Ordinance 1977-015 Changing Form of Adoption of Budget from Resolution to OrdinanceORDINANCE N0. 15-77 AN ORDINANCF. OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLF. VII, SECTION 7, OF THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 31481, LAWS OF FLORIDA, EXTRAORDINARY SESSION 1956, AS AMENDED, BY C}IANGING TI[F. POWER ANI) AUTHORI?'Y OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL TO ADOPT A BUDGET }'ROM KF.SOLUTION FORM TO ORDINANCE FORM. BF. IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BF,ACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 7 of Article VII of Chapter 31481, Laws of Florida, F.xtreordinary Session 1956, as amended, which said provision was continued by Article VI, Section 1, of the Charter of t}ie Village of North Palm Beach effective April 20, 1976, i_s hereby amended to read as follows, to-wit: "Section 7. The Village Manager shall prepare and submit to the members of the Council at least 45 days prior to the first regular meeting of the Council i.n September of each year, a budget for the operation of the Village government during the next fiscal year, including an estimate of the revenues and expenditures in such forms as to afford the Council a comprehensive understanding of the needs and requirements of the various divisions of the Village government for the ensuing year. Sufficient copies of this budget shall be prepared so that there shall be at least three copies on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 7'he Council is hereby authorized and empowered to prepare and adopt a budget for each fiscal year by Ordinance to be introduced at the first regular meeting of the Council in September of each year, which Ordinance shall fix and determine the amount of money to be raised by taxation in the Village for the following fiscal year and shall also make separate and several appropriations for the payment of all necessary operating expense of the Village and for the payment of interest and principal of any indebtedness of the Village, and to set forth an estimate of all income from all sources whatsoever which shall be received,by the Village, Before final passage of the budget ordinance, the Village Clerk shall cause the same as introduced to be posted at the Village Hall and in at least one other con- ' spicuous place in the Village. At those places the Village Clerk shall post a notice stating the time and place the budget will be acted on finally and shall also state in such notice that the estimate of the Village Manager upon which the budget is based is on file for inspection of the public at the office of the Village Clerk, The budget ordinance shall not be passed by the Council until after 12 days after such posting, but not later than September 30." ' Section 2. Ordinance No. 21-76 of the Village of North Palm I3each is hereby repealed, Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 11 DAY OF AUGUST, 1977. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 25 DAY OF AUGUST, 1977. /s/ Dr. V. A. Marks (Village Seal.) VICE MAYOR ATTF.S1': /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk ~I