Co- Permittee will be entitled to receive a refund from the Lead Permittee for any monies the Co- Permittee has previously paid pursuant to this Agreement. However, to the extent the Lead Permittee is able to obtain a reduction in its contractual obligations with its consultants or contractors as a result of the termination of this Agreement, then in that event, the Lead Permittee shall be obligated to reimburse the Co-Permittee for the amount of such a reduction in costs and expenses. 8.06. Documentation and Data. In the event this Agreement is cancelled or terminated, all documentation and data previously collected by the Lead Permittee in accordance with its duties and obligations as assumed herein, shall be made available tothe Co-Permittee, provided, however, that said Co-Permittee shall be responsible for any costs incurred in making available such documentation. SECTION NINE ENFORCEMENT. VIOLATIONS. AND/OR DEFAULT 9.01. Enforcement. The designation of one of the parties under this Agreement as the Lead Permittee is not intended nor shall it be construed as authorizing, granting or permitting the Lead Permittee to accept or assume any powers of enforcement of the NPDES Second Term Permit as to the other party. 9.02. Violations. Neither party to this Agreement shall be deemed to have assumed any liability for any negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of the other party, and in no event shall any of the provisions of this Agreement be construed as a waiver by either party of the liability limits established in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. - 9.03. Costs and Attornev's Fees. In the event of any litigation or administrative proceeding to settle issues arising hereunder, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover against the other party its costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, which shall include but not be limited to any fees and costs for any appeal that may be taken. • 9 • • SECTION TEN MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 10.01. Notices. All notices, requests, consents and other communications required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing (including telex, facsimile, telegraphic, or electronic mail (e-mail) communication) and shall be (as elected by the person giving such notice) hand delivered by prepaid express overnight courier or messenger service, telecommunicated, or mailed by registered or certified mail (postage prepaid), return receipt requested, to the following addresses: As to Lead Permittee: Caldwell & Pacetti, LLP 324 Royal Palm Way, Suite 300 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Attn: Betsy S. Burden, Esq. Phone: (561) 655-0620 Fax: (561)655-3775 As to the Co-Permittee: Village of North Palm Beach (name) 645 Prosperity Farms Road Street Address North Palm Ra~rh FI R3Cf1R City Zip Attn: Kristine Frazell, Phone: (561)691-3440 Fax (561)626-5869 Dir. of Public Services 10.02. Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire understanding and agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. 10.03. Construction. The prepazation of this Agreement is considered a joint effort of the parties and accordingly this Agreement shall not be construed more severely against one of the parties than the other. 10.04. Discrimination. The Lead Permitteeandthe Co-Permittee agree that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, sex, national origin, disability, religion, ancestry, marital status or sexual orientation be excluded from the benefits of or be subjected to any form of discrimination under any activity carried out by the performance of this Agreement. 10 10.05. Binding Effect. All of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, whether so • expressed or not, shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by the parties and their respective legal representatives, successors, and permitted assigns. 10.06. Assi nability. The responsibility for carrying out any task assumed by any party to this Agreement, but not the obligation to pay the amounts required to be paid as hereinabove set forth, may be assigned by any party to this Agreement upon receipt of written approval by the other party, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 10.07. Severabilitv. If any part of this Agreement is contrary to, prohibited by or deemed invalid under applicable law or regulation, such provision shall be inapplicable and deemed omitted to the extent so contrary, prohibited or invalid, but the remainder hereof shall not be invalidated thereby and shall be given full force and effect so faz as possible, unless the prohibited or invalid provision reduces the payment obligations of the Co-Permittee, in which event this Agreement may be thereupon terminated by the Lead Permittee. 10.08. Govemin¢ Law and Venue. This Agreement and all transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and enforced in accordance with, the internal laws of the State of Florida without regazd to any contrary conflicts of laws principle. Venue of all proceedings in connection herewith shall be exclusively in Palm Beach County, Florida, and each party hereby waives whatever their respective rights may have been in the selection of venue. 10.09. Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence with respect to this Agreement. 10.10. Headines. The headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only, and shall not limit or otherwise affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. 10.11. Remedies. The failure of any party to insist on a strict performance of any of the terms and conditions hereof shall be deemed a waiver of the rights or remedies that the party may have regarding that specific instance only, and shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default in any terms and conditions. 10.12. NPDES Second Term Permit. If there is any inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and the NPDES Second Term Permit, then the NPDES Second Term Permit shall preempt, supersede, and control over the provisions of this Agreement. 10.13. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 10.14. Clerk of Court. A copy of this Agreement shall be filed with the Clerk of the Court • in and for Palm Beach County, Florida. 11 10.15. Effective Date. This Agreement shall be effective as of the last date that it is signed by all parties hereto. • 10.16. TerminationofPriorAereements. All previousinterlocalaereementsorantendments thereto entered into between the parties to this Agreement regarding the application or execution of the NPDES Permit shall terminate as of the Effective Date of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hand and seals the day and year hereinafter written. EXECUTED by Lead Permittee this ATTEST: By: Secretat (SEAL) ~~ day of~ .2003. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, NORTHERi~; PALM BEACH COUNTY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT r~ Pamela M. Rauch. President EXECUTED by Co-Permittee this 10th A.°YROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL STiFIiCIENCY By: U--.41dBSB W ORTF~RN~eymssbymr. SccondTCrm.wpd • 12 riav nF APRiL inn; • ATTACHMENT"A" TO NPDES INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT REGARDING SECOND TERM PERMIT LEAD PERMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES The responsibilities of the Lead Permittee as to the implementation and execution of the NPDES Second Term Permit is generally as follows: (i) The timely prepazation, coordination, and submittal to FDEP of the system-wide annual report. (ii) The prepazation, coordination, and execution of interlocal agreements necessary to carry out the joint responsibilities of all permittees. (iii) The timely prepazation, coordination and execution of any monitoring required by Part V.B. of the NPDES Second Term Permit. (iv) The timely prepazation, coordination, and submittal to FDEP of major watershed pollutant load estimates as required by Part V.A. of the NPDES Second Term Permit. (v) The preparation, coordination, and distribution of standardized forms as approved by the NPDES Steering Committee as necessary to carry out the terms of the NPDES Second Term Permit. (vi) Coordination and assistance in carrying out the terms of the NPDES Second Term Permit. (vii) Conducting NPDES Steering Committee Workshops and meetings. (viii) The timely remittance of all necessary and reasonable permit fees, subject to the timely and adequate collection of same by all other responsible Co-Permittees. u • AT_TACFMENT "B" RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUI'ERVI$OkS OF i~tURTHEPuY PP.LiY! BEACH COU,I'T`l PirL°ROVEI~LE!`t-I' DISTFICT - APPROVING THF. IYPDES STEERLYG COtl21`iIITTEE ADt`rIIIYISTRATIVE GUIDELri`iES FOR COLLECTION, itiL1NAGEiYlENT Ai^rD DISBTJRSEi4,~~'iVZ' OF.NPDES TYTERLOCAL AGREE1vLENT FWi DS . ti4?iEREAS, NO!'iT:~P.I~i PAL14i BEP:CH ('OLIP("T.-Y~:IIi •1FR04~14IENf- DISTRICT -- f"?lor~.hem") is an independent s'pecia! diss•;ct duly orga[lizeci znd validly existrn; +mder the Consandon and the Laws of the Mate of Ftc[iaa, includi g app!icaoie p*o'~sions of C'nap'er 29$, - Florida Statutes, and Chapter 59-994, Lavrs of Florir.~,'as amend=d and(ar supptemenred; ar_d WIiEt~c_AS, the United States Eavironment•E ?retectnr_ Agency. has recently-issued its :•iatiora! PeIlurant Dischaz2e Elimination System Permit i`(o. FLS00~013 (the "NPDES Fermit'~ which u appiica5le.to a number ~f governmental eat?des lacated in Pa3 Beach County, includiig Nor<hern;~d `;v'r1R=AS, ~'~~ Co-F:rmirees war na~ke un [ye governcaentzl bodies sub;yt to tfe l~CPDES Permit'~ave nr:minaGed 2nd appointed t~±or•:he;ti ~ the'`Lead ; e:.-littee" for the ou roses of assi:;dn~ ail Ca-Permittees ir! thecoLection of generzl~ data req'_i-ed to be collected pw-s'.lant to the NFDES Petrel= and submissica of reports to the ?clorida Denartrnent of Environmental trotection and the United Stites Environmental Protection Ageac/; anus: W,~REAS, as the Lead Fe[tnittee, idoru`:ern is enter~.ng in[o separate Interloc2l or Joint _. anticipation Agreements with each of the Co-Pe:-nicees which Areements set forth the parties reseectve duties and obligations regardi;:,g fulfillment of the te*trs and coaditiens of she NPDES Pettnit; and . rr/:-CREAS; a five member iv'?DE5 SEeeriag Commi~ze his been sele~~ed by the: Co- F.°.:,tittees, w~ch Steering Commi^.e~ is co~prsed of two (2) represer_tativas of !az~e m•.tnicipali[ies, two (2) representatives ofsmaller municipalities, one (l}representative of special districts and one (1) representative for Palm Reach Counrf; and • WI~EREr~S; on September 17, 1997 the NPDE5 Steering Committee, in order to provide a level of acccuarability and 6sca! cen=t! far she he:.efit cf a!i `IDES Co-Pet;nittees as it relates to the In[etlocai and/or Joint Pardciparon A~eetnenu being ent_red. into oecvreen No*.thetn and each Co-Permittee, adopied AdminisIIative Guidelines for ;he collection, man~ement and dubursemenE of NPDES Interlocal Aa Bement Funds, a true and co~ect copy of which is attached hereto and identified as Exhibit "A" (the "NPDES Steering Committee Administrative Guidelines'; and \' • W'riEREAS, Northern has been requested to adopt and. comply with the aforementioned Iti'PDES Steeruig Cornnittee AdminisQative:Guidelines for purposes of administering the funds to be paid to it pursuant to each h'PDES Interlocal or Joint Participation A,eemert. NOW, T?fEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District as follows: . l . Northern Palm Beach Coiuxry Lmprovemeat Dis*rict.does hereby adopt and a~ee to comply urith 4`te terms and conditions of the NPDrS Steering Committee Admiri~ ative Guidelines. 2. T'nat Northern Palm Ee~sch County improvement District dces Hereby incorporate by reference t.':e NFDES Steering Commir•.ee Adn,inistmtive Gudeli~es into ea:,h NPDES Interlocai _ .,. - aad/crJoint Participation Agreement tit it esters:mtc with a,Co-Permittee: 3. A'". resalu:;ons cr parts cf resolnuors lit cot:fl.et herewith are hereby repealed- 4. This resolution shall Yak:: e*fect immediately upon iES adoption- TFIIS P..ESOLU I'JiJ tASSED P`FD `NAS ADOP i ED TIC "L4th D?:Y OF SEPTF.~VIDER, 1997. (DISTRCT SEAL; - riOT~TI?.EFLN PALM Ar.ACH COL~•d'^i I~I"rIZO`,/E~i'I:' DISTP.IC"C /~q , ~~ ,/6~. =`~ ' ' ~~ William L. Kerslake, President Peter L. Pimentel, Secretary. • u:~NOar~RrnnESOUrrrreoes.wao 2 n U NYllIGS STDERI~iG COiv,'1•IIT.Trk: ATiI~IINISTRATIVE GLRDEI:Ii`+"rS FOP. C4LL-ECTION, i`L~NAGEtVIENT Atti'D DISEUFcSEivIE`~ i OF vPDES INTERLOCAL AGREEb~NT FUtYD:i TLe NPDES Steenn; Comsittee, (which is comprised: of two (Zj representatives of large municipalities, twa (Z~ ceoresentatives of stnallermunicipalities, one (l) representative cfspecial - disti.c~ and -one (1) representative for Palm Beach County), has adopted the following adaninis~ative gu.ideiines in order to provide a level of accountability and fiscal control for the - . benefit of the tine DES Co-Pet-mittees. - The adrnir_s~iive'gude!ines adopted by ~e Steering Coretniree are 3r foklews~. - 1. ~.t•°_T.2(i"ie ~ePnES IflCetlCC?._A~_.eeriieyj. a`/T7'te t heduie<..L*-. add'tlJn tO. the t':v 7. . r 2) payment options set fort:? in Para?_raph's 7.01 and 7.02 cf dte I~PDES leter!ocal Agreement, a Co-: ermittee shall also be entitled to elect to pay the annual Fiscal `!ear payments on an equal quarerly installment basis. if ibis additional payra.ent nptior. is selected by a Co-Permittee, the quatterlyy payments far 4`e First Fiscal `fear are required to be paid on or before October 1, 19°7, Jasiary 1, 1978, April 1. [998 and July 1, 1998, w~,kt all fistttre Fiscal Year quarterly payments.tc be pad in acco-dance witi~ thz same qu2rterly payment scaedule_ Cv~il,~ID ~V!il 62 !SS::In~ one (1) L1V0 ~. CO each Co-P~~i=C:_° ioC [tS aILiIUt?i I'l~Ca.l. ' ~ : ea: payiuent a.T.o'a:lC; foli()W1rlg '~'/h1C 17 t`~ CO-PerII'1:ICe shah then have t.~'~'C/.(.5O) daYS fCOm Ctle date of rzceip*. of ~7e ul'/Dice t~7tn:r. which [o select one bt Ine rllee ( j payme<.t cpi:On_° zad LO m?~:° iL L._ttai paysent iII 3000rdanCe '.`/lt~l the cgtion so s~!ected. . 2. come and Disbursement ~.ccount~s D~curnentatian. (A) A quarterly income and disbursement report sha11 be prepared by NPBCID. The report shall be delivered to the Steering Comnuttee within forty-five (4~) days following the end ._ of each Fiscal Year -quarter and thereafter dist*ibuted by the Steeri, ; Comrnittee to the" representative(sj cf eacc Co-P_t~rdaAa ar identiEed ir. the i`IPDES Interioc3i A~•eements.. iB) -The quarterly incarne and disbtusemeat report snail be prepared by NPBCID in auordance with the fomat set forth in a~:ached E:c~ibit "A". • $ud~et Accountin? Documentation. (?.) A quarterly hadset ac~oure.^.g repot ~hsll be eret:ared by NPBCID she report shall be delivered to the Steering Cottuniaee within forty-live (4~) Clayi Co110w1Ilo t.4e end cf • eaeh Fiscal Year gunner and iherea'.?er distributed by the Steering %ommi?ee to the regresentative(sj : . of each Co-Perrrtittee as idertifed in the h^rDES interloca:i Ag;e°meats. (T31 i ne budget accounting repoR shall be prepared by l~iP$CiD in accordance with the format set for ~h in attached Exhibit "B". ' 4, Reserve Fund Contingencv Ex erp ~dituL Prior to nay expenditure b;~ NPBCID cf funds contained in the Reserve Fund Coatingeizcy account identified in the Vi DES Irter!ocal Agreement, I~^t $CL shall be required to submit i+s requea't to the Steering ConLmittu members and receive approval from asuper-majodry of at least 7540 0` the Steering Cotrvnittee. members. 5. t I^~xpected ,~dditiona! Cats and Ext;ense . Prior tc NPBCID inC'urriug an oblibation that vr111 require a Co-Pe~,ittee to pay. unexpected additional costs and expenses. exceeding the amount held in the Reserve Fund Contingency, tdP$CID shall be required io submit to uhe Steering Committee the nature of the event and the amo~n;t of the ;tnexpected additiooal cost_ and expense. ??pcr~ receip*. of such. netuicatign; the Steering~Corv-nittee shall ;resent the marten to ire Co-F'enrtittees at the neat regularly scheduled Steering ComLittee N`P?,ES .c:eet~ng (unless it is an emergency rzner u: ,.vhich evert a special meeting will be promptly scheduled and notice given to all Co-Permittees) fen considera_tioa and vote by these representatives of rile Cc-Persittees gresert at tre meeting. An afsirmative vote by a simple majority ~i.e., over telly percent) ofthose representatives of roe Co-Permittees present at the meeting (with orJ.y oee (1) representative of each Co••Permittee being erttted to vote on the matter at issue) will be required before N~$CID, is aullor;.zed to incur the subjec*. unexpected additiona! cost and ~ ~:penses. 6, ~1~GESInterlgeai£~arPe~ne~LtB~~dg?:~do ti , F~e~- Ailfut~.rei•IFDc:SInterloczl Agr_ement ^ is:,a! Yer'eudgeis shall be adopted in. accordance W'ItFi Ltd iULO W'LRg UNCedL•rC: (,y) Qn or before itilarcn 1st e`. each Fiscal Yea.:; NP$CID shall orepaze and.. present to the Steering Ccrnmittee a preposed:oudget for the nex? Fiscal Year. ' " (E3)' ~ :Ihe Steering Committee shall consider the rropcsed r_ext F isgal Year budget at a regulaz Steering Committee meeting and open the matter to discussion by those Co-Permittee regresentatives present and attending the muting. (C; ' Adoption of the next Fiscal Year's budget shall require the approval of a super-majority of at least i ~'/o of the Steer_ng Committee .^•:embea. (D) As a part of the Steering Cornraittee's ccrsideration of the next Fisczi `i ear's budget and calculation of each Co-Permittee's-aliocabie shaze and resporsibiliry~ for the funding of the budget; the Steering Committee may consider the application of any existing su~hrs fiLnds as a credit towards zach Co-Perrpittee's allocable funding shaze. "Surplus fs*',ds" for +he purpose of ,~ • this administrative guideline may include ~u!expended_ and virencumbered present.Fiscal'~eaz funds or Reserve Fund Contingency amounts, pbu accnied.interest thereon, if any. (E) The Steering Comn^.ittee sliall also be responsibie for approving, by a simple majority of those Steering Committee members in attendance (provided there is a quorum) a; a Steering Committee meeting, tine item budget transfers.- ; APPROVED P.ND ADOPTED .°rIiS 17TH AAY OF S?;PTEMBER, 1997. u:woxr~r~onrrsrmeFSS~exnao.ror • ,. .~ EXFllls!'I' "A" NPDCS QUA1Yt1'sP.LY INCUiv1T;:1ND D3513L'R5isM1;NT Itl';PORT FIRST YCAR PilOGi2AN3 rOR I'[;I:IOD MAY Z, 7797 -AUGUST 1, 1997 i (5AA1P~Ls; REVENUE kECEIVEI~ FO[; QUAI;T[:t< MA'C 2, 1997 - AUCIIST 1, 1997 $ AGREEMENT FEE5 , ~ INTEitEST eARPJ[N~,S 'l~;~T~1 Cfl~l3A_L~i'?_?MY~,IT:~:1'~Y 1~QT_s?~FC?i3~i~~'I2L1:11~?~ ~-~_ E)CPcNDttURES PAID DURING (jUAt<I'rR Iv1AY'l, !y97 - AUC~(1ST I, 1997 E*IGlt~i?.ER[~ J^v ~ LEG /'•. L ~ MISC. E;:PENSES - TOTAL LX?EdJD i'1=U13.~~ ~ ~ . ~ ------ ~ - _, Y'U ' BALAI~Lk~J~-~L\1.~~!_liIJ..9i RESERVE': TOR CONTINGINC[E:; -s3NRI.tS ~ Ii ~ n~~ np 97134.017057jrokm.ili . ~~ ' pug. ~ ~_ ' ~ • y/l I/< LX.F(IUl'].,,11., N1'liT~5 Q.UnItCGR:.1' 13U:JGl~r -iV5 - ACTUr\L.11Li'Oll'I' ; r(;i5'C YT,1,ft 1r1tOG1[nlvt POfi Pl.'sRIGD rrtAY 7, 19"7 - nl)GUS'l' 1, 1997 (Sf+1r4Pfls ) ------ - -c- ----~-------1---------- - 1'I.IiC~'.hl f' I ~---.--- ! J srt rrr• ~ •- ,U~. ilUDtiST ~ ACl'tiAI.OILI,(NG5'rFiR.0Uli11 8l 1197 CNCUMIIriRh } DCS~Rr, rlON .-.- _ _ _L___--- !s4.li _CbM _ C k I' NPncllS _ ~ro~~nt, _ ~Slci:ring Cumnrilicc Viorkslrol%s _ SSd,79U.C0 -_-_ __ ~ ~ ---_-- ~Sul;Con+niittceWcrkbhv(rs S9,Id5.00 -~_---~---_~ __----_------~---J `---- l '- l 7 _ _ _ _ -- ------~- -"+ Ci'A CoelJinauvn _ $-.9 S.UO _~ f --- . ----- Prrniillcc Cou_rJinnlion F't2,250.00 _ 4 Ir.le.rloeal f\Erecrnr.nls S1i,AU0.f%0 u _t_--~-~- ----- - - - y;g5.100.tH1 '~ _ Monitorm T'tn_rnnr n53,b50.G~ _ _~_.. _~ ._.-- -_---- __..-.~ - _---~L~-----._. -~.--..~_ ....-~~--.----. _-_.-___- r~nrurn! tic Inrl 51,}90_U0 ---_--- -----~ -- -- -- --- ---~------~ ---- -- ----- - 6 A 3, 100.00 -- _.. _ - ---------- ----. -----r ----L---. _ -- - • M'i2 =Mock. Reas 8:. Associates, inc. CCM = Ca!np, Dresscr & McKcc C & I' - Cr.lchvcll & Pacclli NI'DCID ~ No'thcrn Palos JJcncll County irnlrrorcrncn: IJis!ricl Jocs net s:,Cicct encumbered dnllars ~ rr~e I gn 1797 hplrenpd r97 LO nUlCl r103 bnwlm.~lr~ - ;• •