IS Policies and ProceduresInformation Systems Policies and Procedures User Account Policies and Procedures: Purpose: To establish guidelines for the end user and the Information Systems staff to handle user accounts. New user request: When a new employee is hired, he or she must fill out a new user request form. This form will consist of all users' information, such as, first name, last name, department, and supervisor's name. The new user will then be able to request access to email, Internet, shared network drives, and network printers. Disabling user accounts: When an employee of the Village of North Palm Beach retires, resigns or is terminated his or her account will be disabled (not deleted) by the Information Systems department. The reasoning behind disabling and not deleting the users account is to retain and secure any mission critical data the users account contained. It is the user's immediate supervisor's responsibility to notify the Information Systems group that a user has left the organization. This task can be completed by filling out a disabled user account form. Retention of disabled user accounts: After a user's account is disabled it will be kept and stored for one year. The purpose behind this is to determine whether the data associated with the disabled user is needed. If this is determined the Information Systems group will store the needed information or grant access to another user. After one year of storage, the Information Systems group will delete the users account to free up valuable system resources. Use of Internet Policy and Procedures: Purpose: To establish guidelines for the appropriate use of Internet provided by the Village of North Palm Beach. Internet Usage All employees use of the Internet must be for Village of North Palm Beach business only. Any personal or recreational use of the Internet is prohibited, even after normal business hours. Anyone found to be using the Internet for anything other than Village business will lose their Internet access and their supervisor will be contacted. Any download of data, files, graphics, software, freeware, shareware, etc., made from the Internet must be approved through the IT Department first. All users will submit a request form to the IT Department for review and if the download is approved the IT Department will sign off and give a copy to the user. Employees must conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times while using the Internet. The user is ultimately responsible for his/her own actions on the Internet. City employees must not: a) Use the Internet for personal gain. b) Commit any crime using the Internet c) Make any threats against another person, company or government entity d) Hack or attempt to hack into another system. e) Download or upload material containing the following: Sexual content Derogatory racial content Political statements Offensive language Material which would negatively reflect on the Village of North Palm Beach Material prohibited by law Improper humor that is derogatory or insulting to religious, ethnic, or racial groups or disparages persons based on age, sex, sexual preference, or physical or mental handicaps. Commit any violation of the copyright laws of the United States or infringe on copyrights, trademarks or patents held by an individual, corporation or government entity. Promote the endorsement of any commercial product. Participate in the use of CHAT lines/rooms. Participate in any action which causes embarrassment to and/or discredits the Village of North Palm Beach. Employees will be given an Internet E-Mail address. Casual business correspondence is encouraged over the Internet. Messages must be related to the employees' professional responsibilities and positively reflect on the Village of North Palm Beach. Be discrete about the information you send over the Internet about yourself or you may be subject to unwanted material being sent to you. Keep in mind that the Internet is an unsecured network. All information sent over the Internet MUST be public information as defined by the Public Records Act, Section 119, Florida Statutes. Procedures for accessing E-Mail, both internal and external can be obtained from the Data Processing Division, Department of Finance. Employees accessing the Internet through the Village of North Palm Beach' network must not make any purchases using the Internet or process any chargeable downloads. Employees should be aware that shareware can only be used for a limited period before charges will be incurred. The Village of North Palm Beach will not be responsible for any bills improperly generated by employees' activity on the Internet. The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right and may be revoked at any time for abusive conduct. If information is developed indicating that employee(s) has (have) violated a federal, state, or local law, it will result in the information being furnished to the Department of Public Safety for further investigation and possible criminal prosecution. Use of Electronic Mail (email) Policy and Procedures: Purpose: To establish guidelines for the appropriate use of electronic mail both internal and external. Email Usage: Permissible Uses of Village Email Services The following are examples of appropriate use of Village electronic mail services. a. The conducting of official Village business, except in instances where use of email has been specifically discouraged. b. Electronic dissemination of information, including the distribution of bulletins, memoranda, newsletters, and reports. c. Electronic publications. Prohibited Uses of Village Email Services: The following uses of Village electronic mail services are specifically prohibited. Village electronic mail services may not be used for: Violations of federal, state, and local laws. Commercial purposes not under the auspices of the Village. Personal financial gain (except as permitted under applicable policies). Constructing electronic communication so it appears to be from someone else. Obtaining access to the files or communications of others, unless expressly authorized to do so. Electronic mail may not be used to represent, give opinions, or otherwise make statements on behalf of the Village or any unit of the Village unless the sender is authorized to do so by the Village. Email may not be used to interfere with the normal conduct of Village business or the operation of Village information technology services. Email may not be used to transmit unsolicited material such as repetitive mass mailings, advertising, or chain messages. Attempting unauthorized access to any portion of the email service or attempting to intercept any electronic communication transmission without proper authorization is prohibited. Email should not be used in lieu of contracts or for formal agreements because of the ease of forgery or misrepresentation. Personal Use: The Village email system exists primarily to accomplish the work of the Village; therefore, using it for personal communication should be done in a prudent and responsible manner. Furthermore, such use should not (1) directly or indirectly interfere with the Village's operation of computing facilities or electronic mail services; (2) burden the Village with noticeable incremental costs; or (3) interfere with the email user's employment or other obligations to the Village. However, because of the difficulty of determining whether an email message pertains to Village business or is a personal record, email users should be aware that an email message is a public record if it resides on Village information technology facilities. Encryption: This policy does not forbid the use of encryption by individuals; however, these individuals should recognize that the encrypted information, if determined to be a public record under the Florida Public Records Law, must be provided in accordance with the Florida sunshine law. Furthermore, under the Florida Public Records Law, if the information is in encrypted format, the requester must be provided with the software and key to read such data. Email Etiquette: The use of email works best when everyone is considerate of others on the network. Therefore, email etiquette and appropriate techniques are described in Appendix B. Interception and Retrieving of Messages: Users are not authorized to intercept or retrieve any email that is not sent to them unless expressly authorized to do so. An exception is the Network Administrator who may need to see the mail when rerouting or disposing of undeliverable mail. Users of electronic mail should be aware of the following cautions: Electronic mail may have been modified before forwarding. Although electronic mail is often used in place of a phone call or voice mail message, it is closer in nature to a letter, lacking both the visual and auditory content that comprises face-to-face communication. Thus, great care should be taken in crafting the "tone" of an email message, and in providing the recipient with the information needed to appropriately interpret the emotional nature of the contents. Village-provided electronic mail addresses and other Internet designations remain the property of the Village. Such information constitutes directory information for employees of the Village and may be disclosed or listed as directory information by the Village. PRIVACY, REQUIRED ACCESS AND MONITORING PRIVACY: Employees should have no expectation of privacy in email. The Attorney General has determined that email is a public record, Section AGO 96-34. Therefore, the privacy of email cannot be assured; it may be compromised by applicability of policy (including this policy) or law, by unintended redistribution, or inadequacy of current technologies to protect against unauthorized access. Extreme caution should be exercised when using email to communicate confidential or sensitive items. Therefore, a good rule of thumb regarding email messages is "not to put anything in an email message that you wouldn't want posted on a bulletin board." Users should keep in mind that email messages can be easily printed, forwarded to others, or could even be delivered to the wrong address. Additionally, users of electronic mail services should be aware that although the sender and recipient have deleted their copies of an email record, backup copies may exist on the server or elsewhere. Occasionally, network and computer personnel may, during the performance of their duties, inadvertently see the contents of an email message. They are not permitted to do so intentionally or disclose or otherwise use what they have seen. One exception is system's personnel (i.e., a "postmaster") who may need to see the mail when rerouting or disposing of undeliverable mail. Chapters 119 of the Florida Statutes exempt certain categories of documents from disclosure under the public records law, including but not limited to certain employee records or potential trade secrets or patentable material relative to ongoing research at the Village. Before any email is released pursuant to a public records request, any exempt information will be deleted from the email. ACCESS: To further its mission, the Village supports the sharing of information and the exchange of ideas. The Village supports free speech, and privacy of information. As such, the Village discourages the retrieval, inspection, monitoring, or disclosure of electronic mail messages without the prior consent of the user in possession of such messages except when: 1) required by and consistent with law, 2) there is a substantial reason to believe that violations of Village policy or law have occurred, or 3) in exceptional cases, when required to meet time-dependent, critical operational needs determined by the Network Administrator. Consent When appropriate, consent from the email holder should be sought by the Village before any inspection, monitoring, or disclosure of Village email records in the holder's possession. Employees and students are, however, expected to comply with Village requests for copies of email records in their possession that pertain to the Village's official business, or whose disclosure is required to comply with applicable laws, regardless of whether such records reside on a computer housed or owned by the Village. Failure to comply can lead to disciplinary actions up to and including dismissal, the loss of information systems usage privileges, and/or legal action. Access Without Consent When access is obtained without the holder's consent, the following will apply: Except in emergency situations, such actions must be authorized in advance and in writing by the authority specified by the law or policy under which the action is taken. If the authority is not specified, authorization must be sought from the Village Manager; this authority may not be further delegated downward. Village counsel's advice should normally be sought prior to authorization because of changing interpretations by the courts of laws affecting the privacy of electronic mail. Authorization shall be limited to the least perusal of contents and the least action necessary to resolve the situation. In emergency situations (e.g., when the community or its members are endangered or when access to email records must be secured to ensure the preservation of evidence), the least perusal of the contents and the least action necessary to resolve the emergency may be taken immediately without authorization. However, the appropriate authorization must be sought without delay following the procedures of Section III above. If the action taken is not subsequently authorized, the responsible authority shall seek to have the situation restored as closely as possible to that which existed before action was taken. In either case, the responsible authorities or their designee should, at the earliest possible opportunity consistent with law and other Village policy, notify the affected individual of the action(s) taken and the reasons for the action taken. Actions taken in paragraphs one (1) and two (2) above shall be in full compliance with law or other applicable Village policy. This has particular significance for email residing on computers not owned or housed by the Village, and advice of village legal counsel must be sought prior to any action taken under such circumstances. MONITORING: The Village will not monitor electronic messages. However, the Village, in the course of an investigation triggered by indications of misconduct, may examine email to insure that the laws and rules of the state and federal government are complied with. The Village will respond to legal process and fulfill its obligations to third parties. RETENTION, DISPOSITION AND PUBLIC ACCESS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION: Retention schedules are based on a record's informational content, not its format. Before deletion of an email message, the user must determine if the email is considered a "public record" (see Appendix A for definition). If the email is not a public record, it may be disposed of without consideration for retention and disposition requirements. Users with questions regarding public records issues and record retention requirements should seek answers to these questions prior to deleting email messages. Email is often used as a modern substitute for telephonic and printed communications, as well as a substitute for direct oral communications. The Florida Department of State has defined such messages as "transitory records" (see Appendix A). While these messages constitute public records, they are not required to be retained after the communication value is lost. They may be deleted at will, once the user determines that the communication value is obsolete, superseded, or administrative value is lost. All other email which constitutes a "public record" (see Appendix A for definition) must be retained for the required period of time according to Village records retention schedules. While methods for reviewing, storing or deleting email vary, compliance with the retention requirements of the public records law can be achieved by doing one of the following: Electronically store the public record email according to the conventions of your email system and retain it electronically pursuant to the Village retention schedules. The technical details and methods of storing, retrieving and printing your email depends on the email system you use. Consult with your Network Administrator. Print the email and store the hard copy in the relevant subject matter file, as you would any other hard-copy communication. PUBLIC ACCESS: Access to public records, regardless of form, is required by law. The only exclusions are those public records specifically exempted by Florida statute (i.e., "limited access public records", see Appendix A for definition). VIOLATIONS: Violations of any of the above guidelines are certainly unethical and may be violations of Village policy or criminal offenses. Violations of this policy will be dealt with in the same manner as violations of other Village policies, laws, or contracts, and may result in disciplinary review/action. In such cases, the full range of disciplinary sanctions is available, including the loss of information systems usage privileges, dismissal from the Village, and legal action. While it is impractical to delineate all violations in the use of the Village email services, it is possible to identify some examples. Minor violations: e.g., first offense for personal campaigning, solicitation, sending chain letters (congesting the email system), directly or indirectly interfering with the Village's operation of computing facilities or electronic mail services Major violations: e.g., violations of federal, state, or local laws, attempted security breaches, intercepting another's email, constructing electronic communication so it appears to be from someone else, and commercial use. Reporting Incidents: For employees, such suspected violations shall be reported to the appropriate supervisor. For serious violations and/or suspected breaking of the laws, these items should be reported by the supervisor immediately to the Network Administrator. Sanctions: Sanctions will be in compliance with the established disciplinary policies and procedures employed by the Village. Grievances emanating from application of these policies and procedures will be processed using established policies and procedures. In the event of an investigation, files may be locked or copied to prevent destruction or loss of information. Password Policy and Procedures: Purpose: To establish guidelines for user's password on the Village network User's responsibility: It is the user's responsibility to retain all password information and protect it from unauthorized use. End users are not allowed to distribute their password information to other users. If a security breach is found, the end user's account will be disabled and the supervisor will be contacted. If a user is suspicious of a password security breach, they are to contact the Information Systems group immediately to change user's password information. Administrative password changes: For security purposes every user will be forced to change their login password every 90 days. Every 90 days the user will be advised by the system that their password has expired and needs to be renewed. Users also have the opportunity to change their password at any time. If the user chooses not to change their password, they will be allowed one grace login attempt, after that, the account will be expired from the network and will need to be reactivated by the Information Systems group. Reuse of old passwords: When changing your password you must use a unique password. The system is setup to remember old passwords up to 320 days. Unique passwords are a requirement to avoid any security risks. Passwords are also required to be 7 characters or more in length. Any characters can be used to meet the requirements. Longer passwords make the account less vulnerable to be misused. Network and Personal Computer Policies and Procedures: Purpose: To establish guidelines for the appropriate use of the computer and network equipment owned and operated by the Village of a North Palm Beach. Ownership of equipment: The network and computer equipment is sole property of the Village of North Palm Beach and is intended to be used to conduct Village business only. Appropriate Usage of equipment The computers and all related hardware are provided to the end user to perform duties related to their job function. For example: to relay through email important information regarding a Village meeting or other related Village information. Inappropriate Usage: To use the computers and network for any use other than Village business, installation of unapproved software, this includes but not limited to, software obtained through the Internet or from other outside sources. For example: Screen Savers, Games, calendars, calculators, etc. Installing any unauthorized software can lead to many issues and conflicts with the installed software and hardware, Also the downloading or electronic distribution, displaying, or printing of any material that may be deemed offensive to other employees. Reporting of IT related issues Policy and Procedures: Purpose: To establish guidelines for the reporting of all IT related issues by the Village of North Palm Beach employees. Policy: All IT related incidents must be submitted via electronic form to the Information Systems group using the incident request form provided by the IT department. Procedures for reporting Incidents to the Information Systems Group: Obtain and completely fill out electronic incident request form, (found on the village informant) have supervisor sign, and deliver to Information Systems group. All Incidents will be answered within 24 hours of the time incident was received. Emergency Reporting Procedures: When immediate assistance is needed, complete electronic incident form (found on the village informant) and mark it as a High priority and deliver it to the Information Systems group and they will call you immediately. After Hours Emergency reporting: When immediate assistance is needed during non business hours call the Information Systems Coordinator, and they will respond shortly. If after 15 minutes your call is not answered, please phone the Information Systems Manager immediately. Emergency Examples: Unable to connect to the network and are unable to perform essential job duties, your computer has been infected by a virus or worm while surfing the Internet or checking electronic mail, your computer crashes (freezes, hangs, screen goes black) while working on an important document or application, unable to send and receive emails, phone system in dispatch area is down, radio issues in Public Safety that pose a potential safety issue. Non-Emergency Examples: Changing of toner or ink cartridges in printers or copiers, unable to surf the Internet or pull up web pages not pertaining to job function, Installation of new software. Networking Backup Policy and Procedures: Purpose: To establish guidelines for the backing up and security of applications, user data, emails and other critical data utilized by the Village of North Palm Beach. End users responsibility: Each user on the Village of North Bay Village network is responsible for saving all their documents and critical data to their shared network drive. Every user will have access to a network drive. All data that is housed in these directories will be backed up and stored on a daily basis. All backups will be conducted after normal business hours to avoid any end user bandwidth issues. Any data that is stored directly to the user's hard drive will not be backed up and could possible lose all data if system were to crash. Backup Schedule: The backups will be scheduled by the Information Systems Manager and this schedule will be placed in the server room and also kept in a remote location. All servers will be backed up on a nightly basis. A full backup of all servers will be conducted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at approximately 1100pm. An incremental backup will be run every Tuesday and Thursday. An incremental backup will backup any data changed or updated since the last full backup. The backup tapes will be on a bi-weekly rotation and stored offsite. Quarterly backups will be conducted every four months and stored in a remote location. The quarterly backups will be full backups. This system is designed to maximize the prevention of data loss in case of any system failure. Backup Tape storage: The normal backups will run on a bi weekly schedule. The tapes are on a 2 week rotating schedule. The tapes not being utilized that week will be stored offsite to the next rotation. The tapes will be overwritten every 2 weeks. In the event of a system failure the backup operator will have to pickup the tapes from the offsite location. Backup tapes are stored offsite to prevent data loss in case of fire, flood, etc. Backup Operator Responsibilities: The backup operator is assigned by the Information Systems group. The administrator will be tasked with checked daily logs on the backup server to clarify the backups were correct and complete. A database log will be kept and maintained by the backup administrator to keep sufficient records of backup activity. The Backup operator will also insure that the backup tapes test ok, and the hardware is running sufficiently. Emergency Operation Procedures: In the event of a natural emergency, the Information Systems group will conduct a full backup of all servers and store in a disaster safe location. This location will be designated by the Village Manager.